30 Day Shred Challenge check in 5/15



  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    sheesh... did shred a bit ago, for the day, and about passed out! level 2 is no joke!
  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    just shredded and feel much better... so this was... day 3 of level 2 (had to think there a sec) :)
  • sdwillis35
    sdwillis35 Posts: 40
    I did my shred this morning and I'm ashamed to say it is the firt time for me this week. I just have no motivation at all. I've walked once and mowed the lawn.....not doing to good. Somebody needs to give me a big kick in the butt!! Serious motivation needed....HELP!!!!
  • michele73
    michele73 Posts: 102
    Don't beat yourself up. Each day is a new day and a new opportunity to start again. At least you did what you did. It is much better than nothing at all. Some motivation might be to tell yourself that you want to lose 3 more pounds to get to your goal of 20 pounds. What a great job losing 17 already. We all have it within us. We need to reach deep down inside and grab it out. You can do this. And that goes for everyone too!

  • demezat
    demezat Posts: 158
    I'm having a lazy day today myself....I haven't shredded today....of course the day isn't over yet, but it's not looking good....I'm just tired and worn down feeling today. and on top of that my husband brought me a whopper with cheese home for lunch...I could have killed him! It was good though...LOL

    Tomorrow IS another day....:flowerforyou:
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. Each day is a new day and a new opportunity to start again. At least you did what you did. It is much better than nothing at all. Some motivation might be to tell yourself that you want to lose 3 more pounds to get to your goal of 20 pounds. What a great job losing 17 already. We all have it within us. We need to reach deep down inside and grab it out. You can do this. And that goes for everyone too!


    how nice michele! :flowerforyou:

    i have to admit i am lacking on the shred but have not lost faith in myself. i needed to take care of some personal things this week and its taking a lot out of me. however, the shred is something i think of constintally. btw, someone posted earlier that they reached their goal weight by doing the shred. totally motivating!!! btw - we need spell check! LOL! :smokin:
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
  • sdwillis35
    sdwillis35 Posts: 40
    Okay ladies its Friday again which means check in time. I've dreaded this day all week because I knew I would either stay the same or gain and I did. I gained back two pounds. So here's all my dirty little details! lol

    weight: 139
    neck: 12 1/4
    bust: 33
    waist: 34.5
    hips: 37.5
    thighs: 21 3/4
    arms: left 11.5 right 12

    left arm is smaller because I just had surgery two months ago on my collarbone, so hard for me to do much work with it still! Just thought I'd let you know!

    Good luck to everyone!!
  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    Taking a day off of shred.. pretty darn sore from level 2 and I drank beer last night and am fighting a headache LOL. Hey, at least I'm honest, right? Maybe if I feel better this afternoon, I'll sneak it in, but a day off sounds real good to me :)
  • demezat
    demezat Posts: 158
    I'm seriously lacking motivation right now. Its also my time of the month, if you know what I mean...I'm ill as a snake and wanting to eat every thing in sight. I didn't weigh because I just started...my husband did tape me day before yesterday and I lost an inch off my chest and an inch off my chest....Thats good right? I still feel like a bloated cow...ugh!!!! I haven't shredded today...I'm going to try but I can't promise anything. I feel exhausted! mainly because I don't just have a normal period...I have like 3 peoples periods....LOL....it's awful!
  • rachlong33
    rachlong33 Posts: 13
    OK so here are my measurements and to be honest I haven't done any shredding at all this week:grumble: I've just not been motivated at alll. Come this week that will probably change because Im hearing back from a job and if I get it that would mean I have exactly 6 weeks to get in the best shape I have ever been in because POLICE ACADAMY here I come!!!!!!!:drinker:

    Weight- 188.6
    Bust- 41.5
    Waist- 34
    Abdonmen- 40.5
    Hips- 43
    Thigh- 25
    Arm- 13
  • allisonie
    allisonie Posts: 34
    I've been slacking as well. I missed the last two days but am hoping to get shredding tonight. I'm not much of a morning person so I find exercising before work difficult. By the time I'm finished work, I don't want to work out! Oh well, hopefully today will be my day 7 of the Shred! :smile:
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    I haven't been tracking and checking in very well! Sorry, guys! I think my new rule for myself needs to be one challenge/team at a time. I think I'm down 3.5 pounds from my first weigh report. I did the Shred today and I can tell a BIG difference in my endurance level when I haven't slept well. :yawn: I have a fundraiser walk to go to tomorrow so I don't think I'll be Shredding! I think I've done it 3 times in the last 7 days. I'm too lazy to look it up on my journal. Good going to you guys that are sticking with it hardcore!
  • aduff77
    aduff77 Posts: 56
    I know I'm not part of this thread, but I just began the 30 day shred and I have no idea what to put it in under in my exercise log. What works for yall?
  • michele73
    michele73 Posts: 102
    I have been logging it as a circuit training. That is the advice I got.
  • aduff77
    aduff77 Posts: 56
  • allisonie
    allisonie Posts: 34
    Is someone recording all of our progress?

    I notice in other challenge boards there is always an updated list of how people are progressing... I was just wondering if we were doing that or just keeping a note of it ourselves. :smile:
  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    Haven't done my shred today, yet, but plan to after eating lunch and picking up the house a bit... Hope everyone's having a good Saturday!!
  • smithiekat
    smithiekat Posts: 112 Member
    hi shredders!

    i just did my first shred yesterday (yike-a-roo by the way) and wanted to tag this thread

  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    Is someone recording all of our progress?

    I notice in other challenge boards there is always an updated list of how people are progressing... I was just wondering if we were doing that or just keeping a note of it ourselves. :smile:

    I keep forgetting to check in. I was going to do a chart but my Excel program decided it didn't want to work anymore and I had to uninstall it. Not sure about anyone else but my feeling is that a one month total will give us the best picture of inches lost!