I hate exercise. Help?



  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I LOVE Boxing! I have a boxing bag and can pretend that it is anyone that I am mad at and just go to town on that sucker! It is such a wonderful stress release. :-)
  • souper5
    souper5 Posts: 26
    I agree, the treadmill can be boring, but I turn up the music loud and just start walking. I find if I have the right kind of music that I really enjoy, I keep going further than my original goal just to listen to that one last song!! Believe me, I am not an excercise lover either, but I do feel better once I get started!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Have you considered doing a recreational sport or taking up something like fishing, biking, racquetball, tennis, or kayaking where you're actually out doing something?

    Also, you should remember that this attitude of "I hate working out" doesn't help you at all. Try to be positive and open. Yes, you are going to sweat, but find something you have fun with and don't focus on the sweatiness.
  • I love Pandora! I just turn it on and dance. it is working for me.:flowerforyou:
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    I hate to be the bummer on this thread...but obviously we all dislike working out or we wouldnt have needed to be on MFP to begin with! I hate working out too I'd rather be lazy and watch TV but I tell myself everyday just get up and get it done. Theres no such thing as losing weight without some kind of exercise so get up and get it done, then relax. Listen to music, watch tv or read while your on your bike.
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    I hula hoop 30 minutes a day and go to Curves 5 days a week. I am enjoying them both more than previous attempts to just go to the gym or hit the treadmill. It takes about 3 weeks for something to become a habit ... and maybe it isn't about enjoying exercise but just sucking it up and doing it. I don't like to wash the dishes but I have to do it. Hopefully once you make a habit of it, you will learn to hate it less.
  • lrd2010
    lrd2010 Posts: 161 Member
    When I started out I utterly despised the fact that I had to do exercise to make myself look better.

    I hated everyone who never seemed to do anything at all.

    Then one day I got my first endorphin hit while doing ab crunches to a Rosemary Conley DVD.

    That rush is incredible. (IT TOOK MONTHS TO GET THERE!)

    Then I decided I was going to learn something new and use that as my exercise. I have learned to swim (from scratch) in the last 6 months and the satisfaction I get from learning a new skill and using it and hopefully putting it towards a fabulous holiday gives me so much pleasure that I wonder now what I was so pissed off about a year and a half ago :)

    Stick with it, get over your embarrassment, seriously, no-one can see you in your own front room if you don't want them to.

    What's that old quote?

    "Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth"
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Three suggestions 1. walk 2. walk 3. walk. You are able to lose without exercising so if you hate it that much and can't get motivated you can still eat at a calorie deficit and lose weight. Then you can try some activities again in a month and re evaluate. Good luck!
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    I hate to sweat! Lol! I joined LA fitness and they have water aerobics....................it is awesome.............just flayling around in the pool.....add some resistance and calories burned..........:bigsmile:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I hate to sweat! Lol! I joined LA fitness and they have water aerobics....................it is awesome.............just flayling around in the pool.....add some resistance and calories burned..........:bigsmile:

    Water Aerobics is awesome! Great for people who can't do high-impact workouts also.
  • BootcampJunkie
    BootcampJunkie Posts: 69 Member
    I had the exact problem of getting bored really quickly. But then I found that bootcamps are the way to go. My bootcamp runs for 30 days a session (5 days a week for 6 weeks) and we never repeat a workout twice in the entire 6 weeks. Plus the time seems to go by ways faster than any yoga class I've ever been in.
  • amaried621
    amaried621 Posts: 260 Member
    I found that it took me a while to really love exercising. I go 5 days a week if I can fit it in and I love it. It's hard work but it's so rewarding and makes you feel better. If you aren't a fan of exercising look into taking some classes. Working with my trainer I have a love for boxing. It's an incredible workout and you get to release some agression. Find something that is an exercise but doesn't make you feel like you are working out. Maybe a dance class like Zumba might work for you.
  • Try this -- Next time you work out, use your hatred of it to kick your own *kitten*. I mean, get mad at the exercise and yourself and make yourself really sweat. Every time you slow down, pull up that hatred again and use it. Do that for 30 minutes and THEN see if you get the whole "high" thing.

    I hated exercise from age 6 to 30. A few years ago I started working out with a trainer 4 times a week and he kicked me into a new level and now I GET it. I get the High, I've entered the Zone, and loved the Burn. Within a week or two you will start to feel the difference which is where the long-term stuff kicks in. I'm not an exercise junky or a gym rat by any stretch but I've been there... and in hindsight, it didn't take too much to get me there.

    This is good advice. Get mad at it. That's what I do. I am not going to my a88 beat by a machine! When I decided to start this diet/exercise thing a week ago, I made a plan. That plan was to stay under my calories on MFP and get up at five thirty every day and go to the gym and work out till I burn! I know me, and if I take even ONE day off, I will throw in the towel. So, I made it a goal to do this every day, and I have been really good so far.

    Make a goal and stick with it. Do you like how you feel after you exercise? That's what hooked me. That amazing feeling. I know if I quit doing it, I will go back to feeling blah and lazy and unmotivated. So it's worth it just for that great feeling.
  • Kany
    Kany Posts: 336
    May I suggest group exercise classes?
  • marbit
    marbit Posts: 108
    I hate to exercise, but I love having exercised.

    I think that's as good as it's going to get for me.


    I have to say, I hate exercising. When I started (which was only a month or so ago) I would get up at 5:20 every morning and curse the world while putting on my sneakers and HRM. I would just rage my way to the gym and curse the world. I made a deal with myself though, I picked a TV show I really liked and then refused to allow myself to watch it unless I was at the gym working out. I picked Stargate Atlantis. After a while the the irritation at working out turned into defeated resignation, so now I get up and just do it, cause I know I have to. I do feel great after having exercised, but man, every morning I think, maybe I could sleep just a little longer.

    Of course, I am not 100% sure whats going to happen when I finish my show. I may need to get another.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    I like to shop, even if I'm just looking and not purchasing anything. So I can walk around Target or Wal-mart or the mall for an hour or more, looking at new items and trying on clothes, smelling perfume, reading magazines, checking out CDs, etc. I park far from the store (if it's not too dark or empty in the parking lot) and go up and down the aisles or in and out of stores to get my walking in. You can buy a pedometer if you want to measure just how much walking this equates to if you want to log it.

    Also, if I choose to take stairs (rather than elevators/escalators) everywhere I go, that adds some exercise to my day pretty easily.

    Lastly, there are wrist and ankle weights that you can buy that make your normal routine of walking at work, home, or elsewhere more beneficial by adding a toning element and burning more calories. Best wishes :)
  • I've got a boxer who's almost 6, and she will get you loving your walks!! True, take a walk with your pooch, they make a fabulous treadmill.... althought my boxer is hyper and anxtious, so it add an element I'd rather not talk about... :ohwell:
  • BrownEyedGiRL928
    BrownEyedGiRL928 Posts: 51 Member
    What has helped me is tracking my progress in a notebook. I weigh myself and measure my waist every week and I'm motivated when I see I've lost weight and my waist has shrunk a half inch. As much as I hate exercising, this always keeps me motivated.

    Also, try different work out activities. I liked using the Wii Active at home, but I was bored after a while and swapped to walking outdoors during the nice weather. When the new year started, I began using Shape Fitness Evolved 2012. This weekend I tried hiking in the snow - that was a fun workout that burned 200 calories. So if you also get bored, just try different things that you like so you're not always doing the same old - same old.
  • I hate it too. I hate running and all that junk.
    However, I like watching TV, so I watch TV at the gym while I'm on the elliptical. After a while I forget I'm working out.
    Also- I'm doing a "biggest loser" competition with some people from work. That keeps me motivated and it helps to have others on my team encouraging me to work out with them,

    Also- classes are fun- like try doing a step class, they can be a lot of fun with the right instructor, or a zumba class. Think of it as not exercising, you're just playing a game or dancing.

    If it is really so painful, I would pick one day a week to be your workout day, kill it for like an hour or two and the rest of the week just pay a lot of attention to your diet- Diet can be the biggest came changer in this whole thing. I know it is for me.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    So to play devil's advocate....

    Of course you hate it, with the attitude you hate it you always well. Change your mindset. I tell my kids "fake it" make everyone think you are having the time of your life. Laugh, smile, sing. If you look at it as something you don't enjoy, you will never enjoy it. Only you can decide what you really want to do and how often you do it.

    Sometimes finding a friend to do it with helps. I started with things that I knew I would be successful at all on my own. Wii Fit, Just Dance, something that wasn't necessilary exercise. Walk, walk slow, then walk faster for 5 minutes, then slow.

    Or another thing do - 10 minutes - 3x per day. Anyone can do anything for 10 minutes - when you get better at it, you will like it more. I started with the 10 Minute Solution videos, because I didn't think I had any more time than that, boy was I wrong. I exercised 14 hours last week, that's over 2 hours a day. I get up super early to do it, but it really comes down to I would be not much fun if I didn't exercise now.