too embarassed......

I am too embarassed to join a gym... or even go for walks outside. right now im getting exercise walking around my house.

its stupid I dont feel like people are looking at me normally. but I feel like if I was in exercise gear they would all be laughing at the very fat girl


  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    I'm sorry you feel that way. Maybe you could start doing walks outside in just normal clothes, some jeans or whatever. Then you don't look so conspicuous. Or possibly some exercise DVDs. I personally don't really have time to go to the gym so I do them. I have to say though when I was going to the gym I found people really nice. I'm a big girl and hate feeling so obvious in my work out clothes..and don't even get me started on the smacking sound the fat makes when I do things like jumping jacks. At the end of the day though you just have to're doing this for you and whatever ignorant people may think or have to say doesn't really matter.

    Good Luck :smile:
  • LJV1031
    LJV1031 Posts: 502 Member
    Just go for it. There will be those who may judge you, but prove them wrong, by showing you can do this. There will also be those that you inspire & impress, especially when you start showing results. Good luck. :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • halfsizeheather
    halfsizeheather Posts: 45 Member
    just go for a long walk in your everyday clothes, thats what i did and the weight started to fall off. then workup to the gym.

    look at the exercise database and type in walk 2mph etc and see how many cals you'd burn. it really motivates me to get out there even in the cold.

    (If you still feel uncomfortable go when it starts to get darker, just go in a safe area).
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Dont be silly! Everyone is at the gym for exactly the same reason - to lose weight, get healthy and earn the beer/pizza/burger they want to enjoy later.

    Just remember - you dont know where they are in their race. Some are like you, just starting out - and some were in your position the time 3, 6 or 12 months ago.

    I joined a gym in May last year at 30+kgs overweight. I wore the baggiest, most unflattering gym gear I could find - anything to cover up. The gym (and mfp) has helped me lose 25kgs and now I meet so many people who saw me back then and congratulate me on my progress so far.

    You can do it! Perhaps call one and go in for a trial. The ladies gyms (fernwood and curves) are a really safe and supportive place for women - no men!
  • kitkat1981
    kitkat1981 Posts: 6 Member
    Don't be embarrassed :( That's really sad :( How about you just go for a walk in your regular clothes? People probably aren't staring as much as you're thinking xxx
  • colesmumcolette
    I am 10 stone overweight and felt exactly the 2 the gym and NOT A SINGLE PERSON looked at 'ME'...too interested in doing their own workout xx
  • halfsizeheather
    halfsizeheather Posts: 45 Member
    p.s i haven't joined a gym. i do exercise DVDs and games.
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    Don't be. I used to go to the gym when I was really heavy. I used wear a baggy T Shirt and a pair of leggings. Most people in the gym were impressed that I was making the effort to do something about my weight. Start by seeing a Trainer and they will give you an exercise programme to get you started. After a while I got loads comments about how well I was doing. So go for it :flowerforyou:
  • bsalis76
    Probably want to work on your base health first, with walking outside and basic aerobics at home.

    Don't be afraid to go outside!
    Never really cared much what people think of me myself.
  • gigglepiggle
    gigglepiggle Posts: 29 Member
    I have just spent 30mins bouncing about to Wii Zumba in my front room, I'd never go to a class because I'd be the one jiggling about out of time and getting all hot and sweaty in the process. I feel a bit daft even on my own at home but it's a good workout and I feel better for doing it :)
  • mdailey93
    I know how this feels! It's so hard to take the first step, but here is something I can almost guarantee; people at the gym are focused! Most of the time, they are so busy with their workout, they aren't paying attention to anything else. Now, there are always going to be some jerks (especially if you live in a big city, or go to a really big gym), but you can't let them bother you. A lot of the thin or fit people at the gym started out something like us!

    If the gym still sounds intimidating, then walking outside shouldn't be bad at all! I don't think that anyone is going to be looking at someone taking a walk and make fun of them. If you have a dog, that is a good way to get outside.

    Whatever you do, I recommend you get an Ipod/mp3 player and put your headphones in and forget about the world, if you let strangers dictate when and where you exercise, it's going to be very hard to reach your goals!

    Good luck! I really really hope you figure out something!
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 590 Member
    I am too embarassed to join a gym... or even go for walks outside. right now im getting exercise walking around my house.

    its stupid I dont feel like people are looking at me normally. but I feel like if I was in exercise gear they would all be laughing at the very fat girl

    I can sympathize. I feel the same way.

    I use some DVDs so I can workout at home. (And don't forget there are TONS of free videos on Youtube and exerciseTV and BodyRock, so you don't have to go and buy something just yet.) One of my favorites is a DVD that you walk in your home. It's Leslie Sansone, check her out.

    Other than that, I do feel more comfortable if I'm walking outside, but if I'm still dressed like I'm coming home from work ( I wear jeans, t-shirts, etc to work), so it's not obvious I'm out to get exercise. I do things like walk home from work (I'm only a mile away), walk to and from the grocery store, take stairs instead of elevator and so on.

    To be completely honest, for my first month on MyFitnessPal, all I did was jog in place in my bedroom. I plugged in my mp3 player, cranked the volume and just went for it. And I saw results. I sometimes venture out for some running (it's rare), but it's always at night. I feel more secure that way . . . :-/

    Don't be discouraged. There is a way.
  • lyndom01
    I suggest you search youtube exercise routines - there are a lot on there and follow them from the comfort of your own home - or get a fitness DVD.
  • GeorgieT23
    Hey, i was exactly the same to begin with
    i thought,, who wants to see me at 18.5 stone
    Attempting to jog without collapsing after 5 minutes
    lol but after the first time of gettin out there,
    i felt so good about jogging for the first time (as a form
    of exercise) that i didn't care as much next time round
    its a good feeling once you get goin. Get your music in your
    ears and pretend your the only one there!
    Good luck! X
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    When I was at my heaviest, this is when I joined MFP, I walked everyday. Everyday, these few kids at the basketball courts would look at me funny and even tried to get me to stop walking. They wanted to race me.

    Anyways, I am now much skinner and I saw this one huge man walking in the mornings. When I see that man, I see myself and I want to tell him that he is doing a great job by talking the first steps, but I don't need to tell him that, he knows it.

    Don't worry about others, if you put yourself down, you will never overcome your issues whether it be physical or emotional. Know that you are the only one that can change your life. It's great to have support, but no one is going to exercise and eat right for you, only you are.

    Give yourself time and love yourself again.

    Good luck.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I am too embarassed to join a gym... or even go for walks outside. right now im getting exercise walking around my house.

    its stupid I dont feel like people are looking at me normally. but I feel like if I was in exercise gear they would all be laughing at the very fat girl
    If you feel self conscious in exercise gear, just get yourself some good supportive walking shoes and get out and go for a walk. You don't need to do anything special, just get moving.

    Maybe that will give you the confidence to go to a gym. But really, people are there to do their own workout, if anything they'll just think "good for you" - I was only a few pounds off obese when I joined, nobody stared at me or made me feel embarrassed.

    Well done for even thinking about it, no rush, just start walking outside (maybe take the long way round to the shops?) and you'll see what a difference it makes to you - mentally as well as physically. :)

    If you want inspiration check this out - if he can do it after not leaving his house for two years, you can :)
  • FoxxC
    FoxxC Posts: 54 Member
    Or this could be your motivation.................I used to walk the neighborhood FAT so to speak. Turn your music up loud so you won't hear or think the comments from others. Neighbors started to see me and they would say "I should be with you" or "You sure are determined". After a 50 lb loss I started stopping cars and ppl would say "wow you did it" or "you look good" or "are you the same girl that .............." I would just shake my head and keep on walking. You can do this and when you see where you were then you know where you are going.
  • MikesMuffin
    I agree with everyone else. I have started walking and just continue it after walking my daughter to school, normal clothes (especially in this should have seen me this morning wrapped up against the cold!) Also, why not stick some loud feel good music on and dance like no-one is watching? Good exercise and boy does it make you feel happy! :bigsmile: Good luck, you will get there......oh, and if you haven't already why not have a look on the motivational/success stories thread.... that gave me such a boost!
  • eclecticwingtips
    eclecticwingtips Posts: 19 Member
    thanks guys I appreciate the encouragement. I am very big. 140kgs right now. really if I am honeat with myself I cant walk for more than 10 minutes at a time right now with a lot of ba ck pain and getting out of breath.

    I think this is a big part of it. while I have always been the large girl I was reasonably fit for my size before my sleep apnea got very bad a few years ago (still undiagnosed then) and I stopped moving became depressed and ate...a LOT...

    I am glad I am doing this and im not going to stop. I want to go to a gym or something but right now the very thought is just O.o
  • sandislim
    sandislim Posts: 264
    I felt the same way and I still do. You'd think after losing nearly 3 stone I'd be out there jogging but no. Still extremely self conscious. Maybe one day :) - at least exercise works wherever you are :)