Up for a Summer Challange??? 20 lbs by August 31st



  • Can I join this link?..need some fresh motivation. I know I am two weeks behind your start up date. But I can log my actuals since I do keep track of when and how much I exercise and how much I weigh every week (hasn't been pretty...I have reached a ploto)

    I have been a member of MFP since Feb 2009. Currently a posting member of another link..which is still going strong..just need some new motivation. I will be turning 32 the last week in August, so your finish date is perfect for the motivation.

    If I could lose another 20 pounds by then would be great. I started losing weight last September

    (From September to December I lost 12 pounds.....From January to Feburay I lost 5 pounds....From February to now I have lost 15 pounds for a total of 32 pounds)....

    It FEELS SO GOOD to have that much weight lost....but I would :heart: to weigh in at 145 -150 pounds.

    I'll wait for an answer before posting any results
  • kdblev
    kdblev Posts: 18
    My weigh in:

    Age 31

    SW: 152.2
    CW: 150.2
    GW: 130
    exercise: 180 minutes/5days this week

    2 lbs down on my first week! Yay! I hope I can hold that steady this next week as we will be traveling a lot and who knows how well that will go.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    Week 2 check in:
    SW: 205
    CW: 203.6 (6/5/09)
    Exercise: 845 minutes/4days
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member

    SW: 187
    CW: 183!!!
    Exercise: Cardio 180m/3days Strength 180m/3days

    I've lost my first 10!!! self-five:drinker:
  • I will check in tonight with numbers - geting ready for work running late.
  • Friday, June 5, 2009 Check In


    Start Weight--215

    5/29 weight-- 210

    Current Weight--206

    8/31 Goal Weight--195

    Goal Weight--165

    Minutes/Days Exercised This Week--570 minutes ( 9.5 hours )

    I lost 4 pounds this week!!!
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    Wow congrats!!! That's soo great!!!!!

    I'll check in with my info in a bit :bigsmile:
  • wwalke02
    wwalke02 Posts: 61
    Wow, that is great on the 4lb lost. Good for you.

    I gained a little this week. GRRR!

    My weigh in:

    SW: 174
    CW: 174.5
    GW: 154
    exercise: 170 minutes/4days this week
  • Thanks for the encouragment and support yall!!! It is much needed!!! :smooched:
  • max098
    max098 Posts: 6
    I'm in. I have gained 25 pounds in the last few years and need some motivation to lose and feel good again.

    Age 55
    Starting Weight 183.8
    Current Weight 185.0

    8/31/09 Goal 165.0

    Minutes/ Days Week Exercise- A minimum of 4 Days and 4 hours
  • chicaloca6470
    chicaloca6470 Posts: 117 Member
    ok so i came in the game late ths week with finding this challange but i still lost a few pds.

    sw 217
    CW 215
    minutes worked out 1249

    I lost 2 pds
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    I just started getting serious about my health and working out so I am in!

    Starting weight: 148
    Current Weight 148
    Goal Weight 120
    Would like to specifically lose 20-30 lbs of fat but gain at least 10lbs of muscle

    Workout per week: 3x/ wk weightlifting
    3-4x/ wk some cardio 15-45 min of interval

    Looking forward to this!
    Good Luck everyone!
  • Good Morning everyone!
    Time to weigh in....

    SW- 186
    5-29-09 182.50 -3.5lbs
    6-5-09 182.50 No Loss, No Gain:flowerforyou:
    GW 166

    Workouts last week (Friday through Thurs.) 5 days/ 288 mins all cardio

    Good luck out there and congrats to all you "Losers"
  • hartkid13
    hartkid13 Posts: 1,551 Member
    I'm up for the challenge.

    I'm 26 (27 next week).

    CW 228

    GW 208

    My goal is 30-45 minutes of cardio a day and major lifting 3-4 times a week.

    Good luck to everyone and Congrats to those already well on their way.
  • ToniAnn45
    ToniAnn45 Posts: 78 Member
    Age: 63 (64 next week)
    SW: 165
    CW: 164 (no loss, no gain this week)
    GW 8/31: 145
    GW 9/30: 140
    Exercise: 195 minutes, walking a total of 9.75 miles:smile:
  • ToniAnn45
    ToniAnn45 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm up for the challenge.

    I'm 26 (27 next week).

    CW 228

    GW 208

    My goal is 30-45 minutes of cardio a day and major lifting 3-4 times a week.

    Good luck to everyone and Congrats to those already well on their way.

    Hey, hartkid13-

    What day is your birthday next week? Mine is the 11th.
  • CandaceW
    CandaceW Posts: 73
    Hey...here is my friday check in for this week :bigsmile: :smile:

    Age: 26
    Starting Weight (5/22/09): 238.6
    Current Weight (6/5/09): 231.0 (-2.6 lbs for this week, -8.6lbs for challange)
    Goal Weight (8/31/09): 214
    Workouts this week (5/28-6/4): only 183 min this week :frown: (long week at work...only home 2 days)

    good luck for the week to everyone and great job so far!!! :drinker:
  • bellajake2006
    bellajake2006 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone!! Here is my check-in for the week...unfortunately i didn't lose very much at all! only 0.4 pounds...YUCK! I hate weeks when you work really hard for not very much of a result!

    Age: 27
    Starting Weight:160.0
    Current Weight (6/5/09): 157.0
    Goal Weight 140.0

    Workouts this week: 30-40 minutes walking 6 of the 7 days and 60 minutes the 7th day...i usually try to go for the hour more days a week than one but just didn't get it in this week!
  • Age 40
    Starting this challenge: (June) 183
    Last week: 180
    This week: 180 (no change)
    Weight loss: -3

    Days/minutes of exercise: 220 minutes walking/jogging

    Not thrilled but will keep going because next week will be better! :smile:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    Not to late to join is it?
    i want to lose 25lbs by my 21st birthday and this will help me stay on track

    Age: 20
    Starting Weight: 150
    Current Weight (6/5/09): 150.0
    Goal Weight 125.0

    Days/minutes of exercise: at least 30mins a day

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