too embarassed......



  • Diggy2011
    Diggy2011 Posts: 198 Member
    Do you have someone you can walk with? or exercise with in similar position you can spur each other on good luck hun x
  • beckbee
    beckbee Posts: 3 Member
    Here's the quick and dirty - a lot of people are judging us. It's true. Some aren't, but let's be realistic, when people go out..they are assaulted by imagery and challenges to be this imaginary perfect person. Hot or Not? Red Carpet meltdowns. People can be shallow... so, here's my thought process.

    Focus on why you are trying to get healthier and lose weight. If videos at home are not an option, the suggestions by lots of folks here to just walk in normal clothes is brilliant. Walking is probably the best way to get active and healthy. The goal is just to get moving!

    Don't let anyone diminish how you feel, but don't let how you feel keep you from doing what you want. Being here is a good start, finding a local group to meet up with is another option. Social Media allows us to connect in ways we never could before. You are not alone...remember that!
  • vinylscratch
    vinylscratch Posts: 218 Member
    Keep walking girl! Headphones are key... get in your own little weight-loss zone and screw this naysayers... often times we gain weight because we're overextending ourselves to please others... it's about YOU now!
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    Don't worry about what other people think. You are doing this for you, not them. I see plenty of overweight people at the gym and I think good for them, they are trying to do something about it. You don't have to wear spandex or anything tight and revealing. Get yourself some comfortable sweats or shorts and a baggy t-shirt and get at it.

    If others have a problem with it that is their problem.
  • luelmo
    luelmo Posts: 8 Member
    I wouldn't want to join the gym either, but I have a treadmill and elliptical in my house which are very useful.
    These days you can get an exercise bike from shops for £40, so that could be something to consider. If not, exercise DVD are good too.
  • mommyhas4boyss
    mommyhas4boyss Posts: 60 Member
    i am also this way. i'm pretty sure when i went walking by myself the first time i was laughed at by these highschool kids that were hanging out around the track. soon as i started to pass them they got all whispery and when i passed them they started laughing. but you knwo what. i dont even care cuz when i lose this weight and start looking like them when im 30 something ill be the one laughing. Do it for you. just keep in your mind that when all this is said and done you will be the one looking GREAT!!
  • BrownEyedGiRL928
    BrownEyedGiRL928 Posts: 51 Member
    I feel like you - so I started using workout games on the Wii and xbox... and it's so much better. Since it's cold outside right now, I don't walk like I did during the summer, but I eventually worked up the confidence to go walking outside for 30 minutes almost every day as well. So maybe try investing in a Wii, and getting Wii Sport Active... or an xBox & Kinect and getting Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012. You can comfortably work out in your home - and trust me it makes a world a difference for someone who hates going to the gym... just like me.
  • rockchalkgrove
    rockchalkgrove Posts: 44 Member
    Don't be embarrassed! I'm a gym junkie, and I love to see people making that first step by joining the gym. NOBODY is laughing at you, we are all there for the same reason! If you can afford a trainer (even if it is a one-time thing), you should get one. They can show you how to use the equipment so you don't injure yourself. If everyone waited until they got "into shape" before they join a gym, well, think about it...

    I hope you consider going! Best Wishes!
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    I certainly don't think you have to join a gym to be fit. Walking is great exercise no matter what you're wearing--just be comfortable! But I wouldn't feel embarassed about joining. Most people are probably at their most self-absorbed state in the gym! They're either worried about what THEY look like, or about monitoring their form and getting their work workout done.
  • I am a trained athlete. I have worked out with various sports since I was 10 years old. I had a surgery last year and gained forty-five pounds, and I'm still working it off. Do you know what I see when someone is larger and working out? Inspiration. It's never easy for anyone, even those in shape, to stay motivated. I admire what you're doing, and I hope you keep it up. I have more respect for people (myself included) who are larger and work out in baggy clothes (mine don't even match), get red in the face, and sweaty with their hair plastered to them than I do for the 22 year old gym bunny who is completely in spandex. It's easy to flaunt the results, it's harder to hold your head up while you work to get there. Even if you don't feel comfortable, you have a right to workout anywhere you want. I applaud you and I hope you know that I believe you can do this, even if we've never met. Good luck and happy sweating!
  • whencynstops
    whencynstops Posts: 109 Member
    I think you would be surprised how encouraging people will be once you get out there. I have been dog sitting this week and I find it a lot easier to get out and walk the neighborhood if I have the dog with me. Maybe you have a neighbor who would let you walk the dog during the day while they are at work. It would be a free service for them and help you exercise. Plus you will look like you are walking a dog and not exercising.
  • You might want to try work out videos. I find that they are a great way to get a work out and you don't have an excuse not to work out because they are right there! Some ones that have helped me lose 45 pounds and keep it off are Erin O'Brien videos, Biggest Loser (great for people just starting out) and for advanced workouts Jackie Warner. I'm hooked! Good luck!
  • You dont have to go to the gym to lose weight. I've been doing Jillian Michaels DVDS for 2 1/2 mos. And im so happy with the results, maybe look into getting some exercise DVDS that you might like to do.
  • hwjssc
    hwjssc Posts: 194 Member
    Who cares if they look at you...the key is getting in shape and being a few months they will will looking at you and saying she is HOT...good luck
  • blinvy
    blinvy Posts: 2
    I really like working out with my Wii. I have EA sports Acitve 2, Wii Fit 2, and Zumba Fitness and I was surprised at how good of a workout they give me. It's really the only thing I use my Wii for, exercise.
  • groovybetty
    groovybetty Posts: 4 Member
    this is awesome and oooo so true!!!
    A Prescription for Procrastinators

    “My life is too busy, so I don’t have time to work out.” “I need to lose weight before I can start exercising.” “I don’t exercise because I’m afraid I’ll look foolish at the gym.” Do any of these excuses for not exercising sound familiar? When you get past the
    different excuses, they really all come down to the same thing: procrastination. Everyone procrastinates to some degree, especially when it comes to sticking to a regular exercise program. So, what can you do if you want to stop procrastinating and make exercise a healthy habit? Writer Julie Anne Eason, who specializes in health and fitness topics, gives suggestions drawing from the work of Linda Sapadin, PhD, a psychologist and the author of It’s About Time! The Six Styles of Procrastination and How to Overcome Them (Penguin Books 1996). Below are explanations of four of the most common styles Sapadin identifies and tips for dealing with them.

    The Worrier
    The worrier is the king of “what if”: “What if people laugh at me?” “What if I drop the
    weights?” Worriers are very concerned with what other people think of them. They tend
    to spend hours agonizing over which clothes make them look fat, and they’ll avoid the
    beach or the gym because they don’t want to be seen in a bathing suit or shorts.
    Worrier Tips: Try to identify what’s behind your fear of failure. Then, when the “what
    ifs” creep in, ask yourself to take your worry to its logical conclusion. For example, the
    response to the question “What happens if I drop the weights?” might be, “I will pick
    them up again and laugh it off.” By forcing yourself to answer these kinds of questions,
    you will likely realize that your fear is not that big a deal.

    The Dreamer
    Dreamers love to plan and fantasize about getting in shape and losing weight.
    Unfortunately, their dreams are only vague ideas with little or no follow-through. They
    need to learn how to set specific goals, using concrete numbers and dates. Dreamers
    tend to have short attention spans and are easily distracted.
    Dreamer Tips: Try hiring a personal trainer to keep you on track, and design an exercise
    plan that focuses attention on the daily steps you must take to reach your specific goal.

    The Perfectionist
    Perfectionists want all the circumstances to be perfect before they begin any fitness
    program. They need the right shoes, the right gym, the right trainer and the right time
    of day. Deep down, they know the world is not perfect. The stars will never align to
    provide the perfect environment, so they’ll never have to take any real or personal
    responsibility for achieving their goals.
    Perfectionist Tips: Do your best to avoid “all-or-nothing” thinking regarding exercise.
    Don’t tell yourself, “I must do 30 minutes of cardio every day.” Instead, say, “I may
    choose to do my cardio workout in a 30-minute session, or I can break it up into three
    10-minute segments throughout the day.” Brainstorm several exercise alternatives to
    choose from, so if one choice won’t work for you one day, you have another option to
    fall back on.

    The Overdoer
    Overdoers genuinely try to be all things to all people. As a result, they tend to put their
    own needs last, including their exercise time.
    Overdoer Tips: Create a contingency fitness plan for yourself. If you can’t get to your
    scheduled exercise at the gym, plan to exercise along with videos at home whenever
    you get overextended, so you don’t miss your daily workout.

    IDEA Fitness Journal, Volume 3, Number 4
    April 2006
    © 2006 by IDEA Health & Fitness Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without
    permission is strictly prohibited.
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I used to feel the same way as you did... I've been heavy all of my life... But I still decided that it was time to change and join a gym... I was really worried that I would be judged for being overweight... but then I thought... I am a fat person... what better place for me to be then at the gym... And I feel like that is the attitude everyone else should have too... and if they don't... well then they can just kiss my shrinking *kitten*. Ive actually found most of the people at the gym to be very supportive of people of any size actually getting up and making the effort to better themselves
  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
    I am so sorry you feel that way. Going to a regular gym and seeing all those fit people can be intimidating. I would suggest trying out curves. I go there 5 x a week and its a great communtiy of women trying to lose weight. You see women of all shapes, ages and different levels of fitness. My curves has helped me lose 10lbs in the last 4 months. I know I could have lost more but that is how I want to lose. They are so supportive and give you the tools and advice to help lose weight plus they do a weigh in every month to keep you on track.
  • Hey dear friend,
    I absolutely understand and I feel the same way I have not read all the comments previous to me but I do the following in the privacy of my home when kids go to school when I am alone....I Dance!! yes I do..and what ever music you like do it! nobody is watching not only you will burn calories you will feel amazing music is the universal language !! I taken advantage that my kids have a wii and they have that just dance video ha!! really mom they said.(and smiled in a good way, they noticed I was dancing away with their games) but if you don't have games or consoles not to worry turn up the radio get a CD and dance to your fav tunes I am soo sure you must like something...go ahead my dear nobody is watching and you will do so much good to your soul!!
    Blessed Be :smile:
  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member
    Go to Walmart and buy a Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds video - $10, they have a bunch to choose from. You can do them in your living room, and if you're keeping pace and doing the arm movements, it's quite a workout if you're just starting out.