How often do you eat fast food?



  • cthoma70
    cthoma70 Posts: 228 Member
    If Subway is fast food then twice a month maybe, if not never
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    I was going to say almost never, but that's because I'm thinking McD's or Carls Jr type places. We do order pizza more often than is probably healthy and probably once every week or two I get a chicken sandwich or salad from a local shop. (a mom and pop type place that give you cucumbers and carrots instead of chips if you ask and puts everything on 9-grain bread and I always get my salad without dressing or croutons, so it really stays within my goals). I also like the egg white wraps from Starbucks.
  • skinnyjess15
    I'm happy to know that I'm not alone in my journey to eat less and less fast food. It was a big change for me, but I did it and I intend to keep going in this direction. I don't even like going to sit down restaurants too much anymore. Cooking at home has become a passion of mine and that way, I know what's going into the meals I make for myself and my family.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    A couple times a week, at least.
  • mab33
    mab33 Posts: 242 Member
    Never. And on the occasion that I have tried it, I always got sick. My body rejects it. Maybe because I didn't eat it growing up?
  • jakki_brown
    jakki_brown Posts: 142 Member
    I went from eating fast food a few times/week (sometimes twice a day!), to eating it maybe twice a month, at the very most. I'm feeling a little down on myself because I'm having Taco Bell for dinner tonight. I know it's not wholesome, healthy, or the best way to get my calories in. I haven't had it in a long time and I didn't eat much today, which left me more calories than normal for dinner. (I spent most of the day at the oncologist's office with my son.) I made sure to order something somewhat 'healthy' and even saved calories for a clementine later incase I get hungry before bed.

    I guess I'm looking to hear that other people eat the not-so-healthy fast food once in awhile, too, and STILL succeed.

    I totally do the same thing. For example, one day I got really busy and had 800 calories to eat (I was eating 1,500 at the time) and told my future husband I was in the mood for chinese take out. It's impractical to say you'll give it up for good typically. If it doesn't put you over, enjoy! :)
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    I haven't had fast food once since 2005 (including "healthier" fast food like McDonald's salads).
  • areumdawn
    areumdawn Posts: 23 Member
    Twice a month, maybe more.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Regularly. I only order the grilled chicken without condiments and usually take off one of the buns. Falls in the range of 200-270 calories and not too much fat.

    There's no reason to give up fast food.
  • leannamichelle
    leannamichelle Posts: 35 Member
    Once a week
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    I eat it maybe like two or three times a month at least? Maybe sort of depends on what going on for work. It's cheap. I'm poor. It's close to where I work...when I'm running low on cash or just get sick of the soup/sandwich place I go to Mcdonalds. To be honest tho I honestly don't do that bad on calories when I go. I normally get something with grilled chicken, and don't bother with the french fries. I think it's okay to eat fast food you just need to be aware of what the healthier option are. ANd to be honest there ARE option at Mcdonalds that aren't bad all, like their grilled chicken wraps, which are like around 280/300 calories. A Mchicken, a hamburger and cheeseburger all don't have many calories either. If I eat a bigger meal for lunch then I just reduce my calories/fat at dinner. Honestly I don't worry so much about WHAT I eat but HOW MUCH I eat. I sort of eat what I want in moderation and just make sure that I don't go over 1200 calories a day. The problem is fast food can be really high in Cals but doesn't really fill you so I end up going to bed hungry... but you CAN still lose weight eating what you want. I've dropped ten pounds so far and I do eat crappy food more often then you'd think. I should add I DO go to the gym several times a week and run and burn on average 500 calories, do that may be part of it, but point is you don't have to completely cut out the unhealthy food to be healthy and lose weight.
  • sarscott
    sarscott Posts: 189 Member
    I do!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Too often still. I really need to cut it to once or twice a month, at most one meal a week. But it's so convenient sometimes and I'm a terrible cook, too. About all I can make is steak, hamburgers, and eggs, so when I'm sick of those, I end up eating out.
  • Hotrodhoodlum
    Thats what got me here !! why would I eat it now
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I haven't had fast food once since 2005 (including "healthier" fast food like McDonald's salads).

    hehe that reminded me of this :tongue:
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    I would say about once a week for me...however, my habits have changed. I eat more grilled chicken sandwiches, and I now order a small fry and only eat a little more than half of it. Sometimes I get a salad instead of a sandwich.

    Bottom line is this...I'm doing this as an adjustment, not as a diet. Truthfully, I won't give up fast food entirely. I really do enjoy it. I've just gotta be aware of the impact of my choices, and work it into my calories. That's my recipe for success, anyway.
  • TiredOfBeingFAT130
    I have never been a fast-food eater. Actually, we have lived in our town for 3 years now. There is a McDonalds not too far down the street. I have never once been there.
    We do go out to eat once a week, usually on Saturday. But it is never fast food.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    once in a while. however, i usually stick to things like yogurt, side salads, etc. simply because i'm a vegetarian. i don't really get the taste for fries anymore. i may eat it once every few months.
  • tonybdavies
    Giving up fast food is one of the major reasons I lost my weight...
  • ki4yxo
    ki4yxo Posts: 709 Member
    I went from eating fast food a few times/week (sometimes twice a day!), to eating it maybe twice a month, at the very most. I'm feeling a little down on myself because I'm having Taco Bell for dinner tonight. I know it's not wholesome, healthy, or the best way to get my calories in. I haven't had it in a long time and I didn't eat much today, which left me more calories than normal for dinner. (I spent most of the day at the oncologist's office with my son.) I made sure to order something somewhat 'healthy' and even saved calories for a clementine later incase I get hungry before bed.

    I guess I'm looking to hear that other people eat the not-so-healthy fast food once in awhile, too, and STILL succeed.

    I totally do the same thing. For example, one day I got really busy and had 800 calories to eat (I was eating 1,500 at the time) and told my future husband I was in the mood for chinese take out. It's impractical to say you'll give it up for good typically. If it doesn't put you over, enjoy! :)

    Dang, I forgot about chinese. We have a buffet
    near us that has a raw bar. You choose all your
    veggies, and meats. (I usually get veggies with
    shrimp) They cook it right there in front of you.
    Then I take some of the shrimp veggies, put
    them in a bowl and laddle the wonton soup
    broth on them, with lots of black pepper.

    I don't go to the buffet to see how plates of food
    I can eat. (4 hour, you go now!) I like the variety.

    One plate with a bowl of soup, and I'm set for the
    day! Just don't know how to log it in to the diary yet.

    I forgot to add, Chinese is twice a month max.