I hate exercise. Help?



  • bodyjammin85
    bodyjammin85 Posts: 34 Member
    what exercise experience have you had so far?

    -I've tried to be a runner. I want to like it so much, but I don't.
    -I've tried yoga. I want to be a yogi! But it makes my back hurt? Clearly I'm doing something wrong.
    -I have an exercise bike in my living room. It's ok but boring and, to be honest, I'd rather just sit on my couch and watch tv. Haha.
    -I've tried dancey stuff. I have dvds, but I feel silly and sweaty and like I want to sit down.
    -I've tried pilates. If there was anything that I didn't HATE it would be this. But it still doesn't inspire me to get up and do it often.
    -I've done random machines at the gym. That stair thing, elliptical and the rower machine. Blah.

    I don't know. I've tried different stuff. I think I'm just lazy and unsure of how to overcome that. I wish I was one of those people who loved to go for a run or just couldn't wait for their yoga class that night. But, I'd rather watch The Bachelor on my couch. And this is where my problem begins. :)

    I'm writing to give you a kick up the backside because as much as your friends love you, they won't be as harsh as is needed.

    Running - boring+ on your own
    Yoga - boring + on your own
    Pilates - boring +on your own
    Home DVDs - on your own
    Gym machines - on your own
    bike at home - On your own

    Do you see a recurring theme?

    You need to first decide you want to get fit/lose weight. Once you've done that, get over the fact you hate exercise! You do the house work, go to your daily job etc. do you like them? i bet there are mornings where you can't be arsed with work or housework but you have to do it, right? Think of exercise like that to begin with. I think you need someone to motivate you, either get a workout partner or a trainer if you can afford it.

    i don't know if you know, but exercise will make you sweat! if you don't sweat working out, then you're not doing it right! Find something different and interesting. If you really need a push, see if you can find any boot camp sessions. The guys and gals that run those are there to kick your *kitten*! You may hate them by the first 5 mins but you need it!!

    I hate to be so frank but you need to get a grip and just get on with it. If you want results you will do it. Sitting on the couch for hours on end will only make you a less fit person and you are more likely to have bone loss/osteoporosis, obesity and to be really frank, early death.

    Assess what is more important to you. The programme on the tv and sitting on your *kitten*, not improving how you feel and look OR a healthy life with more energy, muscle tone, weight loss, strength and confidence? I bet you're not happy with what you see in the mirror, the only person who can change that is YOU!

    Read it!!
  • lori4013
    lori4013 Posts: 73 Member
    The thing that works best for me is walking with headphones. The music keeps me motivated.
  • cupcake721
    cupcake721 Posts: 22 Member
    WOW. Jesus Christ. Ask and you shall receive I suppose. Haha.

    I appreciate those of you giving constructive and positive advice and personal experiences. Those of you who just called me lazy (duh, I already said that) and want me to just get off my *kitten*, I did not ask to be chastised. I do have a job where I'm standing and walking all day and I do that 5 days a week. I do stay within a decent calorie range. I don't sit around watching tv all day.

    To the person who quoted Office Space: I love that movie more than you know.

    To the person who said I watched crappy tv: Who cares? I like it. And I'm pretty sure that has nothing to do with Fitness OR Exercise OR my original question at all. SUCK IT. :)

    Some of you actually gave me very good advice. You are the people who should actually have posting privileges. To those who are just self-righteous, have superiority complexes or just had a bad day - I'm sorry you feel the need to take it out on strangers. I hope it gets better.
  • ottawagirl613
    ottawagirl613 Posts: 112 Member
    this is a pretty long thread so i dont know if you'll be reading this but i hate working out too.. and even though ive kept it up for over 30 days now i still have to drag myself kicking and screaming every day.. BUT.. the only reason ive kept it up (a first for me) is because my workout routine is only 25 mins long and ive never seen better results.. i started doing the gillian michaels 30 day shred and as much as i hate it i love it.. by the time i start getting annoyed with the sweating and the pain im halfway done and theres no point in quitting.. and as much as it hurts and its harder then other things i have done (cardio and machines at gym, jogging/walking outside, group sports, classes etc.) its over much faster, its cheaper, and i dont have to rely on someone else's ability to get off their butt to do it with me..

    when i decided (for the hundredth time now?) that i wanted to get in shape and eat well i wanted it to be through changes that i knew i could maintain.. i cant maintain going to the gym (i hate the travel/change/shower time and cost).. i cant maintain exercising outdoors (stupid canada!).. i cant maintain home treadmill/elliptical routine (BORING and time consuming with "skinny fat" results).. i cant maintain classes (again travel/shower/change/ cost factors).. so that left cheap (free in my case).. home.. and short lol.. and intense total body workout videos are the only thing ive come up with that ive been able to stick with.. namely gillian michaels (anything) or ten minute trainers (tony horton) or on days where i SURPISINGLY feel active a P90X tape..

    the music thing is of course a must too.. but everyones said that.. so good luck!
  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    I don't think you are alone by any means, and of the 10 or so exercise classes I take each week, I can't remember the last time I saw someone in one who actually *looked* like they were enjoying themselves. I enjoy every single one of my classes, the harder they are the better, I always find something fun in them. I look forward to going and hate having to miss them for any reason.

    But I do understand how hard it is to get into exercise, especially if you have a tiring job. The truth is that if you haven't exercised for a long time it will take a very long while for you to get to a place where you can enjoy it, simply because everything will feel really hard at first - I've been there. Also, the mindset thing has a lot to do with how much you enjoy it. If someone/something has annoyed me on the way to the gym or during the day then I'm pretty much guaranteed of a rubbish workout. Sometimes I can channel this into whatever I'm doing, but mostly I can't, if I'm in a bad mood I just resent being there.

    The bottom line is, if you are really committed to the idea of getting fit there are plenty of suggestions on this thread. Keep trying them until you find something that sticks. It might be the thing you least expect.

    For the record I am very healthy, fit AND watch far too much crap tv :)
  • desertpea
    desertpea Posts: 20 Member
    I think the key is find something you enjoy. You may also have to look at your internal chatter. If you are always telling yourself how much you hate something - you're gonna hate it even more. Eg, go for a walk, concentrate on how your heart is beating, how its burning calories, how good the exercise is good for your body and health. Think of how good you'll feel when you've finished and recovered. How proud you are of yourself for getting up off the couch and making the effort.... That sort of stuff.. it all sounds a bit goofy but it helps.
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    WOW. Jesus Christ. Ask and you shall receive I suppose. Haha.

    I appreciate those of you giving constructive and positive advice and personal experiences. Those of you who just called me lazy (duh, I already said that) and want me to just get off my *kitten*, I did not ask to be chastised. I do have a job where I'm standing and walking all day and I do that 5 days a week. I do stay within a decent calorie range. I don't sit around watching tv all day.

    To the person who quoted Office Space: I love that movie more than you know.

    To the person who said I watched crappy tv: Who cares? I like it. And I'm pretty sure that has nothing to do with Fitness OR Exercise OR my original question at all. SUCK IT. :)

    Some of you actually gave me very good advice. You are the people who should actually have posting privileges. To those who are just self-righteous, have superiority complexes or just had a bad day - I'm sorry you feel the need to take it out on strangers. I hope it gets better.
    :flowerforyou: Not a fan of Exercise either. I do it..I try to walk or weightlift which I enjoy. Hope you find something you like too;-) I also have a ton more fun being active in the summer:-) You are spot on with some people posting negative..Hope you find something you enjoy. Maybe a sport or snow shoeing if your in a winter spot, or maybe a wi and play games its movement..good luck:-)
  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    This is me in a nutshell. I found two things I love. When it is cold, like now, I put music on and dance. Like a mental patient, throwing my arms, scaring the cats and thrashing around for about 30 minutes. I have burned up to 500 calories doing that in 30 minutes (I have a FitBit). I am a tech numbers junkie and I love statistics. So I seem to be walking more cuz I can download my steps and see how much I've done.

    The other thing I found I love to do is water jog. Or tread water. Neither feels like working out to me. I have tried it ALL. I hate it ALL. I tolerate these two things because I look like a drippy shar pei losing 150 pounds and not working out. So for the next 85 I knew I had to start to tone.

    Find a pool and just jog in the water for 10 minutes. Try it. I love it. Or put on Music Choice on tv and try to just dance. Or jog in place. I will say this. For ME it takes 10 minutes for me to say...hmmm...this feels good. Not 5. So hang in there for 10 and see if some endorphins will kick in.

    Good luck. I have hated exercise my entire life. These two things I honestly enjoy and look forward to.

    If you like to see progress and like numbers and statistics, invest in an HRM or FitBit. I like competing with myself, not others.

    An old fat lady ☺
  • Not many people really enjoy exercising.
    I think it's the mindset you have going into. When my mind is wandering off or I'm thinking "ugh, i hate this move" during a workout, I will find a reason to quit and give up. Even Muhammad Ali admitted to hating exercising/training, but in order to reach his goal, he went through it.
    There's gotta be something other than sitting that you enjoy doing... even if it's shopping. If I'm too lazy to incorporate a workout, I walk into town/around the mall for a few hours and trying on clothes/running to the nearest sale (haha jk) is definitely better than being sedentary.
    Change your mindset and be open to trying new things. I signed up for fitness classes so I don't have to go the traditional machines at the gym.