Is belly fat really the last to go?



  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    YEP and it's stubborn to boot.

    like i always say: i have a four pack at the top and a keg at the bottom.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It totally depends on the person, and the person's age. When I was younger I lost weight in my belly quickly and always before losing it in my bum/hips. Now that I'm 50, the belly weight came off a lot more slowly, which seems to be natural from what I've read.
    me too, which for me is a good thing :)
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    personally for me, i have lost a little bit of everything hubby is constantly telling me by belly is going down, and my double chin is almost gone..only in a loving, not rude manner..LoL
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    For me it was. I think it depends on your body shape. I am an apple type when i get heavy... all boobs and belly. So they were the LAST to go away. But they do go away!
  • MissJenn33
    It sure is the last to go for me! Belly and inner thighs...pains in the butt! I always lose and gain first in my boobs. It's ridiculous!
  • traciwe
    traciwe Posts: 78
    it seems it takes my arms the longest to loose
  • AzizaBell
    I think it is, followed closely by thigh fat! Hopes, what a battle to get rid of my mommy pouch!M
  • SarahxCheesecake
    SarahxCheesecake Posts: 169 Member

    Personally I eat 1400-1500 calories per day when Im dieting, despite what my exercise is, I still only eat this amt of calories. I find that heavy white carbs, as I call them, dont help. Clean eating of low calorie healthy food, that you can eat lots of.

    Quorn, tofu, veg, salad, butternut squash, beans (good but watch the cals and trumping !!!!! ).

    And then run...and run some more...lift lots, sweat, run some more....You get the picture.
  • sherrybaby81
    sherrybaby81 Posts: 257 Member
    I tend to be a yo yo with my weight (this time I am hoping it stays off once I lose it, now that I have a means to help keep myself in control!). I've done this weight loss thing at least 3 times now, and each time, my stomach weight was always the first to go. Arms and thighs seem to be last.

    Everyone is different :)
  • cowboydan43
    cowboydan43 Posts: 306 Member
    Not for me it isn't. My thighs seem like they haven't changed at all but I've lost the majority of my gut. My arms are also still quite big. Everyone is different- just be patient with your body :)
  • annie7hudds
    annie7hudds Posts: 199 Member
    Not for me.

    it is one of the first.

    However I think it all depends on your body shape - I hold on to the weight on my hips - but have always had a relatively flat stomach.
  • mrob04
    mrob04 Posts: 88 Member
    It is for me!! :cry: My thighs are the first to go. I watched a Dr. Oz show and he recommend if your bigger in the belly to do Interval training. Jillian Michaels DVDs are good examples. I do 30 Day Shred and see results.... very slow results... but nonetheless results in my belly. Maybe tht will help ya! :) Good luck! :)
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    well, mine is..the first to go is my boobs...and I have a pear shape, so I look pretty bad, when I lose the weight up top, and my rear end/stomach area remains the same! i personally have a problem with my lower stomach, which comes from my grandma, and I am constantly working on that spot! Makes it hard for me to find pants, especially, since I am short, and have a big butt! LOL:laugh:

    ^This! I don't have anything in the bust to lose, but I lose it anyway anytime I start to lose weight because I'm a petite pear shape. I guess my butt would be the last to go, right after my belly, which seems to be going no where.
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Fat is burned all over. Honestly, it is just a myth/misconception.
  • LelliAmi
    LelliAmi Posts: 327 Member
    idk...i think my arms, back, tummy and thighs all gain equally when i gain and lose equally when i lose. i'm very proportionate i guess?
  • CocoaBeautiful78
    Unfortunately my belly is the last to go. We had a discussion last night and I made it clear it won't be with me past this year. It laughed, but it will be crying soon enough!
  • amycdsteinberg
    amycdsteinberg Posts: 52 Member
    My belly is actually the biggest part of the weight I carry unfortunately...I started struggling with it when I was about 14, but only a little-now at 34 and after 5 children including one c-section, it is important I work on getting rid of it! I have lost 16 pounds so far and it is all in my face and neck probably the tummy will be last!
  • clankp22
    clankp22 Posts: 38 Member
    I think it's different for everybody, but this time around for me, my belly was the first to go. I have been running, but I attribute it solely to my diet. I started eating clean and cut out all processed foods, white flour, sugars, refined carbs, etc. That seems to have done the trick!