My ex left me because I'm fat. :(



  • MissMollieD
    Best motivation ever. Show him what could have been his if he wasn't such an a-hole.
  • garn1232
    So sorry! You are doing fantastic. I am jealous!
  • ilovegod25
    u are a fool by been sad for something thats not worth it!
    move on andkeep losing weight and wtch someday a good guy will come and appreciate wat he threw away!
  • colehook
    OK, I believe he didn't leave you because you're fat...he left you because he got scared. I see by your ticker that you have made astounding progress, so ask yourself why he would wait til now to leave. He is probably a very insecure "@#$ hole" who needed to put you down in order for himself to look big!! He has managed to transfer all this crap onto your shoulders for about long enough. I know it's hard, but pick yourself up, dust your pretty little (yes, little) self right off, and achieve the rest of your goal! Not for him...but for you because YOU are worth it, and some day some guy (real man) will come along and show you just how precious you really are!!

    ^^^She said it perfectly!!!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Sounds like a complete d-bag! You are better off without him.

    Use this as the motivation to move forward with your life, get healthy and in a shape that you are happy with. Once you are happy with your size or shape whoever you find will be happy with your body too. Confidence is sexy!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Wow! What a complete and utter jerk! If that is what is most important to him, I am sure you can do better. Hugs!
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    He sounds like he has his own issues anyway.
    Definitely focus on yourself.
  • TheBakerGirl
    You should be happy he left! He was clearly sucking up all of your good energy and wasn't doing anything to encourage you to have a healthy lifestyle. And now that he's gone, you can focus on what's really important…YOU! You can do this. Be sad for a little bit and give yourself time to mourn the relationship…then, back to business. You've already been so successful in your weight loss…you are fully capable of reaching your goals!
  • 519harley
    519harley Posts: 241 Member
    I'm sorry you are hurting with this but I think he did you a favor. There are LOTS of men out there that will appreciate you no matter what. You wouldn't have the chance to meet these guys if you were still with him. Take care!! Karen
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    WOW...what a wanker! (Sorry..I'm American, but I've decided that "wanker" is a word that should be used in the US more).

    It sounds like you deserve much, much better, Sorry you're going through this, and I'm sure it seems like the end of the world right now, but you are young and on the right track to a great healthy future. Keep up all of your hard work and just remember 'looking great is the best revenge" (and please DON'T take him back when he comes sniffing around after you reach your goal).
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    OK, I believe he didn't leave you because you're fat...he left you because he got scared. I see by your ticker that you have made astounding progress, so ask yourself why he would wait til now to leave. He is probably a very insecure "@#$ hole" who needed to put you down in order for himself to look big!! He has managed to transfer all this crap onto your shoulders for about long enough. I know it's hard, but pick yourself up, dust your pretty little (yes, little) self right off, and achieve the rest of your goal! Not for him...but for you because YOU are worth it, and some day some guy (real man) will come along and show you just how precious you really are!!

    I second that....When I went through divorce with my first husband he was seeing other girls and working out with other girls because I didn't give him a challenge when it came to working out. I got angry....I used that anger to workout...It was my motivation and I tell you what I ended up loosing about 40lbs and he tried to come back to me....UH NO lol... I am now happily married to my first love and I am back on here cause I just had another child 9 months ago so its time to loose the rest of the weight.

    Good luck hun go get em!!
  • BrandiParsonRNC
    BrandiParsonRNC Posts: 25 Member
    I believe there must of been more to it! You aren't fat! That can't be his excuse! I say, "to hell with him" and have fun! There is so much more out there!
  • andreacord
    You're better off without him. My best friend wouldn't date me because I "haven't lost enough weight yet" and he was a musclehead. Needless to say, he's no longer my best friend. Angry stage is almost a beautiful thing motivation wise, get back on track to do it for a healthy, beautiful you :)
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    Trust me this guy just did you a HUGE favor, just send him pics of your progess...:flowerforyou:
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Hey Guys,

    I really just need help getting motivated again. My ex recently broke up with me because according to him I'm fat and it's not attractive. The crazy thing is he left me for a pregnant girl :s (the kid is not his, this I know for sure).

    Anyhow we were together for six long years and I've always been overweight. I've lost over 70 lbs already and still it didn't help our relationship. At the moment it's hard for me to eat. I just feel sad and sort of depressed. I consider myself a strong person all I need is a little push and advice from others to keep going.

    I only need 27 more lbs to reach my goal! I don't want to get behind, but it's too hard right now for me.

    My starting weight: 225 lbs
    Current weight: 152.4 lbs
    Goal weight: 125 lbs
    My wife told me when I ballooned up to 262lbs - lose the fat or we're DONE!

    She explained that a fat, flabby body was a major turn off, and she could no longer stomach the idea of being intimate.
    I was CRUSHED.
    I lost the weight, and all is well, but like you, that was a wake-up call.

    Being fat is unattractive. That's reality. I am thankful she was honest, and if the shoe was on the other foot, I admit that I could never be attracted to her fat. And if she did not change, I'd leave her high and dry.

    I get it.

    So, use this as a base to build your new life of health and fitness.
    And no matter how fit you ever get, HAVE NOTHING TO DO AGAIN WITH THAT MAN!

    Had my wife left, I'd have been sad, then angry, then totally motivated to set and reach my fitness goals.
    And once fit, I'd have REPLACED her with somebody younger and better looking.

    So too can YOU!

    Keep punching - ALL IS POSSIBLE!
  • FlabulessFam
    OK, I believe he didn't leave you because you're fat...he left you because he got scared. I see by your ticker that you have made astounding progress, so ask yourself why he would wait til now to leave. He is probably a very insecure "@#$ hole" who needed to put you down in order for himself to look big!! He has managed to transfer all this crap onto your shoulders for about long enough. I know it's hard, but pick yourself up, dust your pretty little (yes, little) self right off, and achieve the rest of your goal! Not for him...but for you because YOU are worth it, and some day some guy (real man) will come along and show you just how precious you really are!!

    This is soooooo right!! Keep up the great work!!!
  • jeclpi
    jeclpi Posts: 28
    If there's one thing I've learnt over the years - if a man criticises something about you as part of the reason for a break-up, it's 100% sure that he's using it as a way to deflect attention from his own pathetic behaviour. While you're so busy worrying about the issue he's just passed to you, you forget to blame the real cause of the situation - him!

    No one needs to live their life with a moral coward, be strong, be brave and look for someone who really loves you for who you are, because you sound as if you have a lot going for you - his loss, definitely not yours!
  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    I agree with all of the above. People cheat and look elsewhere because of problems with THEM not because of problems with YOU. It's hard not to take it personally especially when they blame your looks etc. but he is just pushing off his own insecurities to make you think it's your fault. It's not. He doesn't want to take responsibility for his own insecurities. You are a strong woman. Find it in yourself somewhere to push forward and get to that goal weight and then rock that bod with confidence because you are strong and sexy and beautiful!
  • JessyeS
    JessyeS Posts: 30 Member
    He left you because he's a nob not because you're fat!

    Do this for you! And you can do it!
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Don't let this ahole define you. You will get over this. Then you will be so glad he is out of your life and you can build positive relationships. Make this phase about you. Find someone, when you are ready, that is a mutual relationship, not one sided. No compromise. Lose weight for you, now. Build a stronger you. Find out what that new you needs out of a relationship and life, and go get it! Life has a way of catching up to people that use other people. Buddha: Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.
    So somehow you will learn how to go forward and let this guy crash and burn without you. You deserve more.