Jobs. What do you do?



  • GCNerd
    GCNerd Posts: 63 Member
    I'm a genetic counselor, hence the name :) And for those who have no clue what the means:
  • I_get_fit
    I_get_fit Posts: 145 Member
    Half the day I intern at a hospital (IT Department) and the other half I'm in school.
    So I sit at a desk all day!
  • Protect the President and Vice President....going to be a busy year I think. And in my free time, an Independent Shaklee Distributor.
  • jswayze67
    jswayze67 Posts: 23 Member
    Civil Servant, Admin Officer for the Scottish Government, Agricultural Dept - desk job 7-5.30 Mon-Thurs - love my job but very little exercise lol
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    I am essentially the assistant coordinator for six marinas. I *love* my job. Love it.
  • Travel Agent xx
  • brandybea
    brandybea Posts: 46 Member
    I work at a grocery/general merchandise store ...been there 13 years and i usually get plenty of walking done.
  • matt121073
    matt121073 Posts: 2 Member
    I mange a youth activity center and gym so I have no excuses to be over weight lol !
  • jigglesnwiggles
    jigglesnwiggles Posts: 13 Member
    Home daycare! I am on my feet running around most of the day which is good but the hard part is the kids snack times. Brings back memories of my childhood and how good goldfish are so i want to eat with them. It takes A LOT of self control to not grab a handful.
  • rachcamp88
    rachcamp88 Posts: 88 Member
    Waitress/receptionist/barmaid in a small hotel and I work in a small cafe,cooking + waitressing and baking cakes! Both mean I'm on my feet all the time but there's also a lot of food around!
  • I work for a school district where I report everything you can imagine concerning the school, staff, students, etc to the state. Then as an additional part-time job I work for a call-center. Lot of desk time. yuck!:ohwell:
  • LastSixtySix
    LastSixtySix Posts: 352 Member
    Sedentary as English Lit the avocation with the heart of a chef - love to cook! Ironic, innit? It's been great, however, this year, moving around productively for three to four hours each day - then all the sitting doesn't feel so guilty.

    My cooking has gotten a LOT better too - finally gotten away from the industrial processed/illogical farm subsidized forced on us foods and into local and natural. Took awhile but whew - it tastes better too.

    Great question by the way!

  • Care563
    Care563 Posts: 61 Member
    Lifestyle and Program Manager at a retirement office is across from the 'tea house' where are the baked goods are.... :)
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    Middle School counselor....part desk job. 2 children at home!!
  • Mental Health Tech in a inpatient psychiatric hospital
  • JohnM61
    JohnM61 Posts: 1 Member
    I work in campgrounds usually as a host but as of this summer I am in reservations, sitting a lot
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I am trained as an Architect, but am currently unemployed due to the fact that no one is building anything around here! That said, I am reconsidering what I want to do with the rest of my life because I want a job where I can be on my feet more often and talking to humans. My desk and AutoCAD made me want to cry all day. Haha, not really, but I need to do more than sit at a desk, it is not for me!
  • Jewelry store and clock repair
  • SBerrio
    SBerrio Posts: 37 Member
    Sounds JUST like me. 9-5 desk job. 4yr old girl 9 month old boy at home. The only real time I can squeeze a workout in is during my 1 hour lunch break. Have been struggling hard with my weight since I had my daughter. I want to get back into my pre-baby weight (30lbs less). Its very hard juggling everything. Good luck to you and everyone else :wink:
  • SBerrio
    SBerrio Posts: 37 Member
    Desk job here, and two little ones at home, so that doesn't leave me much time for me. Weight has been a struggle for me since I became a mom.

    Sounds JUST like me. 9-5 desk job. 4yr old girl 9 month old boy at home. The only real time I can squeeze a workout in is during my 1 hour lunch break. Have been struggling hard with my weight since I had my daughter. I want to get back into my pre-baby weight (30lbs less). Its very hard juggling everything. Good luck to you and everyone else!