Can't even walk

dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
I live in the far NE Phila, PA. It use to be a safe place to live. It was the last area of the city where You could walk down the street without being afraid.
Today I took my dog for a walk and stopped dead in my tracks when I looked up and saw a Pit Bull about 50 feet in front of me. He was hunched down like he was going to attack. I almost sh(& my pants. I slowly truned and picked up my 30 lb American Husky and prayed.
I walked as fast as I could without running until I was around the corner. Then I ran.
When I got home I was shaking so bad I almost fainted. I am almost 56 years old and am lucky I didn't have a F^&N heartattack.
I am so sick that I can't even walk my dog or my grandbabies for fear they are going to get mauled by a dog. This is not the first time this has happened. I have to pick a different route each time I walk because there are so many vicious dogs. No more.
Anyone who lives in a big city knows there is nothing you can do. If I call the police they laugh and if I call animal control they never show up.
I wish I was younger and could afford to move out of this Godforsaken place.
Just wanted to vent. I really feel like crying.


  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Before I comment, am I to assume the pitbull was just roaming free?
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Before I comment, am I to assume the pitbull was just roaming free?
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I have mixed feelings on this topic. I'm not sure if you were scared simply because it was a pitbull and wouldn't be if it were say, a golden retriever but, I'm pro pitbull. Granted, no dog should be roaming around off leash as many people are scared of dogs in general. I feel the whole pitbull ban (which we have in Canada, not sure if you have that as well where you are) is extremely ridiculous. It's not the dogs that should be put down, but the idiotic d*uche bag owners that train them to be vicious on command.

    My advice for you as this seems to be a common occurrence, is invest in some pepper spray, just a little bottle. My aunt carries one with her whenever she takes her dogs (a yorkie-poo, and a chihuahua) on walks as there are coyotes in her neighbourhood.
  • ang650
    ang650 Posts: 6
    So you assumed the animal was vicious because he was a pitbull? I know pleanty that are off leash that would never hurt another soul... now unless this dog has attacked you or you know for a fact its vicious then thats antoher thing... hating an animal because of their breed isnt fair...
  • Ready4Battle
    Guns. Buy lots of guns and ammo.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Guns. Buy lots of guns and ammo.
    If I had one that dog would have been missing it's F(^*&%N head along with it's owner. I promise you that.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I am very pro-pitbull, but I also am totally aware that they have been bred for generations to fight other dogs. I walk my three dogs and if I were to come across a PB, I would just about have a heart attack, too. Any offleash dog makes me very nervous, but pits are powerful dogs who can do a lot of damage if they do attack my dogs. Plus two of my dogs are marshmallows and the one who is protective is 11 years old, so they'd never stand a chance if they were attacked.

    Having said all that, my next door neighbor's DIL has a pit who is a wonderful dog. I love her to death. She's very sweet. But I would not have my dogs out in the yard with her. It's just common sense and any long term pit owner will tell you that you have to be cautious about DA in pits. Normally if it's going to develop, it will happen between 18 and 24 months of age.
  • ang650
    ang650 Posts: 6
  • ang650
    ang650 Posts: 6
    In 34 death cases in 1989 to 1990, 10 cases were caused by Nordic breeds like the Husky, Samoyed or Malamute, 10 further cases were caused by Pit Bull type (mix) dogs uncertain of positive identification. Seven deaths were caused by German Shepherds, 3 by Dobermans, 1 by a Rottweiler, and 4 by other breeds.

    Just figured I would throw it out there since you have a husky...
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member

    Thank you very much for this. I have been trying to get people to understand this for a while. Actually, in the 1800s Pitbulls were used as nanny dogs. They were left to watch over the children if the parents had to step out for a bit as they were very trusted, well mannered, and loving dogs.

    It's the stupid owners that need to be killed. Any dog as the potential to be aggressive, it's all in the training.
  • theoneandonlybrookie
    I don't think the breed of dog matters as much as the fact that it was unattended. Dogs out and about unleashed can be scary. I have encountered a few on my runs over the years, but the only one that actually bit me (he didn't break the skin - just got his little nasty teeth on me) was a tiny, yappy scrap of a dog about as big as my shoe.

    If you meet a dog out that is unleashed, face it and use your deepest, scariest voice to yell at it. Many dogs understand the word NO when screamed.

    Aside from little Mr. Yippy that got me, all of the others dogs that I have encountered on my runs turned and headed the other direction when I did this.
  • ang650
    ang650 Posts: 6

    Thank you very much for this. I have been trying to get people to understand this for a while. Actually, in the 1800s Pitbulls were used as nanny dogs. They were left to watch over the children if the parents had to step out for a bit as they were very trusted, well mannered, and loving dogs.

    It's the stupid owners that need to be killed. Any dog as the potential to be aggressive, it's all in the training.

    Exactly, and it sucks when people want to be racist towards dogs and run home crying when technically their dog is just as "vicious" I mean come on I could be like those blue eyed huskies scare the carp out of me and they are mean and vicious but no I dont care, a dog is a dog and depnding on the owner is how they will act...

    I hate to bash but the original poster didnt know if the dog was vicious, she assumed it. Thats like when I walk my bf's dogs and people cross the street its like really, you're afraid of her she'll lick you to death if anything...

    They are the most loving and loyal dogs, and if you have never owned one, know one, or have met one please dont judge by what you hear in the news - I was bit by a golden retriver but you dont see me running around bashing them...
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I've got a Rottweiler, he's only 9.5 weeks old right now. But we were at the mall one day and one man with his black lab said to his son, "Those dogs, those like limbs." It took everything I had not to ream him out in front of the kid because of his complete ignorance. As well, we've met a beautiful and kind Pitbull while at Petsmart that just sat there while my dog was being his hyper puppy self. Ignorance is the root of all evil.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I am very pro-pitbull, but I also am totally aware that they have been bred for generations to fight other dogs. I walk my three dogs and if I were to come across a PB, I would just about have a heart attack, too. Any offleash dog makes me very nervous, but pits are powerful dogs who can do a lot of damage if they do attack my dogs. Plus two of my dogs are marshmallows and the one who is protective is 11 years old, so they'd never stand a chance if they were attacked.

    Having said all that, my next door neighbor's DIL has a pit who is a wonderful dog. I love her to death. She's very sweet. But I would not have my dogs out in the yard with her. It's just common sense and any long term pit owner will tell you that you have to be cautious about DA in pits. Normally if it's going to develop, it will happen between 18 and 24 months of age.
    Thank You!
    I am a dog lover. I have always had a dog, many different breeds.
    I know what these dogs are capable of. Last summer right outback of my house a woman my age was walking her dog when a pitbull who lives in a house out back from me, pushed open the gate and grabbed the womans dog by the neck and would not let go.
    Everyone was screaming and yelling but no one would go near the thing for fear it would attack them too. The poor woman was terrified. I tried to get her come into my yard but she would not let go of her beloved dog. It was a large dog, collie and lab mix. One of the neighbors ran to the owners house and one of her kids came out and called the dog like it was nothing. Finally the dog let go and walked away. The poor woman was traumatized. The dog got over 50 stiches. The pitbulls owner never came out to see if either of them were ok.
    I seen with my own eyes what these dogs can do. Just because it doesn't hurt anyone in your family, doesn't mean they are a safe breed. You will never convince me and I will always be affraid of them.
  • Spinelli2288
    Spinelli2288 Posts: 188 Member
    I noticed that you weren't attacking pit bulls, you just simply stated that that particular time it was a pit and followed up with being afraid of someone getting mauled by a DOG and not just a pit bull. The best thing you can do is get a CPL (concealed pistol license), if that dog comes at you aggressively you put a bullet in it's head, I know, I've had to do it. Also, by having a CPL and using it for your own protection, you cannot get fined for shooting within city limits, again, I know from personal experience. I've had to shoot 3 dogs, and Akita, a German Shepherd, and a Pit Bull. I firmly believe that the actions of a dog are either the owners fault or sometimes your own. I'm not trigger happy by any means, but I believe that everyone has the right to defend themselves. Especially in your case. I wish you the best of luck.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I am very pro-pitbull, but I also am totally aware that they have been bred for generations to fight other dogs. I walk my three dogs and if I were to come across a PB, I would just about have a heart attack, too. Any offleash dog makes me very nervous, but pits are powerful dogs who can do a lot of damage if they do attack my dogs. Plus two of my dogs are marshmallows and the one who is protective is 11 years old, so they'd never stand a chance if they were attacked.

    Having said all that, my next door neighbor's DIL has a pit who is a wonderful dog. I love her to death. She's very sweet. But I would not have my dogs out in the yard with her. It's just common sense and any long term pit owner will tell you that you have to be cautious about DA in pits. Normally if it's going to develop, it will happen between 18 and 24 months of age.
    Thank You!
    I am a dog lover. I have always had a dog, many different breeds.
    I know what these dogs are capable of. Last summer right outback of my house a woman my age was walking her dog when a pitbull who lives in a house out back from me, pushed open the gate and grabbed the womans dog by the neck and would not let go.
    Everyone was screaming and yelling but no one would go near the thing for fear it would attack them too. The poor woman was terrified. I tried to get her come into my yard but she would not let go of her beloved dog. It was a large dog, collie and lab mix. One of the neighbors ran to the owners house and one of her kids came out and called the dog like it was nothing. Finally the dog let go and walked away. The poor woman was traumatized. The dog got over 50 stiches. The pitbulls owner never came out to see if either of them were ok.
    I seen with my own eyes what these dogs can do. Just because it doesn't hurt anyone in your family, doesn't mean they are a safe breed. You will never convince me and I will always be affraid of them.

    Just because it's a Pitbull doesn't mean it's vicious. You can train your Husky to do the exact same thing.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I noticed that you weren't attacking pit bulls, you just simply stated that that particular time it was a pit and followed up with being afraid of someone getting mauled by a DOG and not just a pit bull. The best thing you can do is get a CPL (concealed pistol license), if that dog comes at you aggressively you put a bullet in it's head, I know, I've had to do it. Also, by having a CPL and using it for your own protection, you cannot get fined for shooting within city limits, again, I know from personal experience. I've had to shoot 3 dogs, and Akita, a German Shepherd, and a Pit Bull. I firmly believe that the actions of a dog are either the owners fault or sometimes your own. I'm not trigger happy by any means, but I believe that everyone has the right to defend themselves. Especially in your case. I wish you the best of luck.

    Oh, good on you! You've shot three dogs. You know, you could protect yourself exactly the same with a bottle of pepper spray, and oh wait! The dog could still live.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I noticed that you weren't attacking pit bulls, you just simply stated that that particular time it was a pit and followed up with being afraid of someone getting mauled by a DOG and not just a pit bull. The best thing you can do is get a CPL (concealed pistol license), if that dog comes at you aggressively you put a bullet in it's head, I know, I've had to do it. Also, by having a CPL and using it for your own protection, you cannot get fined for shooting within city limits, again, I know from personal experience. I've had to shoot 3 dogs, and Akita, a German Shepherd, and a Pit Bull. I firmly believe that the actions of a dog are either the owners fault or sometimes your own. I'm not trigger happy by any means, but I believe that everyone has the right to defend themselves. Especially in your case. I wish you the best of luck.
    I. love. you. and wish you were my neighbor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I noticed that you weren't attacking pit bulls, you just simply stated that that particular time it was a pit and followed up with being afraid of someone getting mauled by a DOG and not just a pit bull. The best thing you can do is get a CPL (concealed pistol license), if that dog comes at you aggressively you put a bullet in it's head, I know, I've had to do it. Also, by having a CPL and using it for your own protection, you cannot get fined for shooting within city limits, again, I know from personal experience. I've had to shoot 3 dogs, and Akita, a German Shepherd, and a Pit Bull. I firmly believe that the actions of a dog are either the owners fault or sometimes your own. I'm not trigger happy by any means, but I believe that everyone has the right to defend themselves. Especially in your case. I wish you the best of luck.

    Oh, good on you! You've shot three dogs. You know, you could protect yourself exactly the same with a bottle of pepper spray, and oh wait! The dog could still live.

    If a dog attacks you it doesn't deserve to be alive.
  • Spinelli2288
    Spinelli2288 Posts: 188 Member
    I noticed that you weren't attacking pit bulls, you just simply stated that that particular time it was a pit and followed up with being afraid of someone getting mauled by a DOG and not just a pit bull. The best thing you can do is get a CPL (concealed pistol license), if that dog comes at you aggressively you put a bullet in it's head, I know, I've had to do it. Also, by having a CPL and using it for your own protection, you cannot get fined for shooting within city limits, again, I know from personal experience. I've had to shoot 3 dogs, and Akita, a German Shepherd, and a Pit Bull. I firmly believe that the actions of a dog are either the owners fault or sometimes your own. I'm not trigger happy by any means, but I believe that everyone has the right to defend themselves. Especially in your case. I wish you the best of luck.

    Oh, good on you! You've shot three dogs. You know, you could protect yourself exactly the same with a bottle of pepper spray, and oh wait! The dog could still live.

    Actually no, they wouldn't. When I was bitten by all three dogs that gave them a permanent death sentence not only with my gun but with the State of Michigan.