too embarassed......



  • teresaj0315
    teresaj0315 Posts: 26 Member
    Who says you have to wear "exercise gear"? I walk with my son outside in jeans and a t-shirt. I go to the gym and wear baggie sweat pants and a t-shirt. Just take babysteps ~ today ~ put on some tennis shoes and whatever you are wearing - go walk down the street and back. That's all - just down the street and back. If you live in a neighborhood walk about 3 houses then come back. Don't go full force ~ you can do this.
  • eva312
    eva312 Posts: 9 Member
    work out it whatever you like! or workout at home - like everyone says here - do what you need to do but just go for it! you won't regret it!
  • I know that I always feel so happy when I see anyone over weight walking or working out of any kind. You know that they are trying to better their lives and make better choices! I don't think that anyone should be ashamed of trying to better their lives and I think that most people at the gym would feel the same way as me and most of them were in the same boat when they started going to the gym! Hope this helps a little! Stay with it!
  • Look for a Planet Fitness! I was so afraid to join a gym, I have never ever been good at anything that involves being athletic, I thought for sure that I was going to make a complete and total fool out of myself. And then I discovered PF! They are super cheap (Only $10 a month) and even their motto is based on how it is a judgement free zone! Everyone, including the staff, are wonderful! Personal training is free when you upgrade to the $20 dollar membsership too. I love going to the gym now, and I feel at home everytime I walk in the door. Also, there are no classes (Zumba, Body Pump) or any frills like that, so there is never a huge crowd just standing around waiting for the studio, just a constant flow of motivated, supportive people!
  • Asheve
    Asheve Posts: 1 Member
    I am always encouraged and happy to see people walking or working out to get healthy. I know it is hard to not worry about what other people think, but keep your eye on your goal.
    don't let haters dictate how you live your life. You never know, you could motivate someone to gather the courage to make changes in their lifestyle. You may also make new friends. The way I hear it most people come in work out and leave. They are not there to worry about what other people are doing. Be strong and keep your eye on your goal. You will get there.
  • As others have said, I too always think in my head "wow, you go girl/boy!!" when I see folks with lots of weight to lose at the gym or working out outside. It is so much harder, for reason you raise!!, to get up the motivation to do something that makes you completely vulnerable to others' opinions and judgments. Yeah, some people will probably give you side-eye glances and pass judgment. However, the vast majority will view you as just another person who's trying to work out, lose weight and get healthy. That being said, go with what feels comfortable. Start with working out at home or perhaps going to the gym at off-peak hours, then as you feel more confident, try something new...perhaps new DVDs or new walking routes outside or new at-home equipment. YOU GO GIRL!!!
  • i went to gym before i had health problems with my spine and i wore sweat pants and big t shirt no one looked as they was too occupied with there gym session you find that when people go to the gym there only interested in there session if they do look just smile and carry on maybe you might get talking to people and find they once was in the same situation good luck and happy weight loss to you
  • kenyonsmom10
    kenyonsmom10 Posts: 97 Member
    I am too embarassed to join a gym... or even go for walks outside. right now im getting exercise walking around my house.

    its stupid I dont feel like people are looking at me normally. but I feel like if I was in exercise gear they would all be laughing at the very fat girl


    What others think doesn't matter. I used to feel the same way, but I just got up and did it anyways because you know what, I want to look good and it aint gonna happen by sittin' on my couch! :) You can do this girl! Just get up and do it....when you see those pounds shedding off you will feel great and this feeling of "the big girl" will surely go away!!!!
  • At my starting weight of 110 lbs overweight, I felt the same way! I started with the Walk Away the Pounds DvDs since I couldn't even walk around the block without being out of breath.
    I then moved to my Wii and Sports Active Workout. I lost 30lbs then and was feeling pretty good (for and obese chick). I wanted to try tennis. I haven't played in years so I found a Cardio Tennis program. I thought I would die that first class and I was very self conscious of people looking and talking about me. All in my own head of course. Everyone was so supportive!

    I then decided to join a gym. My biggest fear was what you mentioned. People staring, laughing, and poking fun of the fat chick. The gym I chose was so not like that. Shop around for one you feel comfortable with.
    Guess what....people did start talking about me! They noticed all the hard work I did, and noticed the results I was getting. There wasn't a day that went by that at least 2 people would say they noticed how much I've lost and encouraged me to keep going!!!!

    Join a gym. You will be surprised!!!!
  • chameleon73
    chameleon73 Posts: 119 Member
    And I also see people like you out for walks or at the gym (who really are just people like I used to be) and I think, "Yeah! Get it, girl! You can do it!" It makes me smile in solidarity. So for every insecure moron who has to cut you down to make him/herself feel worthy, there is someone else like me (and many of these other posters), canceling them out by silently encouraging you and cheering you on. Think more often of us.

    I couldn't have said it better, so.... ^ this.
  • What matters is your doing the right thing for yourself, and if people wanna laugh then that shows ignorance! All that matters is your trying to improve your health, and the way I look at it if someone laughs there just intimidated of me because im doing something about it! It shows weakness on there selves!:flowerforyou:
  • I used to weigh 290lbs. When i was that big I didn't want to go to a gym either. So I went dancing. I didn't mind going dancing because I really, truly didn't care what people thought of me, I was having fun. I got all dressed up, found the "ladies" nights (free before XX time) and went. I'd be on the dance floor for a couple of hours, with only stopping to get a drink of water. It was a LOT of fun and I got to be goofy. Now I'm nursing a back injury so I don't go dancing :(. I wish I could though. It was so much fun.

    You might consider getting a Wii or Xbox 360 Kinnect and play the games. I have fun with the Kinnect Adventures and the Dance Central 2. Its nice because I can stop when my back is bothering me.

    Or go walk your local mall. Its indoor, you can window shop, and walk at the same time. I also will go to the gym sporadically to walk on the treadmill. Nobody pays attention to me.
  • 5pmsomewherenow
    5pmsomewherenow Posts: 163 Member
    For anyone who can't, or doesn't feel comfortable walking in the "neighborhood..." try on of these:
    >>Walk the stairs at work -- get up from the desk and move every 1/2 hour.
    >>Walk outside at work for half of your lunch time -- even the parking lot is good.
    >>If you have a parking garage at work, use that while it's rainy, too hot or too cold.
    >>After work, stop somewhere else to walk for a while -- the mall, a nearby neighborhood that has sidewalks, or hills, or flat, or trails, etc.
    >>Ask a friend -- there's bound to be someone else who is looking to walk, too. Start at work -- ask someone to join you for a ten minute walk. ☺

    I've had to use ALL these strategies to try to get 1/2 hour of walking in each day. Try wearing an inexpensive pedometer and set small goals for how many "steps" you're going to take each day, and build up.
  • krash999
    krash999 Posts: 476 Member
    when i started last year i weighed 535 lbs or 243.2 kg, and was barely able to walk 5 minutes without major back pain. but what i did was go to a gym and got on a treadmill (even though i was very overweight for them) and walked. when my back started hurting, i would brace myself against the handrails and continue on. finally after a few months i was able to stand and walk around for over an hour without the back pain being too much to tolerate. and then i was able to get into more physical workouts. which i started doing zunba, which was so much fun. i have been backsliding some since thanksgiving, but i have actually just logged my first loss since then. i always thought that people would be staring at me pointing and laughing as well, but everyone that i have seen at the gyms have been helpful and glad to see that i was actually trying to get rid of the weight. and quite a few of them have let me know that they were once majorly overweight like me.
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    You poor thing! I can relate to this so much! The people sugesting you just go for little walks in your normal clothes are so right! I would do thatto start with if I were you. Then start looking around at local gyms. Some are scary and full of super fit models but others are full of the rest of us! These are the ones to find. No one will judge you because they are all there for the same reason. They may look at you but only to be impressed by how hard you work and how much progress you are making. You are going to be there to improve yourself and get fit and they will respect you for that. Walk first and then when you feel fitter jion a nice gym and you will already have made huge steps to becoming the person you want to be!

    Good luck!

    P.S. Add me if you like but pop a note to say that its you with your friend request!! :)
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 462 Member
    I am not terribly overweight, but definitely want to lose about 15lbs... but I can relate to you in a different way. As a guy that stands at 6'4 - You'd think I could lift some pretty good weight amounts, but truth is... I am just not conditioned for it. So before - I did all cardio and strayed away from the strength building machines and weights. But finally - I said screw it - I started out light and if anything - I found out that people are more than willing to give you tips on what to and not to do.

    People honestly do not care! And if you are scared about getting stared at - go to a greenway. They usually go through woods, and you will pass bikers and joggers - but you don't have to worry about passing cars. People that are exercising are usually to focused on what they are doing to pay attention to what you are doing.

    I love running/jogging/walking outside. For one - I like the fact that even if you see someone - they are only an issue for a couple of minutes before they out run you, or you them... and secondly - it's auto-motivation. On a treadmill - if it hurts... you stop. Outside... you have to make it back to your starting point! lol.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    i feel the same, but i have sucked it up and gone to the gym, i just wait till there arnt any people there. wich usaly is aroun 1030 am on mon-fri or 5am on the weekends