My ex left me because I'm fat. :(



  • flavoid
    flavoid Posts: 11 Member
    He left you because You are achieving your goal, and he probably was not achieving his,

    so he left because " YOUR'RE TOO GOOD FOR HIM"

    don't stop, don't look back, keep it up, reach your goals, the men will come running and you'll have your choice of a much better crop than that guy,
  • I soo agree with her, its not you it is him hes the *kitten* you deserve so much better.
  • PaulaDDN
    PaulaDDN Posts: 162 Member
    He just used that as an excuse, and that excuse is making him look like an *kitten*. Keep on the good work, don't believe he left u because of that, loss the weight u still need to loss but do it for you, not for no one, not even to prove him u can be skinny, who cares what he thinks. You are better off, you new better life starts right now :) XOs
  • current weight 152...okay this guy is a total jerk even if he would have said all of this at your starting weight he would've still be a complete jerk..forget him move on and keep going on this journey its all ABOUT YOU!
  • decooper
    decooper Posts: 57 Member
    Ok. First of all... he left you because he is an @**hole... not because you are fat!!!!

    Start getting angry, not sad... Once you get to the angry phase, I swear... you will want to do this to prove him wrong!!!!

    I have left the worst marriage imaginable and had him tell me the same thing. Didn't start losing until I realized it wasn't me that was the problem. It was that I had this lifesucking leach on me, keeping me that way.

    You can do it... Forget him!

    I totally agree with the above. He was simply not the one. He actually did you a favor. One day you will meet someone who will appreciate you. Start focusing on your goals and do it for yourself. You have come so far, don't let him stop you.
  • Do not feel sad or depresses over him! and DO NOT stop trying to reach your goals!! He left you because he probably noticed what a strong woman you are an realized he can not compete with that! i am sorry that you had to waste 6 yrs on a loser but at least you didn't waste a LIFETIME! You keep chugging along and lose those extra pounds and become strong, healthy and happy! He will eventually realize the huge mistake he made when he left you the next time he sees you. uummm not to mention that now he will be dealing with a hormonal, exhausted and *****y girlfriend because she has been up all night with a screaming baby, that is not eve his ( every mom here can assure you of that!) So just laugh at his stupidity, smile at your success and wipe away those tears because HE is not worth YOUR time, YOU ARE WORTH YOUR TIME!!!!!!
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    The guy left you for a woman who is pregnant with somebody else's child. He is either a total moron or... That's all I got. Anyway, you're only 22, so you've been with this guy since 16? Good you got out. You're still in the phase most women go through where they like dating losers. Get it out of your system. And no matter what your weight, a good guy will love you for you. or because he has a thing for fat girls. One or the other.
  • Well I know you don't believe this right now but you're better off. If he left you after 6 years it's not because of your weight and it was really immature of him to lay the blame on you like that.

    Don't let him get you down; you're better than that and you can do it
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    I'm assuming you've only gotten smaller since you met the ex, so he must be a mental case. You're better off without him. When the time is right, you'll find a good guy, and, looking back, you'll be glad you didn't have to settle for the ex. You're on a great path to looking great and being healthy. May God bless you with a great life!

  • Michelle923
    Michelle923 Posts: 28 Member
    First of all, I am so very sorry for your pain. I can also tell you that his leaving had nothing to do with your weight. When you really love someone, they are there for you no matter what. It was just a stupid excuse to put the blame on you and to make you feel bad! Don't let this derail you! Keep it of these days you'll bump into him and he will look at you and know what a tremendous mistake he made.
  • He did not leave you because of anything You did or are, period. He left you because of himself, and thank goodness he did because anyone who would TRY and make you feel like less of a person is not worthy of sharing in your life.

    congratulations on your weight loss! good for you and try and move on from that ignorant jerk. he sounds like a complete waste of your time.

    keep focusing on yourself and your progress and be happy. i have no doubt that your ex will not find real happiness, and you will so good for you, and maybe you should thank him next time you see him. thanks for leaving my life :)
  • WOW! You have lost 70 pounds! Down to 152.. that is AWESOME... Great job!!!
  • JWoodyard07
    JWoodyard07 Posts: 55 Member
    I wouldn't worry about him then. He is obviously shallow and a child still. I was a size 6 when I got pregnant with my son. After my son, I weighed 230. My hubby claims he didn't notice and I was still beautiful. That is a real man. Not this, I am leaving you because you're fat crap. It was probably for the best! Don't let him get to you! 152 is by no means big! Just work towards your goal for YOU and not for some boy!! You can do it:)
  • ngory07
    ngory07 Posts: 194 Member
    He did you a are MUCH too good for him!!! Stay strong! I know it hurts but you have come soooo far!! His loss will be someone elses treasure :)
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    NO he didnt. That was an excuse. I am so sorry that you are hurt, but eventually you will look back and see this as a blessing. YOU do not deserve someone who would say and or treat you that way. God has better things in store for you.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    Sounds like he was just looking for any excuse to leave you. His loss.

    I am sorry to day this ^^^

    He doesn't deserve you, and you should take this time to get to know you again. Just go out and sit at the bar order something small and enjoy being with yourself, go to the movies with a nice personal blanket and big old tub of popcorn or even just to the park with a nice towel in a swim suit and lay in the sun. You will enjoy that last one cause some people will appreciate the view :wink:

    Don't bother with an *kitten* who doesn't appreciate you, you are a very good person who deserves to be loved and treasured. Treated tenderly and looked at fondly. He obviously didn't see that, so forget him. There will be others out there who will see you for what you are and treat you the way you should be treated. For now just learn to love you for all the good you bring and the bad too :blushing:
  • insolent
    insolent Posts: 10 Member
    That guy's a *kitten*. You've already lost a ton of weight, 73 lbs! And you're STILL losing weight! You're not fat at all. Be glad you're not with someone who treats you like crap.
  • circulatory
    circulatory Posts: 15 Member
    Ok. First of all... he left you because he is an @**hole... not because you are fat!!!!

    Start getting angry, not sad... Once you get to the angry phase, I swear... you will want to do this to prove him wrong!!!!

    I have left the worst marriage imaginable and had him tell me the same thing. Didn't start losing until I realized it wasn't me that was the problem. It was that I had this lifesucking leach on me, keeping me that way.

    You can do it... Forget him!

    Thiiiiis. I spent a year letting a guy make me feel like crap about myself, but finally got angry, cut him out of my life, and am happier and healthier and a stronger person than I ever was with him around (I will admit I was hurt and sad for a while before really pulling myself together, but I am thankful every day to not be in that relationship any more!).

    You are so close to your goal, and if you want, you're going to be ready to welcome someone into your life who is greater and more deserving of all your have to offer.
  • katscoots
    katscoots Posts: 255 Member
    Amen to that - sounds like a complet douschbag. do it for you or don't do it.
  • htgrlsinlv
    htgrlsinlv Posts: 2 Member
    Good riddence to bad rubbish I say.