Chuck Norris Facts



  • Chuck Norris won an Oscar without even being nominated.
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member
    When Chuck Norris goes swimming, he doesn't get wet. The water gets Chuck Norrised.
  • KBoddu
    KBoddu Posts: 237 Member
    The boogey man checks under his bed for Chuck Norris
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,173 Member
    There are no steroids in baseball. Just players Chuck Norris has breathed on.
  • merlot55
    merlot55 Posts: 4 Member
    they filmed anacondia the movie in his pants
  • When Chuck Norris goes swimming, he doesn't get wet, the water gets Chuck Norris.
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    LOL. Fantastic.
    The winner.
    Chuck Norris does not teabag the ladies. He potato-sacks them.
  • bigtone34
    bigtone34 Posts: 136
    Chuck Norris once gave a horse an upper cut. Thats how the giraffe came to be.
  • Sharks dedicate a week to Chuck Norris.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    After he met Chuck Norris, Jason put down his machete, took off his mask, went back to school and got his GED.
  • slimmingdownsteph
    slimmingdownsteph Posts: 201 Member
    chuck norris can slam a revolving door....

    that ones always been my favorite lolol.
  • FJcntdwn2sknyluv
    FJcntdwn2sknyluv Posts: 651 Member
    OMG Okay...

    Chuck Norris's tears can cure cancer.. only he's never cried...

    Chuck Norris got his daughters virginity back!..

    Dragon's watch how to train your Chuck Norris ..

    Chuck Norris pulls over cops!...

  • slimmingdownsteph
    slimmingdownsteph Posts: 201 Member
    Sharks dedicate a week to Chuck Norris.

  • Chuck Norris killed Kenny. :O
  • KBoddu
    KBoddu Posts: 237 Member
    If you spell Chuck Norris in Scrabble you win... Forever.
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,173 Member
    Chuck Norris has the greatest Poker-Face of all time. He won the 1983 World Series of Poker, despite holding only a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoloy card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game UNO.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
  • TheGlen
    TheGlen Posts: 242 Member
    Chuck Norris doesn't use a remote, he just tells the tv to change channels.
  • KBoddu
    KBoddu Posts: 237 Member
    Chuck Norris created Rome in a day.
  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
    Chuck Norris does not wait at the stop sign. The stop sign waits for Chuck Norris