My Wedding ring doesn't fit ;(



  • I had to buy my husband a gold band a couple of years ago as his wedding ring no longer fit, as he'd gained weight, plus had gained due to medication he's on for his back.
    He was tempted to have it re-sized, as was I as I was gutted he couldn't wear his wedding ring, but I'm glad we didn't go to the expense as since he's lost over 30lbs, his ring now fits :smile:
    So keep it safe...and wait until it fits you again hunni :wink:
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Your fingers will get smaller as you lose the weight. I would just wait it out. Congratualtions.:flowerforyou:

    My husband got me a cheap 40 dollar set that resembled my real set, so I could have something to wear until I got back into my original. It was really nice to have.

    ANd if you have more babies, there it is to wear again.
  • gigiwaterloo
    gigiwaterloo Posts: 102 Member
    Through my pregnancy I gained about 60 lbs and as a result my wedding ring doesn't fit me anymore. My husband wants me to get it re- sized but I am afraid that once I loose weight it will be too big. Has anyone else had this problem? Will my fingers get smaller?

    Since I started dieting I have had to remove all my rings b/c I'm scared of losing them, so yes your finger size changes drastically. Wait before you have it resized. Atleast until you reach your goal weight.
  • dezi718
    dezi718 Posts: 118 Member
    Yes your fingers will shrink! I was too the point of almost losing mine after I lost my weight (the first time), but since I wasn't at goal, I just went to the jewelry store where they were purchased and had ring guards placed on them so that I wouldn't lose them and could still wear them. I'vebeen told you should try to avoid resizing your rings multiple times b/c it weakens the gold, so I'm holding off on resizing until I know I'll only have to do it once. :)
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I was so swollen with my pregnancies that I couldn't wear my rings. I went to Walmart and bought the gaudiest fake diamond band they had (half as a joke and half because my real ring is quite simple and I wanted some bling). I got more compliments on that $8 ring than I ever imagined possible. So my advice would be to get a cheap, fun replacement until your fingers have slimmed down with the rest of you. :) and you can enjoy the looks on stnges' faces when you tell them they can get one too for $8.

    How fun are you? :bigsmile: love it
  • Yes fingers wll get smaller.... for me, the problem is it is too big for me slips off my finger.... so Iam not wearing it anymore... :)
  • I had gained so much weight over the years that I couldn't get my wedding ring off!!! However, after 10 years and losing 50 lbs in the past year. it finally can come off. That was one of the best milestones for me in my weight loss journey thus far. So yes you will definitely lose weight on your fingers and probably your toes too!
  • Rae9911
    Rae9911 Posts: 200 Member
    A few years ago I had to replace my wedding ring as I caught my hand in a heavy door and if it was not for my wedding ring would have lost my fingers. My husband purchased a new one as it other was bent all out of shape and I was a larger size.

    Since I have lost a few pounds my wedding ring is now to big and falls off. So I asked my husband would he mind if I wore it on my other hand as I don't want to loose it nor did I want him to get the wrong idea I did not want to wear it. Bless him, he has offered once I get to my target weight to get my ring re-sized for me.

    With regards to your ring I would leave it as it is because once you loose some of the weight you will find that you will be able to wear it again.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I've been wearing my wedding rings on my left hand for months now because of the weight that I've lost.

    I'm not getting them resized until I've maintained for a year.
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    You'll lose weight in your fingers -- just like you gained it. I wouldn't advise resizing, though. The more you resize a ring, the weaker the metal becomes. Really, ask any jeweler. You can only resize a ring so many times before the band is shot.
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 558 Member
    I didn't get mine resized. I did buy a cheapo band to wear to make my husband happy. But then I lost that and he decided that it was fine, I don't need to wear it anyway. So if it really bugs him I say get something larger to wear while you are losing the weight. But don't resize your ring, It's not really good for them.