Starting 30 Day Shred Tomorrow - Join Me?



  • subela
    subela Posts: 76
    I'm in! I bought this a few weeks ago and was planning on starting this after the holidays and it's that time. I will check in tomorrow! Good luck everyone...

  • I'm in! Please hold me accountable! :)

    Ive been SUCH a slacker! Im in and YELL at me if i skip!!!!!
  • Today was my first day doing 30ds, and wow, what a workout! I'm excited about finishing it and seeing the end result, because a workout like that will definitely do something! Feel free to add me, I will NOT give up.
  • OMGLeigh
    OMGLeigh Posts: 236
    It may hurt for a good 30 minutes after Day 1 but after resting I feel rather lively.
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    I completed day 7 of level 1. I'm going to begin level 2 tomorrow. If anyone would like to add me as a friend, it would be great to have the support of others doing the Shred.

    thanks and good luck to everyone!
  • Mellaout
    Mellaout Posts: 7 Member
    I am in!! I have been doing lots of cardio but I so need to tone up. I tried this once and OMG! did I feel it, but it so made me want to do this. I've been slacking for way to long and 2012 is not going to be another slacked of year. Add me everyone if you like, I am ready too.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I wish I could! But I lost my DVD. :(

    you can download it for free fromt h einternet (no virus attatched)
    sorry if some of you dont agree with this, im a poor student. and 10 bucks for 3 workouts just dont cut it for me.

    anyway im starting tonight

    Im also a poor student & use a free online version of the dvd, too! Lol
    Anyway, I'm starting the shred again tomorrow...Did it for like a week then got totally off track. I know I'll have some miss days in there because of soreness!
  • OMG I just bought this today so I can start tomorrow!!! I'll send you a friend request.
  • harleygirlT
    harleygirlT Posts: 223 Member
    I'm on D4L2! Joined a group that started on the 2nd....I love this, have already lost close to 10 inches!!!! You will all love the results! The pain is definately worth the results you will see if you stick with this. Good luck!
  • I have been doing this now for 7 days and I have lost a totoal of 12.2 pounds!!! Super excited. I have no support team or friends to join in, so I am looking for someone to share the experience with. My husband is okay support however he is not tracking his calorie intake like I am.
  • mangojh2
    mangojh2 Posts: 175 Member
    I think I'm changing my mind and I'm going to try and do this video everyday. Usually I get bored if I don't mix it up a little but all you guys have me so motivated to do THIS video.... I'm just imagining all of you hearing Jillian say "don't phone it in" and its so motivating.

    Is everyone doing it everyday? Last time I did it (only about half way through) I did it every other day and walked the other day.
  • ProjectTae
    ProjectTae Posts: 434 Member
    Today is day 6 for me but can I join? the other group I joined is on day 14 so I feel too far behind.
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    Today is day 4 for me, will wait for my husband to get home from work and we do it together and our 2yo son tries to copy us lol!
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    I'm staring a little late but I am IN! I have had my 30DS for months now and I havent used it yet. Starting this tonight before bed.
  • jalysia
    jalysia Posts: 43
    Well I did Day 1 tonight! It hurt, idk how I survived but I pushed all the way through it... I'm gonna be sore in the morning (heck Im already sore, EVERYTHING BURNS!!!) but it's a GREAT workout and soooo gotta be worth it!!! Im aiming to do this EVERYDAY for the next 30 days! Can't wait to hear how everyone does with this!!! GOOD LUCK :)
  • I just started today and I am totally in!!! It was hard but I feel great now.
  • I did day 2 today. :)

    Man, yesterday sure was tough. My thighs are still screaming. But I pushed through it today and I am hoping to continue to do it. Anyone that wants to add me, feel free. :) I need all the motivation I can get.

    I feel great today though. I didn't stop as many times to catch my breath. haha
  • TwilaG
    TwilaG Posts: 134
    [Blowing the dust off my DVD]

    I'm in! Please hold me accountable! :)

    I did half of this about 7 months ago. I really need to get back to it. I hope I get my dusted off tomorrow too.
  • kdenny1
    kdenny1 Posts: 134
    im in and will start first thing in the morning
  • Have had the DVD for about 3 weeks but haven't even opened it yet. Had been doing EA Sports on Wii. Got a Kinect for Christmas and have been fooling around with it, Your Shape Evolved 2012. Had planned to jump between all 3 so this will actually get me motivated to open the DVD and get started!! Thanks for the invite! Pain is better served in a group!