Looking for friends who need to lose 75 to 100 pounds!



  • I'm in! For that matter, anybody who wants to add me, please do- I'm looking for MFP buddies to give and receive support. :smile:
  • denee05
    denee05 Posts: 15 Member
    I need to lose 100 to be at my ideal weight. I don't even understand how I could let myself go so bad to have to lose 100. I've tried using this site, but I end up getting so obsessed with the counting that I worry about everything I eat. I stay stressed counting, but if I don't, I gain weight. I wish there was a way to make it fun. I'm starting with the food first, and then I'm gonna add the exercise next week. I feel like if I just jump into a full diet and exercise program, I'll just become frustrated and quit again.

    My mom lost 100 pounds taking pills and doing nothing else. She didn't exercise at all. She walks around making fun of fat people and telling people that all you need to do is just exercise, when she cheated her way through. About 10 years ago, she lost 85 pounds through exercise and diet, but gained all of it back plus more before she started using pills. But she pretends like the pills don't exist and just tells me that working out is the key. There is nothing more discouraging that someone who took a shortcut to lose weight, telling you that you need to do this and that.

    I really want to do things right and I just get frustrated because I feel hungry a lot but I know that if I eat, I'll be single and lonely and the "fat girl" out of my friends forever. I'm already starting to develop bad habits like not eating the full1200. My mom brags about eating maybe 500, so then I feel like a pig if I'm technically eating double what she eats. I'm pretty sure at this point that my mom is anorexic, but on the other hand, she doesn't have to answer to anything being extremely skinny while I am constantly scrutinized for being big.

    I just...truly don't feel happy right now. I know that day by day I'm slowly losing weight, but I feel the frustration coming already. I have horrible social anxiety and my aunt wants me to go the gym with her. She doesn't understand that I just can't go around all of those people. It's truly not because I'm lazy. I can workout fine at home. I'm just scared to death of the stares and the laughing. I feel trapped in this body. All I want to do now is just sleep the hunger pains away. I really need friends. My mom is not helping at all, and my aunt is a fad diet queen, so I don't want to talk to her about anything.

    Sorry for the rant, but I'm trying anything right now to keep my mind off eating.
  • ladyjeanne57
    ladyjeanne57 Posts: 39 Member
    I need to lose about 140 lbs. but, am starting with a smaller, more managable goal of 100 lbs. LOL. There is no getting around that this is a tough road we walk... but, I am willing to give you a hand to help you when you stumble and am hoping for friends who will help me. Anyone out there who wants a friend, please feel free to friend me.
  • I am with ya :)
  • biddie1
    biddie1 Posts: 125 Member
    Iam gain! Lets rock and roll::
  • diva500
    diva500 Posts: 18 Member
    I need to lose 60Lbs, but I just started so I dont know how to add friends or whatever else I need to do to keep in touch...LOL
  • ADD me too, looking to lose 75lbs..
  • I'm in!!! Let's chat! :happy:
  • joyharvey04
    joyharvey04 Posts: 22 Member
    WOW! Look at all of these replys! Yup, I too need to loose about 100 pounds, but would be happy if I could loose 65ish pounds. I have been on here for about 3 weeks now and already I am starting to feel better (health wise), I can only imagine how great we will all feel once we meet our goal weight! Good Luck and feel free to add me as a friend...I only have 5 friends so far
  • cussie48
    cussie48 Posts: 7 Member
    hello,I am here if you need a friend on this journey I am with you. My goal weight loss may not be the same,but we have the same desire to lose weight. sign me up,
  • Loriabbrill
    Loriabbrill Posts: 6 Member
    wow we are in good company! i need to lose about 120
    EEEEEKKKKKK it is what it is! A whole other person-the other half of my split personality? just kidding! If I don't laugh at myself I will cry....I've lost 6 pounds in six days, the road is long but it gets walked one step at a time....Soooooo I'm in with you good people....let's DO IT!!!!!!! Lori
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    I would love to join the journey with you. Everyone in this thread can add me as a friend.
  • beckyannj
    beckyannj Posts: 12 Member
    Hi I have about 150 pounds to lose (but would be happy losing 100)....would be nice to have a buddy who understands the challenges I face, having this much to lose.
  • sweetiecake
    sweetiecake Posts: 25 Member
    would love to join.
  • giraffells
    giraffells Posts: 25 Member
    Count me in! I also have placed small goals so I am not overwhelmed.
  • setter928
    setter928 Posts: 35 Member
    I am joining in on this :) Feel free to add me! These pounds have to go!
  • Kywoman52
    Kywoman52 Posts: 2 Member

    I need to lose 100lbs. I will be your friend.
  • Hi there, I'm right there with you! I need to lose 84 pounds. Glad t have a new MFP friend. Let's do this! :wink:
  • Hey there...I am looking to lose lots of weight and get healthy...doc says to be at my ideal I need to lose between 70-80 lbs. I am definitely game...we can do this in numbers together...anyone can add me as a friend...working on updating profile now that I have logged in on my main computer not just my phone app
  • I'm in. For me, if I break it down to five pound increments, it works better than looking at the total pounds. I try to get the next 5 off. Soon I realize I've lost more than I thought.