


  • TracyMichelle24
    What time is she taking a nap? I have a 23 month old and she goes down at 7pm, as does my 8 year old. That's always been bed time in my house. I wonder if she's having a late nap that is interfering with her ability to go to sleep easily. My almost 2 year old is still in her crib, thank goodness! I dread transitioning and will keep her in the crib as long as possible. LOL Can your husband put her to bed so you can start working out while he's getting her down?

    I chuckled when you said you are dreading the transition from the crib! I was also dreading it until, one day, I was leaving the room in time to see our son (almost 3) pole vault himself out of the crib, do an entire flip, landing on his back on the floor. Luckily there was a blanket there where he landed (and it's carpeted), so it just scared us both but he wasn't hurt. So, we had to transition him right away, which was a few weeks ago. It actually hasn't been too bad. The first couple of weeks were the hardest, but now it's not too bad. Now we just have to get through potty training and teething!

    LOL Little stinker! My son started climbing out of his crib at only 20 months old. He was a monkey and really tall. We tried transitioning him thinking he must be ready and the next 3 weeks were awful! He wouldn't go to sleep and I spent HOURS trying to get him to sleep. If he woke up in the middle of the night, I had to do it all over again. I ended up at Babies R Us exhausted and bought a crib tent. The first night I put that in his crib with the tent he was asleep in 5 minutes and back to his normal self. It was wonderful! I kept him in the crib until 3 and then we transitioned which wasn't so bad. My daughter isn't climbing out yet, but she's not nearly as wild as my son was. I'll be happy if we can make it to 3 and not need a crib tent this time. LOL I hear ya on potty training. My son was so difficult! My daughter is practically training herself. Not even 2 yet, she's using the potty about 50% of the time for potty and 95% of the time for #2. She's initiating and I'm following her lead. My DS didn't have any desire to use the potty and didn't train until 3 1/2 years old. It's funny how different kids are!
  • shana_phoenix83
    shana_phoenix83 Posts: 98 Member
    Couple things I try to do.... try a workout video while he/she moves around with you. It's probably not going to be as productive as working out alone, but it's something. Also, when the weather is warmer, I go on A LOT of walks with my son. He enjoys it, and I get the exercise. Sometimes we'll walk to to the park, or to get him a little treat or whatever, but that helps. I've also noticed that it's A LOT easier for me to get up in the mornings when I've been exercising for awhile. It's hard at first, but it gets a lot easier. Good luck!
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    ya I do workout videos!!! I realized that my iron was really low like really low for the day. So I started taking iron pills. So maybe it will be easier for me to get up in the a.m. We will see. My video I do is 68min long it's a total body workout strength training. I get my cardio done on my lunch.
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    I have a two year old and an eight month old as well.. I try to workout during naptime or when dh comes home he will watch snd I'll do a DVD in our room. I also just can't wake up in the morning ( we go to bed between 1-2am)
    I would also say walks, park, canyons.. All fun places to take your child and get a walk in. I even play on the playground chasing my little guy :-). At home we get jiggy with his kids music or some little yoga thing. He loved monkey see monkey do... Comcast took it away but I have found some on YouTube. Lol I'll do those with him and add squats or lunges or whatever. He also likes doing "push ups" next to me and can crank out more curl ups than me :-)
  • Fat_2_Fit_Mommy
    Fat_2_Fit_Mommy Posts: 569 Member
    I have a 2 yr old as well.. I workout 5 days a week well I did it for 6 days this week... My daughter try to exercise with me so I let her do it. I move out the way so I don't try to hit her, I do 30 day shred, and a Leslie Sansone walk away the pounds which I am doing the 2 miles which is 30 mins.
  • RmIIImc70
    RmIIImc70 Posts: 30 Member
    I *try* to work out at lunch time but work is often too busy for that. At least once a week i Insist on going to the gym but I am lucky enough to have a gym about 3 minutes away from work. Other than that, I try to exercise at home. Sometimes I play fun music or a preschool aerobics CD and dance around like crazy with my kids. I also tried to set up obstacle courses in the yard to do with the kids but it hasn't worked out too well. I still think it is a worth while idea.

    It is really really hard to fit it all in.

    Good Luck.
  • 30yearssincebikini
    I think if you would force yourself just once to get up at five thirty and workout, you will be addicted. That's what happened to me. I knew that after work I would be worthless as far as working out goes, so I knew that if I am going to make a life change and start to work out, I will have to do it in the mornings. So I signed up for the gym and forced myself to get up and that was a week ago and I am sooo glad I did. It was only hard the first day. After a few days, you will wake up naturally and be wide awake at five thirty, or even earlier.

    This would work out well with your daughter's schedule, too. You could go to bed right after she falls asleep.

    You will be happier and more energetic all day too. I wrote a blog post on my first day. Read it if you would like.
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    I have a 9 year old and a 3 year old, and I work full time outside of the home. I get up at 4 am to exercise. Yes, it is early, but it is what works for me. I can get a really good work out in while the family is sleeping, and then it's done and I don't have to feel guilty later for taking time to exercise when my kids are home and I haven't seen them all day. I've come to love getting up's quiet, it's peaceful, it's my "me" time.
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    i go to the gym and take my daughter, not sure if that is an option for you, they have day care at my gym. i go 6 days per week. on weekends my husband and i take turns if the day care is closed.
  • bonnt
    bonnt Posts: 172 Member
    I'm a SAHM to a 6 month old. It's tough, because I CAN'T get out of the house unless it's for a walk but right now it's a little too chilly for that. I ONLY exercise when she's napping. If it means I have to stay up later, I do it. Because I WANT to get that exercise in. It's rough, but I feel like crap if I don't.
  • Carlamere84
    I work out 6 days a week from either 30min to 60min. I have 2 boys, a two year old and a disabled 7 year old. My husband works full time, and I go to school full time. Where do I find my motivation? I hit rock bottom before I found it, and now I'm addicted to exercising and feel bad when I can't exercise; like on my off day, but we need to give our body a break.
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I very often go to the gym before I go to bed. On Monday, that's 9:30-10:30pm. T-Th, I usually go around 8:30.

    I'd love to be able to get up at 5 or 5:30, but my first kiddo arrives at 7am for the day. I don't think I could physically make myself get out of bed at 5, in the dark, at -40 below zero.

    I do Wii Fit - Yoga during the day with the kids, half an hour to 40 minutes. I try to get some of the strength training in too, but i count it all as yoga. The kids who are awake then ( 1 year old, 2 x 2 year olds, 2 x 3 year olds, and a 4.5 year old ) participate or don't particpate as they choose.After a few weeks, they didn't need to be hanging on me.
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    I am a single mom and I work full-time. I cannot afford a gym. I have to do whatever I can do, and it starts with not making excuses. My daughter's preschool (she is 4) opens at 6:30 am, and I am paying for the full day anyway, so I try to get out the door to get her there at opening 2-3 times a week. There is a park right by my office, so I go to work, drop off all my stuff, then walk for a little bit. I keep a bag at work with makeup, curling iron, deoderant, hairspray etc. I shower and dry my hair in the morning and put my workout clotehs on, and pack my work clothes. Yes I get up EARLY - 4:30 - to have both of us out the door by 6:25. It requires a lot of organization the night before, planning breakfast and lunch, etc. But if I don't do it, I have NO "ME" time. That 30 minute walk in peace and quiet is vital. If I'm not going for a walk, I am only sleeping maybe 1/2 hour later anyway. Believe me, I have EVERY excuse in the book to not do it, but I am ALL my daughter has and I need to be here for her and be the best I can be. I try to just be more active at home in general too, less sitting around and more cleaning up, moving around, etc. I may not be able to do what I would really love to do for a few years until she is older, like leave her home and take the dog for a nice long walk at 5 am like I used to, but I will do the best I can do. I just got Leslie Sanson'e Walk at Home video, if Casey wants to do the moves while I'm doing it, I will just clear a little more space. I want to teach her good habits too, so I'd rather she be a little in my way but learning about exercise and having fun with fitness. I do not want her to go down the road of morbid obesity, and with both her father and me and most of her relatives being obese, she has the odds very much against her if she doesn't get a healthy start. Okay sorry to go on and on!! Best of luck to you.

    (OH and for sure, the days a give up 1/2 hr of sleep for 1/2 hour walk, I definitely have more energy. My daughter rarely sleeps through the night, I usually get woken up 1-3 times, so I know all about sleep deprivation. Eating nutritious food to feed my body not my emotions and getting a little exercise has done way more for my energy than all the coffee I usually would drink.)
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    I turn the tv on for my 2yo in the other room and do my workout dvd on the laptop. Sometimes he comes in and joins me, or hangs off me while I'm doing pushups, but I just continue on as best I can, it better than not doing it at all
  • RmIIImc70
    RmIIImc70 Posts: 30 Member
    Shmunster, I do the same thing with the same results. :-). It is better than nothing, right?
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    I am a stay at home mom with a 3 yr old. He gets into every workout and gives us a hard to stay in his bed at night I put up the baby gate at his door and he stays in there. He eventually falls asleep. If he gets out of bed I put him in time out. He is either in bed or in the chair that's it. As to the workouts, I do shorter workouts, usually around 20 minutes long, long like 30 Day Shred or a walking DVD like Leslie Sansone. They work well, I burn 300 calories in 20 minutes of shred. Can you try to find shorter workouts? There are some 10 minute ones as well that are supposed to be good.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    6 and 9 year olds here, workout every day for 1 to 2 hours.
  • Shriffee
    Shriffee Posts: 250 Member
    So I have a two year old and it seems like by the time she goes to bed it's like 9pm. I normally go to bed at 10 bc I am so tired. I tried getting up in teh am I just can't get up. I usually get up about 6:15 anyways to get ready for work. My husband usually watches her but she usually wants to workout with me but she ends up getting in my way. It seems like I am losing the motivation bc when I have free time I really want to do something I haven't been able to do. How many days do you moms workout. I do go to the gym on my lunch mwf and do a half hour cardio and I usually do strength at home. My videos are like 68 min long but they are really good strength training total body workout. I usually do them twice a week. It's hard to find the time at night when she doesn't go to sleep until 9. I have to sit in her room until she does.

    That's great you go on your lunch break! Maybe you should leave the house to workout, like go to the gym. When my son was two, there was no way he would let me workout, so I feel your pain.

    I have to work out in the morning or I won't.. Period! :)
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    I guess i'm not I joined a gym that offers childcare so when it all comes down to it it cost me about 90 a month but i get 5-6 days in a week :)
  • JamieAmandaC
    I'm working up from being sedentary, so I'm not sure how helpful I can be. I have a two year old. Neither of us is employed right now, though I'm in grad school. We're fortunate that the Recreation Center offers an active playgroup for toddlers, so we bring him twice a week and my partner and I play some casual soccer or walk around the gymnasium while he plays with the other children. It's worked out well, gives him to do while we exercise, lets us get some exercise twice a week, and gives him a positive example of active play time. Not very practical for working families but it might give you some ideas.

    I also sometimes sneak out of the apartment during the day or even in the early evening and just walk around the hallways and up and down the stairs of our apartment building to get some winter exercise in.