How often do you weigh yourself?



  • calana
    calana Posts: 88 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. I don't get discouraged by it at all, because it's a fact that your weight fluctuates. I'm just fascinated by it and like to see how it changes. I write it down on a calendar in my kitchen and I like to be able to look at where my weight goes during different times in the month.
  • jeni_Giedd
    Every ten days, on my ten (10, 20 30, 40) day! It gives me time to see a difference!
  • kaylabubbles
    kaylabubbles Posts: 4 Member
    I waited 10 days til i weighed myself and lost 2lb. I wouldn't do it everyday because it fluctuates so much so I'd rather wait at least a week til weighing in.
    Also, does anyone know how to make the weight ticker thingy move? i typed in my new weight but the ticker didnt move. I should say that I've lost 2lb but it still says 0!
  • PoleBoy
    PoleBoy Posts: 255 Member
    4 times every morning, twice on a rubbish set of Weight watchers body composition scales (one contact for each foot - almost pointless, but it's what I started my journey with, so to keep my graph honest I've got to keep on doing it) and twice on my Tanita body composition scales (two contacts for each foot and hand. about as good as you can get for that method of estimate)

    my weight varies, but I look at the trend not the daily reading itself.
  • autumnrose2
    I weigh myself daily, just because I am a curious cat, and plot each day's weight on a chart. I love to see the general trend. I weigh myself weekly for MFP purposes. Always first thing in the morning after bathroom, before breakfast!
  • LeSsOvMe
    LeSsOvMe Posts: 117
    Every morning
  • alphabettie
    alphabettie Posts: 43 Member
    I weigh myself almost everyday butt naked and first thing in the morning after the bathroom. I dont think it is discouraging; it keeps me in check. I know that if I ate something bad for me or too high in sodium or carbs that the scale may reflect it. I also understand that we naturally fluctuate a few lbs... I simply use it as information to help aid me throughout the day. It makes me aware of what I am doing and helps to make sure that I am not gaining the weight back.
    ^ this. Every time I've taken a break from NOT weighing myself daily, I put on some pounds.
  • seehawkmomma
    Dr. Oz says to weigh yourself everyday
  • TreeBug60
    TreeBug60 Posts: 3 Member
    Although I just started with MFP a couple of days ago, I have always weighed myself at the same time every morning - I like to see what the changes are from day-to-day and am prepared for the possibility of my weight being higher in the morning than it was the day before, but I don`t let it get me down. I am thrilled so far with the fact that I am sticking to this plan and love all the different types of communication.

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  • catic
    catic Posts: 156
    after a really good poop... :) lol kidding :)

    I weight myself once a week, naked to help out! but shoot it seems like the majority weights daily.

    MFP should put a polling system. It would be easier for these questions than reading through ALL the posts!
  • GiiaSoCrazii
    GiiaSoCrazii Posts: 66 Member
    Ive been weighing myself everyday...Looking at the scale makes me happy and keeps me motivated if i have lost and even if it hasnt movied it makes me want to work even harder and take a good look at what i do on the daily. So its a win win for me to check everyday :)
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    I know I shouldn't, but I weigh myself every day. The scales are in the bathroom and they're just so tempting because I have to walk past it to get to my room! I only record it once a week though, Sunday mornings in my jammies before I eat anything :)
  • rfechter
    rfechter Posts: 109 Member
    I only weigh myself and do it at the same time every morning. I don't see any point in weighing in everyday the weight just does not come off that fast.
  • AmyJo54915
    Once a week, right after I get up and take a potty break :wink:
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    When I had an ED, I weighed myself about 10 times a day. Now I am done to twice usually. I weigh myself first thing in the morning to get my "real weight", and I weigh myself before bed....just out of curiousity really.
  • finding_my_way
    finding_my_way Posts: 174 Member
    I weigh once a day in the morning but honestly I am considering moving the scale to a hiding place. I gained two pounds but I know why and I know that I am losing inches.
  • finding_my_way
    finding_my_way Posts: 174 Member
    When I had an ED, I weighed myself about 10 times a day. Now I am done to twice usually. I weigh myself first thing in the morning to get my "real weight", and I weigh myself before bed....just out of curiousity really.

    Awesome, give you props for conquering the ED
  • artemis222
    artemis222 Posts: 390 Member
    I weigh myself almost every single morning. It actually keeps me motivated and honest about how I'm doing.
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    Everday in the morning!:bigsmile: Haha I used to be terrified of the scale, but seeing that it is actually goin down 2-4 oz everday makes me sooo excited to see what surprise it might show me. I record only what I loose though:laugh: The trick thats helping me is WATER:smile: Who knew
  • JondaC
    JondaC Posts: 42 Member
    I weigh everyday. While it can be discouraging not to see the scale go down every time, I find it very exciting even if I am down 2/10 of a pound.