What eating plan has helped you lose at least 30 lbs?



  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    As others have said, I've lost 30-something pounds (I'm not really sure/don't really care what the number is) by eating normal food. That means pizza (and yes, sometimes stuffed crust), chocolate milk, wine, cookies and bread as well as chicken breasts, veggies, nuts, yoghurt and a variety of healthier things.

    I would have put most if not all back on if I hadn't carried on enjoying food.

  • ginareejoy
    ginareejoy Posts: 54 Member
    I just count calories...smaller portions and better choices. :)
  • Ctyndall81
    Gluten free Dairy free
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I went wheat free/low carb.. though I do have treat meals twice a week now I'm getting closer to goal (none for first month then once a week). I do use gluten free bread instead of regular bread and replace wheat based cereals with Rice Krispies and Oats.

    I wasn't bothered about cream buns/biscuits/doughnuts etc anyway so don't miss indulging in those.. I do love my chocolate brownies though, but found some gluten free ones which taste divine! They are a monthly treat!!

    As I don't get to eat out very often.. when I do I just have that as my treat meal and eat what I want.. I don't eat huge amounts anyway.. I just ate the wrong kinds of things for me as apparently have a wheat intolerance which I didn't know.. and couldn't move much due to disability and tiring very quickly... I've lost 35lbs.

    I'll be staying wheat free now I know, but will have other carbs (slowly re-introduced more often) when I reach my goal weight.
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    I exercise at least 5 times a week plus i walk twice a day on my breaks at work just to keep metabolism up, etc and move throughout the day. I eat normal food, but used to be a fast food/soda pop junky. I quit that altogether. Try to stay with fresh foods that make you feel good and fool. Lots of fruits and veggies and lots of protein.
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    I eat normal food. That's all. No magic eating plan. All those magic eating plans just trick you into eating a calorie deficit, so eat the foods you like, just watch your calorie totals.

    Exactly. I have lost almost 30 pounds by eating smaller portions. That's it. I still drink wine, have dessert, etc (not every day, of course).

    ^^^This. The only thing I really try to avoid is ice cream. It is my weakness. I think exercise is the key though. You will never lose 30 lbs. by just dieting. You need to have an exercise program as well as a nutritional program. Watch your portion sizes.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    I've lost 18 lbs, really only needed to lose about that......counting calories is the way to go, to stay with it I have to be able to eat anything I want, and I do. When you cut out food groups I think its unhealthy and some thing that is hard to do in the long run. This isn't a thing where you do some special thing to lose weight and then start eating the way you used too, it you do you will weigh what you used to, too.
  • jem33199
    jem33199 Posts: 80 Member
    1. I make vegetables the centerpiece of my lunch and dinners.
    2. If I don't eat enough fat, my hair begins to fall out. Therefore, I include a teaspoon or two of healthy oil each day (olive oil, canola, sunflower, safflower or flaxseed).
    3. I eat healthy vegetarian proteins each day.
    4. I limit sugar.
    5. I don't drink calories (such as alcohol or fruit/vegetable juices).
    6. I drink a lot of water.
    7. I take a multivitamin every day.
    8. I exercise almost every day by doing something I enjoy - elliptical, running, walking, yoga, boot camp classes, etc.
    9. I focus on my health. I have gotten off of two blood pressure medications and the c-pap. These successes mean far more to me than wearing a certain size.
    10. I surround myself with positive influences (the web sites I view, the people I talk with about health, etc.).
    11. When I reach one goal, I set a new one. For example - I don't know how to swim so my next healthy goal is to take a basic swimming class in the spring.
    12. I keep track of everything I eat. Everything. Even if I wish I hadn't eaten it. :)

    I hope this helps.
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
  • djmullins
    When I started almost a year ago, I decided to increase my low sugar fruits and veggies to get at least 5 a day, with a focus on leafy greens. As the weight started to come off, I added moderate workouts. As I progressed I cut down on carbs, keeping to no more then 50/day (and yes I still eat chocolate). I've gradually increased my workouts, but don't do anything crazy, just keeping in mind a body in motion. I've got about 9 lbs to go on my original goal to lose 100, and I plan to keep it off!
  • Symphony6
    Symphony6 Posts: 116 Member
    I use a common sense approach . I don't cut out any major food group and I don't participate in habits I know I can't or am not willing to maintain for the rest of my life. Otherwise, I'm just setting myself up to fail for long-term weight management.

    I do try to opt for healtheir choices - lots of fruits and veggies, lean proteins versus fatty ones, whole grains versus processed carbs. I drink lots of liquids, moderate my serving sizes and exercise on a regular basis. That and I keep an eye on calories in and calories out.

    That's it - no complicated or gimicky diets involving shakes, cutting out major food groups or eating from only one food group, additional supplements, etc. Simply good nutrition in moderate serving sizes and exercise.

    As someone who tried and failed on Atkins 5 times...THIS.
  • jem33199
    jem33199 Posts: 80 Member
    When I started almost a year ago, I decided to increase my low sugar fruits and veggies to get at least 5 a day, with a focus on leafy greens. As the weight started to come off, I added moderate workouts. As I progressed I cut down on carbs, keeping to no more then 50/day (and yes I still eat chocolate). I've gradually increased my workouts, but don't do anything crazy, just keeping in mind a body in motion. I've got about 9 lbs to go on my original goal to lose 100, and I plan to keep it off!

    Wow! Great job!
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    The only thing I have changed is eating less and now eating some fruits and veggies. I was eating too much before, but I still eat fast food when I want it, even if that is 4 times in one week sometimes. I just stay under my calories and try to eat healthier, but there are things I will not give up or I will quit, I've done it so many times in the past.
  • slick_fox
    slick_fox Posts: 85 Member
    I have lost 35 pounds using MFP Goals. I did not go over 1200 calories per day and 1500 mg of sodium. I customized (per doctor recommendations) my potassium and fiber also. I am now on maintainance. Good luck!
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    I eat whatever I want, just less than I burn.
    Lost over 30 and still losing.
    Thank you MFP, there's no magic involved

    edit: I burn more than I did before..running, and working out, but not crazy!
  • amandaraecook
    I have lost 31 pounds on the 17 Day Diet. It is kind of difficult and I felt like all I was thinking about was what I could eat and when, so if you already have a hectic life, I would say this diet is not for you. If you have the time and are willing to put in effort, though, the 17 Day Diet would work very well.
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 596 Member
    I didn't have 30 to lose, but I will say what helped me lose 25 (I would like to lose 30 but its not a huge deal if that makes sense)

    1) Finding out I was allergic to dairy and cutting that out completely
    2) Eating at home all three meals pretty much everyday except for Weekend dinners and the occassional lunch out at work
    3) Sticking to REAL food. True whole grains, nothing "white", veggies, fruits, as much non-processed food as possible. It can be even more delicious that way!

    Good luck!
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I lost 45 lbs. in 3.5 months doing low carb hi protein diet. That fast enough for you. I also hit the cardio and weight lifting.

    GW-Whatever I want.
  • PrincessStubbie
    PrincessStubbie Posts: 109 Member
    We (me and hubby) are strict on our carbs for medical reasons and I have to watch my sodium intake, but otherwise, I stay within my MFP guidelines/suggestion.
  • thenance007
    thenance007 Posts: 35 Member
    Wow, I'm surprised! Of the 80+ responses so far, it looks like almost 90% just limited calories per MFP and tried to make healthier choices, but allowing themselves to eat anything they really wanted. And most exercised, but many weren't compulsive about it and lost anyway. As so many overweight people are insulin resistant, I expected that it would take low carb for many to control their cravings. Thanks for all the responses, it's nice to hear that you have all been successful without starving yourselves. Makes me think I can do it this time!