Reaching 1200 calories



  • Katie41907
    Working out burns tons of calories and in turn makes you feel more hungry. Try walking or jogging through out the day in small burst. Maybe that will jump start your metabolism to make you hungrier.

    I'm not a fitness expert or anything. It's just an idea!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Lean Cuisine dinners are not very nutritious so I'd suggest switching some of those out for some whole foods. But what you are describing could be the beginnings of an eating disorder. It is not natural to be full on the amount of food you are describing. And if you trully are sated with that amount, why would you need to lose weight?
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    If you can't eat more than 800 calories in a day, how in the hell did you ever get fat enough to think you needed to be on MFP?

    I didn't start counting calories yesterday. I gained about 10lbs from my birth control and being away at college hasn't helped me to lose weight either. So I've conditioned myself to eat meals that are small yet satisfying even though they are low calorie. Say what you will but from spending all day on campus and In the library and all night at work I really don't have the time to cook a meal unlike some of you. I'm not a stay at home parent I don't have the luxury of having a lot of money to spend on food. I have a meal plan and a monthly budget. And I'm not trying to lose 30-40-50 lbs. Just 10. That may not be a lot to you but to me it is.

    Hey AshleyHardy :)

    I've got 10 more to lose too - and I'm also having a hard time getting my full 1200 cals - not for lack of trying! Here's what I'm doing to help up the calories without overstuffing myself:

    1/4 cup of trail mix is about 260 cals - not very filling, but very high in proteins and cals
    If you can, change your cereal in the morning - something like Alpen, or kashi - you can even have this as a snack/dessert, just mix in yogourt :)
    Almonds - any kind will do, they are good for you, have calcium AND are high in calories without being too heavy on the tummy
    Eat eggs - they are pretty inexpensive (especially if you can find a local farmer) and sooooo packed with nutrients and calories. Dice it up with some mayo and have an egg salad sandwich (2 eggs on regular bread) - more calorires, not very filling.

    I also eat about 6 times a day - 3 meals, 3 snacks. So i can get a lot of variety of foods in me, while aiming to hit 1200 or better.

    Hopefully this works for you :) and good luck!
  • ashleyhardy08
    Lean Cuisine dinners are not very nutritious so I'd suggest switching some of those out for some whole foods. But what you are describing could be the beginnings of an eating disorder. It is not natural to be full on the amount of food you are describing. And if you trully are sated with that amount, why would you need to lose weight?

    I don't think you all understand what I'm saying. I want to lose weight by consuming less calories then I was before I started counting my calories. Before starting my diet I was consuming close to 2500 calories a day by eating unhealthy. Since I've started eating the lean cuisines, it's still the same portion size of the meals that I was having but with way less calories.
    In the morning I eat 2 pieces of whole wheat toast with peanut butter and a banana.
    This keeps me full enough to not want a snack before I eat lunch.
    For lunch I eat a lean cuisine meal from anywhere between 200-350 calories
    I'll have a protein bar for a snack which is 170 calories
    And for dinner I'll have another lean cuisine.
    I add fiber to all of my drinks and I only drink water. All of this does not add up to 1200 but I'm satisfied and I don't feel hungry. A lot of times I will wait until my stomach is a little bit rumbly (NOT a lot) signaling that I'm hungry but a lot of times this doesn't happen which causes me to feel sick.
  • Goosiesnougs
  • cgcotten
    Try to eat more fruit and vegetables. There are a lot of vegetables with very low calories and
    you can eat until you're full. I have always been a vegetable lover but not greens. I buy the
    Margaret Holmes Cabbage, turnip greens, etc. They are quite tasty and the calories aren't too
    bad. Lean Cuisines are good (some more than others) but ask yourself this, can you live
    on them the rest of your life? You need to learn how to eat what is not necessarily what you
    want to eat but good for your body!! I know I had to learn this myself. Good luck!!
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    I'm trying to up my cals too. I have decided I need to get more in early in the day because at the end of the day I have so many left over and I'm not hungry. Bigger breakfast and lunch.
  • apirotte
    I agree with the above poster about ditching the LC. Also, try introducing more natural, whole foods that have more nutrition versus the stripped diet-type non fat, low caloric foods

    Lean Cuisine is a processed food product. Processed foods are so bad for our bodies. Shop the outer isles of the grocery stores. Stick with fresh foods (or frozen) only. Whole grains, fresh veggies, fresh or frozen fruits, the leanest cuts of meat, etc. Spend more time in the produce dept than any other dept. I used to eat those frozen dinners to try to lose weight and they are absolutely the wrong things to eat. I reach 1200 calories, with no problem, while eating healthy choices for my body.
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I'm not sure what your problem IS... ?

    I don't think it is healthy to consume less than 1200 calories. As a poor, broke, college student... I highly suggest you ditch the lean cuisine and buy some wholesome food. Making a sandwich takes the same amount of time as microwaving a lean cuisine. Fill your dorm fridge up with frozen veggies, chicken breasts, whole wheat bread, peanut butter, milk, and tuna.

    Lean Cuisine has SO much sodium in it that if you ditch them completely, the weight might literally just melt off. When I OD on sodium ( hello potato chips ), I can hold onto an extra FIVE POUNDS of water.

    Also, you might find that once you start eating real food, your appetite comes back.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    My brain just exploded. There's actually such a thing known as a "Lean Cuisine Diet?"

  • Sweetcheeks278


    Its hard for most of us to understand how you are just starting out trying to lose weight and still having a hard time eating 1200 calories. EAT MORE HEALTHY foods and in turn it will speed up your metabolism and you will start losing. :) Your body is probably in starvation mode with you only eating 800-900 calories a day.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Ok...this is a fat girl in the hell do you have issues eating 1200 calories? ? Hello we had to eat a **** ton more than that to get where we are! Eat REAL FOOD!

    Well I'm not a fat girl. I'm trying to lose 2 lbs a week and according to MFP, it says to only have a daily calorie intake of 1200 so why should I eat more than that when I'm stuffing myself already just to reach 1200?

    well, how much DO you weigh? fine, don't answer that question. but if you are within say, 20lbs of your goal weight, you should be at a 1lb per week loss, and within 10lbs, you should be at 0,5lbs per week loss.

    trust me on this... i used to tell girls i was a doctor.
  • ashleyhardy08
    Ok...this is a fat girl in the hell do you have issues eating 1200 calories? ? Hello we had to eat a **** ton more than that to get where we are! Eat REAL FOOD!

    Well I'm not a fat girl. I'm trying to lose 2 lbs a week and according to MFP, it says to only have a daily calorie intake of 1200 so why should I eat more than that when I'm stuffing myself already just to reach 1200?

    well, how much DO you weigh? fine, don't answer that question. but if you are within say, 20lbs of your goal weight, you should be at a 1lb per week loss, and within 10lbs, you should be at 0,5lbs per week loss.

    trust me on this... i used to tell girls i was a doctor.
    I weigh 148 and I want to be 120.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    should've asked you how tall you are. based on some height weight charts, you should be 5'2" to be at 120lbs. are you 5'2"? because if you aren't you are probably going to make yourself sick.
  • fearlessbetz
    fearlessbetz Posts: 97 Member
    I wonder about the Lean Cuisine. Yes it's low in fat and calories. However, I've found that processed or prepared meals have TONS of salt. If you boost your diet with more whole grains (brown rice, whole wheat) fresh veg and fruit. You will end up with food that works for you with nutrients that pack a powerful punch. The proteins are an easy way to include more calorie rich and nutrient rich food. If you are excercising a lot your body is craving good proteins for the muscles to be able to work. At that caloric level your body will turn to your muscles for fuel, and that is not good (per my nutritionist). Some suggestions, almond butter, eggs, avocados, salmon, lean chicken, plain greek yogurt with fresh fruit. You'd be suprised how little sugar is in fresh blackberries, raspberries, etc. I don't know, but it's working for me. Best of luck with your goals and keep up the good work!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I get better nutrients from a salt lick!

    If I'm not making it myself in the kitchen then it's not going in my body! Except my cheat weekends! Then I eat anything and everything!

    PS: Took my wife off lean cuisine and she lost 10lbs in water weight in 2 weeks.
    Thats why she was sooooooo moody!!!!
  • spiffysara27
    spiffysara27 Posts: 19 Member
    I have the same problem some days. I know I shouldn't be eating less than 1200 calories, so if I think I'm going to fall short I usually have a protein shake or fruit smoothie. There is a smoothie cafe by my house where they will add protein and vitamins to delicious smoothies. They're about 300 calories AND healthy!
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    I recommend having some whole grain bread or rice with your meals. Maybe if it's Italian make some garlic bread. or if it's asian add more rice. Also try snacking more on fruits, nuts, and cheese (I love string cheese) usually what I do is watch what I eat at lunch and have what I want for dinner. Tonight was angel hair with turkey meatballs & marinara, and some garlic bread.

    I dunno I am not yet seeing results, but it's only 10 days in. I am 5'5" 155 and want to be 130 so our weight/goals are somewhat similar.
  • toniace1
    If you can't eat more than 800 calories in a day, how in the hell did you ever get fat enough to think you needed to be on MFP?

  • catic
    catic Posts: 156
    Just a quick FYI that this post will not go well.
    So on with it...

    Most 1200 calorie diets fall below your BMR.
    This is bad.
    You lose lean mass as well as fat.

    Boost the calories up to 1600 a day and lose the same weight at a more sustainable level and you not only get better nutrients but your energy levels will be high enough to get the best from your training.

    As you lose weight and improve lean mass you will be able to eat more.

    1600 calories for a woman? That seems really high?1