Couch to 5k

Kati_Marie Posts: 24
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Today was day 2 for me on the Couch to 5k Challenge. I am LOVING it! Has anyone else tried it and if so what are your thought and or results?

Its what my best friend did and she was able to lose 45lbs. Just curious if other ppl have had those results.


  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    I'm on week 2, Day 3 and I've found it really helpful. There's a thread called "the Woggers" where there are people doing the Couch to 5K program. Here's the link:
  • I've been wanting to start this, but I honestly have no clue where to start. I did a google search and different websites saying different things. Is there some sort of guideline to follow? I know that there's some sort of mp3 that can be downloaded to let you know when to walk / run, but does anyone know where that is at?

    Are you doing this on the treadmill or actual walking? Do you have some sort of audio to let you know when to walk / run?
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    I finished C5K on May 1st. I loved it. I hope you do too. You can find it at, its free...just scroll down and its all there.
  • Kati_Marie
    Kati_Marie Posts: 24
    I've just been using the coolrunning website. It lays it all out. I know that there are pod casts that you can use on an Ipod but I just use my phone mp3 and watch the time on my treadmill. Walk for 90 seconds job for 60. I'm loving it and I think you should try it with me.

    I tried it in the past but my problem is I don't like to go to the gym. I'm so grateful for my new treadmill!
  • vanessa915
    vanessa915 Posts: 68 Member
    I just started this week too! I've been amazed that I've made it through the first couple days because I didn't think I could EVER be a runner. I'm looking forward to completing the first week, so I'm right there with ya!

    Good luck!

  • The only thing I'm hesitant about is the fact that I don't have a treadmill at home, just an elliptical.I'm just afraid that the weather might hinder some runs. Is it possible to do this on an elliptical?
  • AlmostHot
    AlmostHot Posts: 312 Member
    Im doing a similar sort of program from
    since I am extremely unfit it allows me to break into running more slowly, but will end up running 5k after 12 weeks. Is this a group thread a group? I have just completed week 1 of the Absolute beginners porogram.:tongue:
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    The only thing I'm hesitant about is the fact that I don't have a treadmill at home, just an elliptical.I'm just afraid that the weather might hinder some runs. Is it possible to do this on an elliptical?

    Week 7, day 3 here. I reccomend doing the runs outside - its much less boring than a machine. If it rains, run the next day. There's no set time you REALLY need to do this in
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    The only thing I'm hesitant about is the fact that I don't have a treadmill at home, just an elliptical.I'm just afraid that the weather might hinder some runs. Is it possible to do this on an elliptical?

    Run in the rain...its puts a new meaning into exercise. I thought I would dread it but actually enjoyed it.
  • nueta1922
    nueta1922 Posts: 21 Member
    I am starting tomorrow. I just downloaded the series on my Ipod. It is a free podcast under the health section and has rave reviews. I hear that is it is really helpful. I have always wanted to run but it took me years to get over the mental block of not being rail thin with a small chest to be able to run.

    Any helpful hints on the best time to run and what to eat before?

  • Kati_Marie
    Kati_Marie Posts: 24
    To be honest I've done it for two days and I am enjoying it in the morning. I drink a cup of coffee and then hit it. After I drink a Natures Way Protein Shake. VERY good shake! With Soy milk.

    Tomorrow will be day three for me and I am loving it! It's very motivating and after I am able to get ready for the day and I'm already off to a great start!
  • ctmom1
    ctmom1 Posts: 189
    I am now official a graduate! I ran my first 5k yesterday and don't know if I could have done it without following c25k. I downloaded a podcast onto my phone and ran with it. If you want the link I think I can find it, it is an mp3 application. I will be honest and say I haven't lost much weight, but I am a lot toner and feel stronger from running. Keep with the program, it is great!

  • fanta014
    fanta014 Posts: 56
    I think I want to try this out! This seems way better than the Couch I found on Adidas site.. it was for beginners as well and the first jog there was 10 minutes!! :noway: I mean.. I guess Adidas beginners are way fitter than "normal" beginners, haha.. Anyway, it'd be fun to have this on my MP3 player as well. I couldn't find it on Cool Running site, so is there anyone who could help me out with that? It'd be easy to have someone tell you when to jog and when to walk without having to check the time constantly.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    I finished the program on May 16 and I loved it...I'll be running my first 5K on June 28! Before Couch to 5K, I never thought I would be running this far and liking it. I think the fact that it's a gradual change from the walk/jog to full jog is the key. Hope you newbies like it as much as I did.

    Also, if you are interested in any other podcasts, I really liked the ones I found at

    They are mostly hip-hop music (and unedited), if you like that sort of thing. I'm sure you can find others on Google, though.

    Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • nueta1922
    nueta1922 Posts: 21 Member
    did my first run today I really liked the podcast it kept me motivated and I did not have to think about when to run or walk just follwed the directions. This is definately challenging and something I can keep up with.
  • fanta014
    fanta014 Posts: 56
    I just downloaded a podcast for the first week of the C25K. I think I'll be doing my first run tomorrow morning before going to work :) I wasn't able to download the podcast without any music for some reason but I did get the one with music. I'm not a big fan of techno but I guess I'll just have to deal with it :happy:
  • tbennett
    tbennett Posts: 4
    I just finished the last workout of week 4 this morning!

    I actually have a question for anyone who has gotten past this point...did you find the workouts to be continuously challenging? For example, at the end of week 4 were you tired when running the last 1/2 mile/5 min. segment? I had to take a 1 min. walking break during the last 5 minutes to be able to finish. Is this normal, or should I repeat the week before continuing on?

    Thank you!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I finished the program on May 16 and I loved it...I'll be running my first 5K on June 28! Before Couch to 5K, I never thought I would be running this far and liking it. I think the fact that it's a gradual change from the walk/jog to full jog is the key. Hope you newbies like it as much as I did.

    Also, if you are interested in any other podcasts, I really liked the ones I found at

    They are mostly hip-hop music (and unedited), if you like that sort of thing. I'm sure you can find others on Google, though.

    Good luck!:flowerforyou:

    shuntae, I found this on Itunes also! Loved the name.....:laugh: :laugh:
  • FitMomRunning
    FitMomRunning Posts: 43 Member
    I finished the program last month and did my first official 5K race on Memorial Day. I started out doing my jogs at 6 mph and walking at 3.5 mph. I finished my race in 29:59, which put me at a pace of 9:40/mile. In the 9 weeks of doing C25K I lost 18 pounds, about 6" off my hips, 6" off my waist, and 2" off my neck. It's also what started reshaping my body. It's a great program!
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