How do you drink your coffee?



  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    I have 1-2 coffees daily with Coffeemate. Addresses my sweet tooth and is like a treat.
  • I do 2 cups a day, with 1 tsp of sugar and 1/4 cup of 1% milk. I also have a cup of hot tea with the same sugar and milk later in the day or at night in front of the tv. I figure it's satisfying and fewer calories than many other options. I'd use skim milk if any one else in the house used it- it goes sour before I can finish it!
  • MalibuBeth
    MalibuBeth Posts: 87 Member
    1 cup in the morning with 2 spoons of stevia, and fat free half'n'half OR if i feel like splurging with the calories i'll use a flavored creamer. On weekends i'll have 2 cups.
  • cowgirlslikeus86
    cowgirlslikeus86 Posts: 597 Member
    I make mine with a french press. Typicaly I have about 16-32 oz. a day and I drink mine with 1 Tbl, Half and Half per 16 oz. Sometimes in the morning I put 2 TBL. Nestle coco mix in for 70 calories extra. I usually drink decaf or 1/2 decaf and 1/2 caffinated.

    I use to always have mochas but I realized I was making them out to be about 250 calories a piece. Doesn't work too well when your trying to loose weight. Coffee doesn't keep you from loosing weight it's just "Empty Calories" as they say, although, I sometimes only have coffee for breakfast. It help save my calories for lunch/dinner and I do stay full till 1-2pm.
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    Black when I make it myself, but at Dunks I get a splash of skim milk with a turbo shot!
  • mrscruikshank
    mrscruikshank Posts: 26 Member
    I have been struggling with this as well. I am an all day coffee drinker. Which if I could drink it black I would be okay with! But I like mine with flavored creamer and I don't like the sugar free varieties. I have cut myself down to between 2 & 4 cups a day with just 1 or 2 tsp of creamer but I get cranky in the afternoons when I really want another cup or two. Or three. The calories and sugar are killing me though! It really takes up alot of my daily total which is very frustrating. We have a Keurig at work which is where all of my coffee is drank during the week. I need to find a flavored coffee that I can learn to drink w/o the creamer added to it!
  • I have either a 16 oz or a 24 oz cup each morning, and use splenda (2 for small cup, 3 for large) and international delights hazelnut creamer (2 for small, 3 for large)... I can't drink coffee black, and I am grouchy and miserable without it! So it's worth the calories to me! It also tends to fill me up a bit so I'm not craving a huge breakfast. I'll usually have some fruit or non-fat yogurt mid-morning, and I'm good until lunch.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I brew it with cinnamon. Make me less likely to want sugar in it
  • I drink 4-5 cups a day all day long at work. With 3 Mini-Moos and 1/2 a pack of equal. I used to drink it black with Stevia and I liked it too. I'm just not in the habit of doing that anymore because it's so easy at work.
  • suzzann666
    suzzann666 Posts: 334 Member
    throughout the day i usually polish off a whole pot. i drink it with just a splash of skim milk to lighten it a bit.
  • Folgers Breakfast Blen
    with sugar free hazelnut torani syrup!
  • AureliaCotta
    AureliaCotta Posts: 99 Member
    With Coffee-Mate (or the generic equivalent) flavored creamers: I measure what I use and incorporate it into my meal plan.

    I also only drink 1-2 cups a day. Maybe 3 on a weekend.
  • jenrod1118
    jenrod1118 Posts: 150 Member
    I drink about 1-2 cups black but add in a scoop of greens. The greens is a supplement i found that you can add into any beverage and it's your daily 8+ servings of veggies & fruits. Let me know if you want more info on the ones i use.
  • Ummmmmmmmmmmm.......Oraly????
  • 1 Cup a day with 2 Splenders and 1 tbs half-n-half creamer. It's about 56 calories.
  • jspage73
    jspage73 Posts: 15 Member
    As I have been told I drink "foo foo" coffee because my coffee looks like light chocolate milk. I for years have drank lots of coffee (decaf) with 4 splenda and lots of creamer 2-4 little creamers depending on the strength of the coffee. While watching Dr. Oz the other day I learned that splenda was 600 times sweeter than sugar (I believe because I can't do sugar in coffee at all) and it resets your taste buds to want things so sweet. I think this is true because I can't get enough sweet things on high splenda days (lots of coffee and diet soda). I have also learned that if I drink my coffee the way I really like it and drink 2-4 cups...I don't eat until dinner which is not good in the long run really.
    I have started to "wean" myself from so much artificial sweetner and cream. I am doing half splenda and half stevia (natural sweeter) and half creamer. It is a little bitter tasting in the end, but I am getting used to it. I plan to go to all stevia (only 2) and less creamer still. Then keep going until slowly it is black or only 1 stevia and 1 creamer packet.
    Good luck everyone!!
  • Bean615
    Bean615 Posts: 132 Member
    i drink it black. i used to use sweetener and milk but now i cant stand it. i love black coffee! i have 2 cups in the morning maybe 1 in the afternoon and 1 cup after dinner! i love my nighttime coffee.
  • Ummmmmmmmmmmm.......Oraly????

    The caffeine hits your bloodstream much more quickly if you take it as an enema. But so messy!

    I drink my many cups per day with fakey creamer and splenda. It will mos def kill me one day but it's the one - ok one of the few - bad habits I can't seem to break!
  • ladyplaz
    ladyplaz Posts: 111 Member
    Ok, I admit it. I love my coffee. I limit myself to 2 or 3 cups a day. I drink it with a tsp. Of just plain old sugar in it. I cannot handle the artificial sweetners and stevia messes with some medications (check with your pharmacist) so, just plain old black and slightly sweet for me.
  • I use Splenda and coffee-mate, can't live with out it so I just figure in the calories. It's just the way it is, I can't live with out it!!
    I call it milk shake coffee!