I hate exercise. Help?



  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Sounds like you may be a candidate for "exercise that isn't exercise"! :wink:

    Consider taking up spinning... no not the cycle classes, I mean spinning objects... poi, staff, fire, flags, hula hoop, diabolo, clubs whichever takes your fancy. What happens is you get so addicted to the fun of playing that you don't realize you're doing a ton of good activity too. And eventually, if the bug really bites, you start wanting to workout more just because it will improve your spinning skills.
  • kelnort
    kelnort Posts: 17
    I do not like it either, however I try my best everyday. I take my iPhone or kindle and watch an episode of something on netflix, while on the treadmill. I walk the entire length of the episode. Most are more than 30 minutes long. That helps me a lot. I go at whatever pace I feel like. Also, wii fit is really fun for me. There is an option on wii fit to do step aerobics and watch tv at the same time. If you're going to sit on the couch and watch tv anyway, you may as well be doing some activity at the same time. Good luck! :)
  • flinchyny
    flinchyny Posts: 106 Member
    What about doing some non-exercise-y activities, like … getting a dog that you have to walk and play catch with, etc.; gardening; cooking, cleaning, home improvement projects; building stuff.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    How about simple Walking?...with an ipod

    Also maybe to first get in the groove only commit to exercising for 20 minutes a session. Keep it short sweet and simple. 20 minutes every other day for your health. And then maybe you will build from there!
  • ameyer410
    I am with you and while everyone's advice is great, I hate the cliche "you will learn to love it" answer. Well, I made a resolution 3 years ago and have stuck with it and built up to working out 7 days a week now. BUT - here's the kicker - I don't like it! Still everyday I don't feel like going to the gym, usually can't wait to leave, etc. So how do I do it 60 minutes a day, 7 days a week?

    Instead of trying to faux force yourself into "loving" exercise...learn to love the feeling that you receive AFTERWARDS. That feeling of success and accomplishment and now that you have gotten the exercise out of the way, anything else on your to-do list that day seems do-able. I go spinning 3x a week and stare at my watch the whole time, and it is the longest hour of my day. BUT - I LOVE the feeling afterwards, I sleep better, feel better about myself, and for some reason all the other things I need to do that day come much easier after I've exercised.

    Also switch up your workouts while at the gym, even every 10 minutes. Sounds crazy but you'll get a better workout and time will go by quicker (do the elliptical for 10 minutes, do some strength training for 15, get on the stair climber for 10, etc.)

    Don't start trying to go everyday either...it doesn't work that way. If I can learn to exercise and stick with it long term, anyone can. Seriously. Start going 2 or 3 days a week for 20 or 30 minutes and build up!

    If it's a time or leaving the house thing, Jillian Michaels has some great 25-ish minute workout DVDs the use pylometrics that will rock your body in a short amount of time.

    Remember: no hard work equals no hard body.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I hated exercise too, but I steadily made it a habit. My first goal was small - 90 minutes a week. Then I kept bumping up that goal. Now, I am so used to exercise and I like the benefits from it, that I can't imagine not doing it.

    If you don't like dance type activities - try Walk at Home dvds. No steps to learn, you can mute the volume & use your own music.
    Video clip .....


    Do you have a Wii or XBox? There are all kinds of activies. My motivation is this; as we age, we lose muscle mass. I know have to do this for the rest of my life ..... if I want to keep weight off.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    what exercise experience have you had so far?

    -I've tried to be a runner. I want to like it so much, but I don't.
    -I've tried yoga. I want to be a yogi! But it makes my back hurt? Clearly I'm doing something wrong.
    -I have an exercise bike in my living room. It's ok but boring and, to be honest, I'd rather just sit on my couch and watch tv. Haha.
    -I've tried dancey stuff. I have dvds, but I feel silly and sweaty and like I want to sit down.
    -I've tried pilates. If there was anything that I didn't HATE it would be this. But it still doesn't inspire me to get up and do it often.
    -I've done random machines at the gym. That stair thing, elliptical and the rower machine. Blah.

    I don't know. I've tried different stuff. I think I'm just lazy and unsure of how to overcome that. I wish I was one of those people who loved to go for a run or just couldn't wait for their yoga class that night. But, I'd rather watch The Bachelor on my couch. And this is where my problem begins. :)

    Yeah, you're lazy. You're not going to be in shape if you're still lazy. Get over it and get active.

    Stop watching crappy tv shows, that's a start.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Instead of focusing on the things you hate, look at the things you like.

    I'll use myself as an example:
    I like women
    I like sex
    I like money
    I like fighting
    I like being stronger than folks around me
    I like drinking
    I like hitting things
    I like computer games
    I like watching TV
    I like music

    And the resulting exercise things I came up with to match those interests:
    I like women - I try to work out with my fiance when I can
    I like sex - ummmm...this one is self explanatory
    I like money - I've got a bet going with a buddy of mine over who can make the most progress between now and June. Stakes are $100
    I like fighting - I'm practicing karate and used to practice Judo
    I like being stronger than folks around me - I lift weights
    I like drinking - I play rugby, it doesn't overshadow the drinking calories but moderates them somewhat
    I like hitting things - Rugby/karate
    I like computer games - I got a tablet as a present and I either take that or my ipod with me to the gym loaded up with games
    I like watching TV - tablet/ipod
    I like music - ipod
    I like fire - I learned how to firedance when I lived in Samoa, brutal workout

    Find things you do enjoy, and work a fitness routine around that. Your health is about you and staying healthy takes work, might as well enjoy it.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Since you hate exercising I would recommend doing short Tabata style exercises. They range from 4-12mins...basically it is all calisthenics where you use your own body weight. You push yourself for as hard as possible for the short time and then you are done...the workout is over and it barely even took that much time! You have the rest of your day to do as you please.

    A great site that has these 'easy' workouts is www.bodyrock.tv. I use this site pretty often actually...

    If all else fails...>WALK<. Walking is great exercise. You can walk yourself thin.
  • laceyxlockdown
    laceyxlockdown Posts: 70 Member
    i love to work out! and get that high after and just want to keep going but i dont know why lol if i figure out why then ill let you know lol
  • jessrect
    jessrect Posts: 21 Member
    I would get/borrow Chalene Johnson's Book "Push." It's a 30 day life changing plan but one of the days talks about finding your soul mate exercise. I'm at work right now and don't have access to the book but if you PM me I wouldn't mind sending you the info from that one day.

    I sympathize with where you are at. I finally committed to doing yoga and not being afraid that it's not enough. I'm going to through in some occasional circuit training and kickboxing but the yoga makes me happy and I want to do it.

    Anyway, good luck to you!
  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    At least you're honest. :)
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    Rather than look at it as an exercise session, try fitting it into your daily life. Ok, it is better to do something that gets your heart pumping but getting moving is a good step on the way. Make some little changes, here are a few suggestions.

    Park further away from the shops when you have to drive
    Walk to shops if possible
    Take stairs when you have the option
    If you take public transport get off a stop early
  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    There are literally like 493 things I'd rather be doing at any given time.

    So pick one of those that isn't sitting in front of the TV or eating. I found that if I go outside, I move around a lot more. Walk around the block. Do some yard work. Help out at a homeless shelter. Help out at a senior center. Volunteer to coach some young kids in a sport you enjoy.
  • mmsexybetty
    mmsexybetty Posts: 34 Member
    I'm with you. I HATE exercising, and believe me when I tell you, I've tried many different kinds too. I had a gazelle in the house, like one of those air walker kinds of things. I used it only a number of times, and then got bored. I had kick boxing tapes, I had walk away the pounds tapes, did the treadmill, stationary bike, and ellipitical. I tried working out with friends, watching TV, listening to music, all the advice a lot of people give. I can't figure out any kind of motivation that works. I even tried Zumba, and I hated the way I looked in front of other people. I don't know I guess exercising is not for all of us.
  • Ladyhawk71
    Ladyhawk71 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm a walker, going outside makes me feel better and breathing in the fresh air. Maybe it's the time of year or do you feel this way all the time?? Maybe you need a friend to do an activity with you that you want to do. If you have a dog, you could walk the dog. There's also horseback riding, frisbee, so many different things you can do. Kettlebells....volleyball, soccer, hockey basketball tennis....
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    Try this -- Next time you work out, use your hatred of it to kick your own *kitten*. I mean, get mad at the exercise and yourself and make yourself really sweat. Every time you slow down, pull up that hatred again and use it. Do that for 30 minutes and THEN see if you get the whole "high" thing.

    I hated exercise from age 6 to 30. A few years ago I started working out with a trainer 4 times a week and he kicked me into a new level and now I GET it. I get the High, I've entered the Zone, and loved the Burn. Within a week or two you will start to feel the difference which is where the long-term stuff kicks in. I'm not an exercise junky or a gym rat by any stretch but I've been there... and in hindsight, it didn't take too much to get me there.

    This is good advice. Get mad at it. That's what I do. I am not going to my a88 beat by a machine! When I decided to start this diet/exercise thing a week ago, I made a plan. That plan was to stay under my calories on MFP and get up at five thirty every day and go to the gym and work out till I burn! I know me, and if I take even ONE day off, I will throw in the towel. So, I made it a goal to do this every day, and I have been really good so far.

    Make a goal and stick with it. Do you like how you feel after you exercise? That's what hooked me. That amazing feeling. I know if I quit doing it, I will go back to feeling blah and lazy and unmotivated. So it's worth it just for that great feeling.

    Agreed! I have to force myself to put on my workout clothes and start doing whatever workout I'm going to do for that day. But once I start it I refuse to give up. I feel great after but its not something I love to do right now, but that will come with time...it did a few years ago when I started running. I just got angry with myself everytime I wanted to stop. Anger is a great motivator.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    what exercise experience have you had so far?

    -I've tried to be a runner. I want to like it so much, but I don't.
    -I've tried yoga. I want to be a yogi! But it makes my back hurt? Clearly I'm doing something wrong.
    -I have an exercise bike in my living room. It's ok but boring and, to be honest, I'd rather just sit on my couch and watch tv. Haha.
    -I've tried dancey stuff. I have dvds, but I feel silly and sweaty and like I want to sit down.
    -I've tried pilates. If there was anything that I didn't HATE it would be this. But it still doesn't inspire me to get up and do it often.
    -I've done random machines at the gym. That stair thing, elliptical and the rower machine. Blah.

    I don't know. I've tried different stuff. I think I'm just lazy and unsure of how to overcome that. I wish I was one of those people who loved to go for a run or just couldn't wait for their yoga class that night. But, I'd rather watch The Bachelor on my couch. And this is where my problem begins. :)

    I think you should try a sport instead then. Perhaps a martial art - I highly recommend Kendo, for example.
  • kcyr1214
    Mmm, no, don't exercise, stay on the couch and watch the bachelor. That is so much more meaningful. ?? What are you thinking? You have these great gifts, life and a body, and this is your life. Use those precious gifts! Put them to good use, use them to make yourself happy.

    Go outside, forget about the stationary bike. Put some peppy music in your ipod and go for a walk. Take a bike ride. Take a hike. Look at the beauty of the world around you, feel alive. Go on MeetUp.com and find a group of people who don't sit on the couch. Join them in whatever they are doing -- walking, skating, zumba, whatever. Buddies are good motivators.

    If you knew today was your last day on earth, would you spend it watching tv?
  • knelson422
    I watched Dr. Oz on Rachael Ray and he said the most important things for you to do in order are:
    1) Get enough sleep
    2) Eat right
    3) Exercise

    I was surprised because I always thought that exercise was most important. For me, I am starting to focus on my eating more and exercise less (4 times a week instead of 6) and making sure I am getting enough rest. I am not going to be able to do squats forever, but I can learn how to eat right. That is my goal for right now. I would suggest walking with a friend, find someone who wants to do something and just being more active. Good luck!!!