What's your embarassing hobby?



  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    I spend a ridiculous amount of time reading about music, listening to music, trying to talk to others about music, making playlists....... Most people don't get my obsession. And I don't get why everyone isn't this way.


    Same. My iTunes library is a constant work in progress...I am constantly adding details about songs/albums/artists/ratings/etc.

    Yay! Thank you Luke, for coming out of the musical closet with me!
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I read fluffy historical romance novels - literally HUNDREDS of them every year.

    I really only like the funny ones (Lynsay Sands is HILARIOUS, but Julia Quinn is my favorite), but they are total fluff and are absolutely ridiculous. Regency romances are the best.

    The funny thing is that I am actually not even remotely romantic in real life, but I just can't get enough of the fluffy romances. I have an awesome used book store near me and I literally have shelves and shelves of books in my closet (not on the bookshelves in the main part of the house because I don't want to embarrass my husband) full of fluffy historical romance novels - and those are just the ones that I loved enough to want to own.

    That is why my Kindle is my best friend... I can read all the trashy romance/brainless/sci-fi novels I want and NO ONE has to know what I am reading....
  • sarahgilmore
    sarahgilmore Posts: 572 Member
    I read fluffy historical romance novels - literally HUNDREDS of them every year.

    I really only like the funny ones (Lynsay Sands is HILARIOUS, but Julia Quinn is my favorite), but they are total fluff and are absolutely ridiculous. Regency romances are the best.

    The funny thing is that I am actually not even remotely romantic in real life, but I just can't get enough of the fluffy romances. I have an awesome used book store near me and I literally have shelves and shelves of books in my closet (not on the bookshelves in the main part of the house because I don't want to embarrass my husband) full of fluffy historical romance novels - and those are just the ones that I loved enough to want to own.

    Oh, me too. I like the ones set in Victorian Britain. Shame...

    Funny thing is I can't stand romantic fluff movies!
  • robertmcalaster
    One more for me....I collect Spider-Man shwag. Like mugs, toys, gum machines, easter candy (which I never eat) etc.
  • ItsJenn32
    I like to colour....in a colouring book with pencil crayons :O)
  • ansata
    ansata Posts: 52
    sorry to correct...way off topic so went to edit.

    horse shows....I love showing horses...the bad part. its expensive so I only get to do it every now and then. When I am going to one I completely get so self absorbed. After I come home I sleep for about two to three days Well off and on. It really takes a lot out of me.
  • ansata
    ansata Posts: 52
    I like to colour....in a colouring book with pencil crayons :O)

    me too!!!!!
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    Pinterest...haha :) I can spend SO long on there!



    ...........Crafting. Yes, I understand that I am 20. Stfu.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    Not really embarassing, but like someone else said, I could spend a whole night watching true crime stories like Forensic Files. I am also addicted to the show World's Dumbest.
  • Saxmis
    Saxmis Posts: 84
    I don't consider these embarrasing, but I know other people do.

    I'm actually a total nerd. I have eight Warhammer 40k armies at my disposable (some of them are actually owned by my housemate, but I'm free to paint and play with them at my will), I have numerous geeky board games (Discworld, Settlers etc.), I used to do cosplay and as soon as I feel my body is ready I will most definitely be doing it again, I love anime and manga although I'm not well versed in it, I read graphic novels and I may or may not have an action figure or two and I spend most of my time playing console games of some description.
  • admanMike
    admanMike Posts: 371 Member
    Golf...and karaoke....but rarely at the same time
  • juan23sfa
    I'm 27 and i play video games......love MW3
  • JackeeW
    JackeeW Posts: 72
    Oh gosh. I think I have several.

    I blog. I coupon like crazy. (Just spent $24.70 on $163.44 worth of goodies at Wal-Greens tonight. Mostly medicine. In retrospect, I bet I'm added to some government list for making drugs now. :laugh:) I knit. I listen to "Learn How to Speak Spanish" podcasts in the car. And, as others have said I :heart: Jersey Shore. Oh, and 16 & Pregnant and Teen Mom!
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 627 Member
    I like to pick at things. You know, little white heads on my husbands back; my teen-age daughter. Even the grandkids are fair game. I do wash my hands a lot.
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    Romance novels. I read 10 on average per month. I'm single, so shut up. lol There are some REALLY good writers out there, and I am NOT talking about the broad that wrote Twilight -- that stuff is a fricking joke.

    I LOVE the darker ones, supernatural-type junk, but I also love historicals.
  • andforpoise
    making sock monkies :P and rag dolls by hand... also handmade greeting cards - I'm a crafty nerd :P
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Anime, Jeopardy!, and knitting.

    One is a white nerd thing and the other two I share in common with a lot of 80 year-olds. ;)
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    Hardcore Team D on MW3!!! Well that and brushing my teeth every time I go into the bathroom...strange I know!!!!

    Oh yea, and internet por...... Nevermind!!!!
  • chicky89
    chicky89 Posts: 262 Member
    I'm kinda obsessed with Jeeps!

    No one gets it!!!!
  • ginag516
    ginag516 Posts: 44 Member
    I spend a ridiculous amount of time reading about music, listening to music, trying to talk to others about music, making playlists....... Most people don't get my obsession. And I don't get why everyone isn't this way.

    I use to be that way so I know excactly what you mean!!! and if I wasnt so busy I would problebly be doing it until this day!!