Trying not to be jealous



  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    To the OP ... don't believe everything you read. Even if it's on the Internet.
  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    just let it drive you to work yourself harder! she's actuelly doing you a motivation:0)
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    She must be a LEO!

    Leo's love the limelight :bigsmile:
  • I think you should always look at yourself and not worry about others.

    Firstly i find it strange that you refer to this lady as a friend when you have so much jealousy for her. She is doing well and she is public about it that is her perogative. WE ALL have friends like her and we chose to keep them in our lives....

    if you really dont like her or what she does you should remove her from your life. or shut up nad put up as they say down south. Life is what it is. no pont winding ourselves up.

    on the positive note you look fab in ur pic so stop comparing yourself and let it be...

    live and let live...
  • Sophiepoo
    Sophiepoo Posts: 264 Member
    Yeahhh, I've got a friend like that, gives a huge paragraph of how great everythings been through the week... but it's all over exaggerated! Bah
  • wendyw8
    wendyw8 Posts: 86 Member
    *Friendly comment please don't get offended* Is that not what networking sites are for? To get attention? If you have a Facebook, period- that's it's main purpose. <3

    True enough. That's why I'm thinking of deleting it lol It's just annoying seeing other people feed her ego.

    Maybe she is not trying to get attention, maybe ppl just really like her? If it annoys you that bad that ppl are happy for her, than I don't think that you are that great of a friend, I smell a little green monster maybe??? Also you just should shrug it off, who cares what she is doing you are two different ppl. Just my opinion.
  • I also know how you feel and feel like I was reading your post and so could have said the same things!

    For the one who said that social networking is just for attention that is so not true. It is also to stay in touch with your friends and family that are distant and to see what is going on in your life. Not to see some rants about how great things are all the time.. I am sure that if you truly sat in that persons life for a day you would see that is not the case. If it was perfect she wouldn't have to post about it.

    However i do agree that if it becoming to annoying remove the friend you do not have to see it every day. It does become rather annoying to constantly have someone feel like they always have to 1 up you rather than congratulating you on the small strides or large whatever the case is. You are both obviously in the same situation trying to loose weight. So just keep positive about you and your goals and do not sweat the small things.

    GOOD LUCK! ( it is def easier said then done)
  • jwalker30
    jwalker30 Posts: 282
    just punch that hoe in the mouth & tell her shut up
  • things areant always what they seem behind closed doors, and I find the people who post about how wonderful their husbands are constantly, might not actually be having as fantastic a time as they make it seem. We have a couple here that seem to have the perfect life, second child on the way, everything is amazing - you almost want to punch the woman becuase you think no ones life should be that great! We'll it isnt' found out her husband was leading a double life (it was like out of a movie) and had a mental breakdown, in a crisis center and now shes living alone with a 4 year old and a second one due in april.

    anyhow, likely not happening with your friend, but i just tend to feel like my friends who post braggy posts on facebook whether about vacations, weight loss, or how they are the luckiest girl in the world because their husband is so fantastic, tend to have something else going on and really need a constant validation and people to agree with them

  • jwalker30
    jwalker30 Posts: 282
    ^^ j/k....

    typically people who are quite content with life don't feel the need to broadcast their achievements. She may actually have low self esteem herself. I imagine others that know her feel the same way you do.
  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    LOL stop focusing on her and focus on yourself!!! You won't get ANYTHING done if you are just sitting around being jealous of her! People lose weight at different paces! Keep up the good work!
  • Yeah i thought she was a Leo too lol. They tend to do that. I would delete/ block her and if she asks then i would tell her why.
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    So she is posting on Facebook about how much she loves her husband and that she is happy? HOW DARE HER!
    I don't see how she is trying to sabotage you one bit.


    To the OP: I have a friend who could have written your post. She has been struggling with her weight for a long time, like me, and we started dieting at the same time. We have a lot of other things in common, things that I am good at that she is good at too. We also have similar aims in life regarding fitness etc. I lost a lot of weight through MFP last year - did she ever congratulate me? No. Whenever she loses weight, do I congratulate her? Yes! When she struggles, yes - I try to help her. Yet I never, ever hear a peep from her. It's not that she's inactive, she congratulates plenty of people, but she clearly has the green-eyed monster when it comes to me. Every time MFP posts a loss, I know that she will not comment, and yes, it does upset me. But now I'm at the stage of using her jealousy as fuel to succeed even harder.

    And here's a hint, your friend, if you are anything like my friend and don't ever congratulate her, guess what? She probably knows that you're jealous. And she probably is fuelled by your jealousy! If she doesn't support you then fine, but it sounds like by her saying you look great etc., she probably genuinely wants to congratulate you and make you feel good about yourself. If you can't do the same for her then yeah, you aren't her friend, delete her or hide her feed. You are doing well, don't let her progress affect your own.
  • bignuce
    bignuce Posts: 52 Member
    Not attacking you or your character. Just responding to your post. Was just pointing out that your friend is happy and if you were REALLY her friend you would be happy for her. She's losing weight and seems to have a wonderful husband. Her facebook friends seems to be happy for her, judging by all the comments. How come you just simply be happy for her?
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    You have to keep in mind that people only post the good stuff on Facebook!! Think about that next time you see her page!
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    *Friendly comment please don't get offended* Is that not what networking sites are for? To get attention? If you have a Facebook, period- that's it's main purpose. <3

    Agree. I deleted mine a year or so ago. I couldn't take it anymore. Mfp is way better, I can keep track of my food/exercise and talk to people with similar goals. Thats all I need.
  • katya73
    katya73 Posts: 464
    She must be a LEO!

    Hey haha.. I'm a Leo .. I don't carry on like that .. Except I do love basking in the sun .. Like a lioness lol ..
    Anyway .. What Im wanting to say to the OP ... always know this ... Things are not always what they seem ! ..
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    Personally, I would not have any friend who brings me down or makes me feel inferior in any way. That's not what friends are all about. A friend is someone who lifts you up! Period.
  • Rocki_
    Rocki_ Posts: 165 Member
    One of the best pieces of life advice I ever got was, believe it or not, from a fire-spinning teacher. You can read the ideaology at, but I've cut and pasted the one here that I think you might find helpful...

    Principle III: Utilize Self-to-Self comparisons instead of comparing yourself to others.

    We can always find someone "better" than we are; we can always find someone "worse" than we are. "Better" and "Worse" judgments often imply "Good" and "Bad" evaluations. "Good" evaluations are temporary ego highs while "Bad" evaluations are, all too often, devastating, pervasive and unnecessary ego lows.

    At any point in time, depending on what criteria we choose, we can judge ourselves as both "bad" and "good." Since both are possible all the time, the value typically implied in these judgments equates to meaninglessness.

    This principle reminds us that people learn different moves, lessons and skills at different rates with greater and lesser ease. We all have accomplishments and we all have opportunities for growth. This also means nothing.

    Rejoicing in the knowledge that everyone's journey is unique unburdens us of expectations that keep us from being in our practice.

    BRILLIANT!!! I've pasted this as my profile on FB!
  • Rocki_
    Rocki_ Posts: 165 Member
    She must be a LEO!

    Hey haha.. I'm a Leo .. I don't carry on like that .. Except I do love basking in the sun .. Like a lioness lol ..
    Anyway .. What Im wanting to say to the OP ... always know this ... Things are not always what they seem ! ..

    AMEN, Sistah!