Is there anything you absolutely refuse to compromise on?



  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    butter and chocolate got me fat to begin with.. ive had it in the past two years but rarely. i guess it all boils down to what your goals are and what you are willing to do to reach them.. i never thought i could give up condiments the way i did. ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise , salad dressings and relish... i can count the times on one hand i had that last year ..who wouldve ever thought i could survive that??? i smothered all my food with unhealthy condiments. salad dressing i gave up two years ago when i started this journey and never looked back. people think im crazy when i tell them i dont eat salad dressing on my salad but ive actually acquired a taste for raw salad now. at fitness camp last year they wouldnt allow for condiments except pepper and franks hot sauce. i have no clue about the hot sauce but i put it on my food now since and i do not use the other condiments any more. what a difference in the way i feel.

    if i could eat butter without having to be fat or unhealthy id eat it till the cows come home..nothng better than a ton of butter slapped all over warm bread or a baked potato. i actually eat baked potatos plain now only because im trying to reach my weight loss goal.
  • SALT!! i will NOT give it up....i can't. im a saltaholic!
  • HollyLLillis
    HollyLLillis Posts: 113 Member
    I refuse to give up anything. Eating in moderation, and not eating a bunch of unhealthy foods is all I need to do. Some people might need to eliminate foods from their diets, but honestly in my opinion I feel that taking away something completely is why most diets fail. :|

    AGREE!! :drinker:
  • In eat anything I want along as I'm within my calorie range of 1,200 then I'll have what I want. I could never give chocolate up. Everything in moderation I say xx
  • I agree on the coffee. No splenda (yuck!) or artificial sweetners. Must have sugar and cream. I am ok with Nutrasweet in things like Coke Zero but anythng flavored with splenda and I will just do without.
  • dolfn1972
    dolfn1972 Posts: 84 Member
    sour cream and bread
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Funny, my uncompromising goes the other way.

    I absolutely will not touch a fast-food burger or fries. Have zero interest in anything with MSG, HFCS, aspertame or nitrites in it. MSG and aspertame give me migraines and I can smell the nitrites in meat /retch.

    If I'm going to go all out with the calories and fat, it will be for something luxurious and it won't give me a horrible headache or stomach ache.
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    I don't have any foods that are off limits, but that are in moderation.

    that being said - I will not give up cheese. I'll sacrifice other stuff for cheese. I love the stuff.

    From reading this - you're making me want to switch back to really butter. (I used the Smart Balance "butter spread in tubs and sticks). My husband hates it and wants me to switch back, but I've used it for a long time and I do it because his family has a history of high blood pressure and cholesterol (mine does too, but usually past 50).

    Would butter be better because it's more natural or in this case, should I stick with the Smart Balance (chemical butter, I'm betting).
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    When it comes to food, I eat anything and everything so long as it fits within my daily calorie goal.
    I value being fit more than I desire certain treats, so I do not see that as a compromise. Today I went to McDonald's and ate the Big Breakfast with 2 extra orders of hash browns - TAKE THAT FOOD NAZI's


  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    When I first started watching my calories there were things I refused to give up. Over time, I've decided that those things were no longer important.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member