Ex problems



  • CharmCityBella
    CharmCityBella Posts: 37 Member
    I wouldn't let my ex in my place alone, even if we were on good terms. I put all of my ex's things in a box and left it outside on my porch for him to come get. That way, there was no reason to talk or for him to come inside.
  • lol ..new a guy that had a room mate that never cleaned,
    one day the guy was taking off on cleaning day, told my friend sorry gota go, my friends no problem, I
    said arn't you botherd that he does not do his part? My friend said no, I clean with his tooth brush when
    he is not here, Have to admit I did not think highly of him after that, It's a true story.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    if i was in your shoes, i would pack up her things and deliver it to her new place. after all, you dumped her, it's the least you can do. i would be very scared about having her back in my house (especially if i am not there) in case she has revenge in mind....

    ummm, didja READ the first post? SHE dumped HIM!

    And, if I was the OP, I would NOT give her a key and not let her go in alone. She could duplicate your key and help herself whenever she wanted, she could be a real beyatch about it all...........not saying that she would, but if she dumped you, she's not a nice person to begin with.

    Better safe than sorry :smokin: :smokin:
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    My ex is coming over on Friday to pick up her stuff. Is it rude if im not there when she comes? I ll leave the key for her, so she can come in and out as she pleases. I just dont wanna see her. I guess it still hurt really bad. Its been 3weeks since i got dumped.

    Last ex I had, I broke up with and I packed all her **** in a garbage bag and left it on my porch and told her to come get it and to leave the gate & apartment key when she left.

    She never left the keys.
    ...and now she uses the apartment pool whenever she pleases.

    If only we had one....I was waiting to find my bike tipped over or car keyed some night.
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    Leave Stuff

    Back in the day I would not use the box...

    Nuff said
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    am i the only one who thought he should thoroughly sanitize* any toothbrushes she left behind? then mail the pics of the process to her a week later?

    *replace sanitize with action of your choice. best actions include the words "insert", "scrub", and "bum"

    in all seriousness, looks like OP chose the box at the neighbor's house. Good deal.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    You should totally not be there.
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    As long as you trust your ex there without you being there, then it it's rude doesn't even matter. If it benefits your feelings not to be there then you shouldn' t be - you need to take care of yourself first and foremost.
  • I saw a lot of people say this, but I wouldn't leave her the keys, she may have been trustworthy at one point, but people esp girls get very vicious/spiteful (trust me I've seen it many times with my friends) even if they did the breaking up. If you don't feel right boxing up her stuff, then at least have someone you trust there when she comes and tell them what is hers and what isn't
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    MAN UP


    Be there, open the door, say hello. And let her take what is hers.

    I'd probably have a friend over (bonus if it is a girl) and be watching a movie or a game while she takes her stuff.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I dont think thats rude at all. Being the GF, I would prefer not too see you either ( sounds like something i have been through ) But if you are looking for the anger bang, then I say stick around.
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    After reading others' answers to you - i vote for leave it outside for them too.
  • I agree with most of the posts.....whatever is left, put in a box and leave outside...she don't need
    to go inside your house..
  • Im right there with you my ex broke up with me back on Dec 8th she asked me to come over and she had to work late so I went over to her place bought some flowers and cooked dinner and rented a movie. She broke up with me right when she got home. I was shocked. I treated her great and everything was fine we had our little hiccups from time to time but all relationships do. I took most of my stuff from her place but i left some things cuz i wanted to get out. She had some things over at my place too. So when I asked her a few weeks later about getting our stuff to each other she was mean and rude to me saying that she doesnt want to talk or see me. She said that she was going to leave my stuff outside and take off and I could pick it up. I told her that I didnt want my stuff outside and what if she didnt leave me everything that was mine. Well I ended up stopping by her place this past weekend since I was in the area and she didnt open the door and told me she was going to call the cops. I was suprised by this since I was nothing but nice and caring to her. I ended up going to my car and texted her if she can put my stuff outside and she did but I dont get why she was making a big deal about things. Afterall I didnt break up with her she broke up with me but it feels the other way around.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Your profile pic is one of my favourite Craftster projects ever
  • if i was in your shoes, i would pack up her things and deliver it to her new place. after all, you dumped her, it's the least you can do. i would be very scared about having her back in my house (especially if i am not there) in case she has revenge in mind....

    Ummm that smells like desperation.

    DO NOT ASK HER WHERE SHE NOW LIVES. Thats just creepy and sounds like you wanna know which window to peek thru.

    3 Simple Steps
    1. Box up her stuff.
    2. Put it outside.
    3. Change Locks
  • ejoy319
    ejoy319 Posts: 104
    Im right there with you my ex broke up with me back on Dec 8th she asked me to come over and she had to work late so I went over to her place bought some flowers and cooked dinner and rented a movie. She broke up with me right when she got home. I was shocked. I treated her great and everything was fine we had our little hiccups from time to time but all relationships do. I took most of my stuff from her place but i left some things cuz i wanted to get out. She had some things over at my place too. So when I asked her a few weeks later about getting our stuff to each other she was mean and rude to me saying that she doesnt want to talk or see me. She said that she was going to leave my stuff outside and take off and I could pick it up. I told her that I didnt want my stuff outside and what if she didnt leave me everything that was mine. Well I ended up stopping by her place this past weekend since I was in the area and she didnt open the door and told me she was going to call the cops. I was suprised by this since I was nothing but nice and caring to her. I ended up going to my car and texted her if she can put my stuff outside and she did but I dont get why she was making a big deal about things. Afterall I didnt break up with her she broke up with me but it feels the other way around.

    She asked you to meet her at her place to break up with you?? Wow!! I think you may be better off!!
  • SARRY562
    SARRY562 Posts: 123 Member
    I would put it in a box and leave it outside.. there is no reason for her to have to go inside with or without you there if you dont want her to.
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,259 Member
    I would never trust an ex, they will take something they shouldn't.
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    Unless she was abusive, I would be there to meet her. Treat her with respect, even if she might not. If anything, just be silent and MYOB while she is there.