too embarassed......



  • renecoach03
    If you want to try a gym I suggest going early (5 30 am ish) then its only old people :wink: Any way....start by parking farther away when you go shopping or by finding a hidden stair case and climbing that...I started climbing this staircase by my home and at first could only go up and down once...after awhile I could do it 10 times.....I always remind myself that what ever I am doing no matter how little is better than the majority of the population!!! Hang in there! It does get easier!!! Be proud of yourself for every positive step forward (literally)!!!
  • hlcook
    hlcook Posts: 92 Member
    I am inspired by people at the gym who are heavy. I've been the heavy person at the gym and I think I know how you are feeling. But YOU inspire me. Not the idiot looking at his biceps in the mirror or the very fit girl milling about the weight machines...
  • msjones2831
    msjones2831 Posts: 126 Member
    I don't think ppl would laugh at you. If you are too embarrassed consider an exercise dvd or a 6-8in step and do step aerobics to music at home. That is something I do when the weather is bad or if I don't feel like making the drive to the gym. Just commit to movement.
  • judgestacy
    I"m too embarrased to go to a gym for similar reasons, but also because I"m a klutz and have a tendency to fall off machines and make a fool of myself (lol). I was able to buy a cheap elliptical trainer that I have in my basement...this saves me time, money in the long run from a gym membership, and my work out ends up being my time to myself in the quiet (well, with blaring my music on my headphones). I have still managed to fall off of it, but there is no one there to laugh at me.

    I would think those walking dvds would be a great idea too! Once you get used to doing it, you might feel more comfortable venturing outside. Once you start walking outside too, you will find that there are plenty of us big girls out there doing our best as well. You are not alone!
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    I took me a while to join a gym. I started exercising by just walking around the block (in my normal clothes or whatever). That's about all I could do when I started to exercise. I gradually increased it to 2 blocks, then 3. After about a year of this I tried my local ymca. I didn't feel any judgment there. All sizes and shapes and ages go the the y. It has been great. I just wore sweat pants and an old t-shirt when I began.

    Focus on your health, find what you like to do, and you'll be fine.
  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    I feel the same way about the gym. Not only would I look silly, but I would not know anything about the equipment in there. Not to mention I cannot afford the monthly dues.

    I exercise in the comfort of my own home. I bought some Workout DVD's from Walmart, they have a whole rack and they are only $9.67 (I think). I have the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred (which I cannot start until my Dr says its ok) and one of the The Biggest Loser Calorie Burn DVD's. I also do the Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds and use my Wii Fit. These are all a great workout and will help you burn those calories and tone that body. I have only had the Biggest Loser for 2 days and it is tough at first, but you get to work out with the old contestants from the show and they are not skinny by any means. So I just think.. if they can do this workout then I can too. And the instructors on there are very motivational.
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    The majority of people at that gym are embarassed, and if they aren't then they are too busy focusing on their workout. As long as you abide by proper gym protocol, it is easy to co-exist.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I am too embarassed to join a gym... or even go for walks outside. right now im getting exercise walking around my house.

    its stupid I dont feel like people are looking at me normally. but I feel like if I was in exercise gear they would all be laughing at the very fat girl

    While I can understand, most people at the gym, I don't think would do that. They're there for the same reason you are. You can always talk to the gym and express your concerns. But I do go to a smaller, private company type gym, so I haven't really had to deal with the larger more "social" gyms.
  • rasputiarobson
    Who cares what strangers think? Are you going to see any of these people on a regular basis? Probably not. And if you keep it up and do happen to see those people regularly they will more than likely see your progress and be impressed by your determination. Go to the gym and see how you feel, its probably not as bad as you think. Walking is a great way to start exercising, its good for you on so many levels. Supplement it by working out at home. Exercise dvds are ok but if you get tired of doing the same thing over and over then I recommend using the wii if you can. A lot of the exercise programs vary the routine so its never boring and it will also monitor your will feel better about yourself in no time. I hope you succeed whatever you choose to do, you deserve it!:happy:
  • Texas501
    Texas501 Posts: 274
    Exercise videos are your friend. Behind closed doors you can do anything and not be worried about people staring.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    Whenever I see anyone(overweight or not) dressed in workout gear getting out and moving, I applaud them mentally(sometimes aloud, if I have time), you should be proud every time you take a step in the right direction!!
  • Treyes72
    I can totally understand how you feel, I felt the same way when I first started walking. One day I just decided it was time and I had to suck it up! I am not doing this for those other people and they are going to think whatever they want and I have no control over them. What I CAN control is my reaction to them and I choose NOT to react anymore. Do you listen to music when you walk? I have found that turning up my favorites and focusing totally on myself leaves me no room to worry about anyone else. You can do it, just keep telling yourself that you are doing this for you and NO ONE ELSE!! Good luck!!!
  • kagenw
    kagenw Posts: 260 Member
    Just don't jump into some weird (complicated, hard to understand) machine and you'll be fine. Just find the ellipticals and jump on one of those. Observe the way that others work on some of the machines so that when you get up the drive to work on them, you'll already know how it is supposed to look. That should keep you from getting hurt and help you develop proper form.
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    Sorry you fee that way.. I use to feel the same so I use workout dvds at home :)
  • lydia9679
    I often go for walks outside in regular clothes. I have an almost four year old, and no car when his dad is at work, so I'm often walking him back and forth from preschool, and even that mile round trip has made a difference on the scale in just a week and a half. Even if you don't have a kid, you can definitely walk outside in regular clothes, and that will make a difference. :)
  • sunshine421969
    sunshine421969 Posts: 273 Member
    Hi, don't worry about what people think..This is for YOU and YOU are WORTH IT ! I am a lady who wears skirts all the time, I go to the park and walk / run..I have even ran 4 - 5k's..I got looks let me tell I can't run or walk in a skirt..but I can..I have friends who do the same and we just call ourselves the Skirt Girls and go on and enjoy our exercise....No one has ever said anything about a matter of fact they all have been very nice ,we wave or say good morning, or evening whichever it maybe at the time..But you can do this...I know you can !! I wish you the best on your weightloss journey :happy:
    ps..When I can't get to the park..I use Leslie Sansone..
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I am too embarassed to join a gym... or even go for walks outside. right now im getting exercise walking around my house.

    its stupid I dont feel like people are looking at me normally. but I feel like if I was in exercise gear they would all be laughing at the very fat girl

    I understand what you're thinking and can honestly tell you that people aren't looking. You can surely start out by walking, lose weight and then start going to a gym but that feeling of everyone will be watching doesn't go away until you go and see for yourself that people focus on themselves at the gym. And if someone's watching you... big deal! Go to the gym, keep going back and do this for yourself, your health and your well being! Give yourself the gift of your own attention and care. When I went in to the gym for the very first time I was like "I need your help". Floodgates of their support and help opened and I had people helping and I took their advice until I knew what I was doing. I still ask for help by going to the person I judge to have the most experience. Toughen the exterior so your mind is strong and walk in to the gym. Be proud of yourself and do it for you!!! :flowerforyou:
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I know how you feel!

    There were times when it took every little bit of focus for me to go to my classes!

    For me it took some time but as I got to know the people in my class and they me, It got better! Then, when I started to adjust my eating and started to drop my excess weight. It got even better as I moved from being the guy always sweating buckets and out of breath. To the person people wanted to workout with.

    Now, I look forward to all my classes and to working out independently. In fact, I feel out of sorts if I go a day without some form of a workout.

    Keep at what ever you are doing but try and challenge yourself every now and then.

    Best of luck on your journey.
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    I feel the same, so I made Hubby join with me :smile:
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    Anytime I see someone overweight at the gym, whether its a little or a LOT, I admire them for trying. Because I was that girl just a year ago - struggling to walk on the treadmill. Baby steps - you have to start somewhere, and when you get into a gym routine its a good thing. Don't be embarrassed - you are doing something about it.

    There is a guy at the gym who has been there almost every day for the past year. He was easily 400 plus pounds this time last year, and he's much thinner now - I'm sure he's lost at least 100 lbs if not more. Last year he was walking, now he's running, and he's running longer and faster than I can for sure.