running with or without music?..



  • dollipop
    dollipop Posts: 379 Member
    Any workout I do, I do it with music. Why? I think its because of the beat, it gives me a fairly consistent rhythm to follow. Either way, its much more enjoyable with music. :)
    This. I use rockmyrun mixes, so there's little let up between songs or in the breakdowns. I need a steady beat.
  • GreenEyedGrl86
    I mainly do my exercising in the gym, so I MUST have music. Otherwise I'm just thinking about how much I hate this and how much I want to stop. Keeps me going. I'm going to be making a "workout" playlist soon so I can keep the upbeat tunes flowing.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I run 2 days a week by myself and 2 days with a running group. When I'm with my group, I don't listen to music at all, but when I am by myself I prefer to have my training playlist on to motivate me and help me with my pace.
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    When I first started running I listened to 80's hairbands. But have been runnign without anything for over a year. I like that I don't have to mess with the cords choking me and different things.
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    I have to have music. I like the earbuds that loop around your ears. Also, even when I run outside, I blast it. I run at night, and on a well lit street that is beachside, but, I take my dog and she hears EVERYTHING.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I just started running but I don't think I could do it without some high energy music blasting away. Definitely necessary.
  • missjelika
    missjelika Posts: 115 Member
    When I'm by myself, I actually prefer to listen to podcasts or audiobooks.
    This. I get a news podcast and wont get off until it is over.
  • GreenEyedGrl86
    I can do nothing without music. I would drop to the ground in a blobous mass.

  • VALentine_zombie
    I can run with and without music but sometimes the beat of the music pushes me to run faster. There are times that I like to run and just take in the nature of where I live.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    I want to listen to music when I run, but I can't. If I don't hear my breathing, I don't keep a rhythm going and then I get this horrible cramp in my side. Even on the treadmill. It's maddening. This morning, I ran 4 miles and put one earbud in and watched/listened to the news, because I can still concentrate on my breathing. This drives me nuts.
  • Lolamako
    Lolamako Posts: 89 Member
    Treadmill, haaaaaave to have music.

    Outside;NEVER. One, I don't like it. Two, it's too dangerous. I think people take their safety too lightly, there are a lot of people looking to prey on someone, I just try to give my self one more layer of safety by being able to hear what's going on around me. That is if I'm not huffing and puffing so hard I can't hear anything :)

    I don't know if Sherry Arnold was listening to music when she was kidnapped, but it's still a good reminder to be aware.
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    I NEVER run w/ music outside. I tried it once in all my 15 years of running (OMGIAMOLD), and I hated it.

    I love the sound of the outdoors, my feet hitting the pavement, the wind in the trees, kids playing, birds singing...

    Oh, and I like being able to hear cars and dogs and potential attackers trying to grab me. It's SO much safer to run w/o music, or to have it on so low that you can still hear everything else. RunnersWorld just tweeted that pedestrians w/ headphones are getting struck by cars more and more as years pass.

    I def recommend using your outdoor running time as a chance to strip off all the noise and hubbub we subject ourselves to day-in and day-out (willingly or otherwise). Tune into nature. Get lost in your breathing. Say "hi, squirrely!" to the squirrel yelling at you from a tree branch. (ok, so that last bit might just be what I do.)

    That said, do NOT try to put me on a treadmill or elliptical or bike indoors without some Loud Effing Music. I will kill.

    That is all.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Without. When I first started running I was running on a treadmill and couldn't do it without music but as soon as I made the transition to running outdoors I found I never needed or wanted to run with music.

    There is something very meditative about running without music especially on my long runs.
  • Clare_F
    Clare_F Posts: 76
    I always run alone and love to run with music and get lost in my own thoughts :)
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    I guess it depends.

    If I am at the gym on the treadmill I HAVE TO have the music going, and LOUD.

    If it's in the evening on the trail then once again I like music. However if it is morning time and I am on the trail I prefer to listen to the nature around me...
  • cicilya
    music all the way. It takes my mind off of what Im doing so I can run further and and faster without stopping.:smile:

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  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    I have to have music. I like the earbuds that loop around your ears. Also, even when I run outside, I blast it. I run at night, and on a well lit street that is beachside, but, I take my dog and she hears EVERYTHING.

    OMG this scares me... Please consider turning down your music outside, ESPECIALLY at night, dog or no dog. Do you really want to leave it up to your dog to protect you from a car or an attacker? I say turn it down and look out for the both of you.

    ...just sayin.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    No music for me thanks. Whether I'm doing a 4 mile run or a 14 mile run, I like to get lost in thought and just enjoy my run. I used to listen to music but I much prefer to run without it these days.
  • MaryDreamer
    Definitely WITH and I'm a speed walker/jogger combo. It makes me move faster and burn more calories.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    I usually listen with one ear bud in and one out. Usually when I run with someone else (only a handful of times), I don't listen to music.