My ex left me because I'm fat. :(



  • SOBrien84
    Oh my goodness, I am so sorry!

    He's a LOSER!!!!!!! Don't you spend any time crying and being depressed over this jerkoff! I feel your pain though. My ex and I were together for 5 1/2 years and when we broke up, I was devastated. Couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and just looking at food made me want to throw up. My weight when we ended things was 125, I got down to 100lbs. NOT GOOD. I looked like a skeleton. When I met my wonderful boyfriend now, I of course got my appetite back and started to pack on the pounds. I got all the way to 130lbs and I am currently now 125 again. I know I'm not "big" but I want to start a healthy lifestyle so that I gain healthy eating habits and stay between my healthy 120-125 range (I'm 5'5''). ANYWAY, the point is, KEEP EATING HEALTHY AND DO NOT STOP EATING!!!! You'll lose weight the unhealthy way and then the pounds will just come right back, and FAST.

    Stay strong! You deserve better!!! I didn't realize that until I met Eric, my boyfriend. You deserve someone who is going to love you for YOU! <3
  • hdroddy
    hdroddy Posts: 122
    if that was his excuse and if that's a reason he not only an @$$hole but a coward too
    So he'd still be an a-hole for leaving because he doesn't love her anymore? I'm for supporting people, but really we're only hearing one side of the story. His version could be different. I am supposing no one here personally knows the OP or her ex, so we can only go on what's she's said, but to say the guy's an a-hole without really knowing the full facts is a little judgmental.
    Just saying don't take everything you read on the internet as gospel.
    When my wife admitted how unattractive I was fat, I never took it as anything but a wake up call.
    Eventually, she'd have left, and I'd have had only myself to blame.
    Love is not blind.

    And if the shoe was or is ever on the other foot, I'd be gone.
    Part of compatibility with me is staying fit.

    Like my wife, I am totally turned off by obesity.
    I would divorce her and she me.

    That's reality.

    That's sad.
    No, it's reality which is why she remains in peak condition, we've been together 30 years with 5 kids and are very happy.

    For any relationship to last, both parties must be HONEST!
    I've been married longer than probably anybody on this thread, so I think I am qualified to say that honesty about sex and attraction is a key ingredient to maintaining a solid union.

    The sad relationships are those where everybody says everything is fine when it is not.

    It's true. Honesty is absolutely essential. And obviously the relationship is working for both of you.

    But I wonder; if she had a health concern that required her to go on medication, and she blew up (prednisone comes to mind), would you drop her like a hot rock? Would she you? Is that what you're saying here?

    Are you saying that if she for some reason became depressed and fell off the health wagon and gained weight, you'd walk on her rather than support her through trying to help herself and become fit and well? Would she you?

    Or are you just saying that if she just totally gave up caring, for no other reason than that working out and eating right was tedious and hard, and would not help herself no matter how much you tried to support and encourage - then you'd leave?

    Because the latter is different, at least to a degree. It would mean your spouse became an entirely different person (although I still think such a scenario might be caused by underlying issues, I'm trying to understand your position) and gave up on your marriage, and if you tried to fix it and she would not meet you halfway, you could possibly be justified in walking.

    But this situation was not the latter, and the guy was a total cad.
  • Hawkins8782
    You have been very successful in your weight loss! 154lbs IS NOT FAT!!! He' s a jerk and you deserve better. Keep doing this for you! You will find someone new who loves you for who you are (Not necessarily what you look like). Keep up the good work!! Do eat, if you don't it will jack up your metabolism. Don't hurt yourself, he's already done that. Lift your chin up and keep on truckin' girl!
  • running_mom
    running_mom Posts: 204 Member
    I know the feeling. Im in the middle of a divorce and one of the reasons my husband said was because I'm fat. He also said it was because things weren't working out. Weve been together for almost 13 years! And just now it's not working out?

    But you have to be happy with you. I am in the same boat. I can't be motivated right now to save my life or marriage! I say I want to lose weight for myself but I really want to lose weight cuz I want others to find me attractive. If I'm not good enough for someone who is abusive than who am I good enough for?

    I know I keep going back and forth about what you need to feel about yourself. It's hard to stay motivated when someone you care about says and thinks horrible things about you. But you should try and have supportive people around you.

    You have done aswome so far! He just wants the looks not the whole package.
  • Whatadiaryisfor
    Whatadiaryisfor Posts: 22 Member
    I know the feeling. Im in the middle of a divorce and one of the reasons my husband said was because I'm fat. He also said it was because things weren't working out. Weve been together for almost 13 years! And just now it's not working out?

    But you have to be happy with you. I am in the same boat. I can't be motivated right now to save my life or marriage! I say I want to lose weight for myself but I really want to lose weight cuz I want others to find me attractive. If I'm not good enough for someone who is abusive than who am I good enough for?

    I know I keep going back and forth about what you need to feel about yourself. It's hard to stay motivated when someone you care about says and thinks horrible things about you. But you should try and have supportive people around you.

    You have done aswome so far! He just wants the looks not the whole package.

    You actually hit the spot.. "If I'm not good enough for someone who is abusive than who am I good enough for?" is exactly what I thought about my brake up.

    Mainly because I feel like I did so much for our relationship and then for him to not appreciate it really hurt. As for now I'm trying to get back on track with my weight loss journey and just taking everything day by day.

    I appreciate all of the comments I've gotten by far. I know I'm not the only one in the world who has gone through this and I feel a lot better knowing many of you have said how you have moved on & found your love ones. I have hope :)
  • yojaseyrae
    right, you know what, excuse the language that everyone else has been more subtle about, but you ex is a total, utter *kitten*. in every way. he's a total prick and doesn't deserve you, never has. tell him that you've lost a lot of weight very quickly...him! then pick yourself up, dust of your trainers, and you prove to that jerk that you don't need him to do anything...including lose weight. be the most gorgeous, beautiful, confident person you can be, THEN WIPE IT IN HIS FACE.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I'm sorry that your ex felt the need to take a pot shot at you on the way out the door. If you were always overweight when you were with him than his comments don't hold much water. My thoughts are some men like to have relationships with overweight women because they can keep them "down" self esteem wise, thinking a "chubby" chick will just take all the crap they like to heap. Not only have you lost 75 lbs, but as much as it hurts to break up, you probably dodged a real bullet by getting rid of that *kitten*.

    Our significant others, are suppose to uplift and support us, hopefully you will meet someone who is fantastic and loves you just the way you are and won't choose to be mean to you unnecessarily.
  • munchkinhugs
    munchkinhugs Posts: 278 Member
    What others have said <3

    Things will work out for you -it's just the time that it may take that sucks :(
  • Amf5627622
    “If you’re not being treated with love and respect, check your ‘Price Tag.’ Perhaps you have marked yourself down. It’s ‘you’ who tells people what your worth by what you accept. Get off the ‘Clearance Rack’ and get behind the glass where they keep all the VALUABLES"

    I love this post that was floating around FB for a while. You have decide to improve your health because you know you are valuable and belong "behind the glass". He's only worthy of Clearance Rack and you, my friend, are not that!

    As everyone has said, in the end you are much better off and deserve to find someone who knows your value!

    I'm sorry you are hurting now and hope that you find strength in the days and weeks to come.

    Good luck!
  • cdavis82
    cdavis82 Posts: 2 Member
    Break-ups happen to us all...and no matter what they are difficult to deal with. Add into the equation his jerk-ish comment and attitude, and it makes it seem impossible to bare! I have had my share of heart aches (and ashamed to admit...I've done my share of breaking hearts as well.) What I've learned is this: 1. It is not your fault...and everything happens for a reason. Sometimes people are not meant to be in our lives forever. At some point he may have been needed in your life, but his purpose may be over. When this is true, trying to hold onto him will only prolong the inevitable and make you miserable at the same time. So NO REGRETS!!! Nothing you could have done, no way you could have changed would make it right if it wasn't meant to be. 2. Sometimes we have to be thankful before we see why. After some break ups I thought I wouldn't be able to breathe, eat, live. Now I look back and laugh. Today those same men I cried over are major LOSERS! I would have been miserable with them!!! 3. Jokingly, I once said that if it weren't for break-ups I would never have improvement in my life. Of course this isn't completely true, but break-ups do have a tendency to make you want to re-evaluate things or have those jerks regret the day they ever left us by improving ourselves. In the beginning, we make positive changes to make them sorry they left, but slowly over start making the changes for YOU!! Not sure if all this helps, but definitely helped me! Good luck, and remember no matter what happens you deserve more!