Why are some so desperate.........................



  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    We are a nation of info-mercial watching, pill popping pharmaceutical consumerism monsters. It will never stop, they were selling snake oils long before the internet and it will not stop any time soon.

    It is the inhuman condition, to take the easiest road traveled, to take the shortcuts, to take the magic pill versus the hard work and then add in this misguided sense of entitlement that our society seems to have conjured up in the last decade, we simply exist in spite of ourselves. I know, I was and am at the same time an example, although daily for the last 6 months or so I have been striving to distance myself from this chaos.
  • nekosimba
    nekosimba Posts: 239 Member
    Everyone wants a quick fix. Been there, done that. I've bought silly machines, pills, shakes, etc.

    I've finally had the self realization that I need to make the changes for myself. These things can't make those changes for me.
  • NegativeX
    Because your average consumer is lazy and wants a quick fix... such is the modern generation sadly.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    A number of those things do work for weight loss. They do not work for healthy weight maintenance. That's the part that gets glossed over during the sell.

    That's awesome you lost 50 pounds doing the cookie diet!! Now what??
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Let's not forget the other stupid fads

    1. Xocai Chocolate
    2. MonaVie

    I'm guessing they hope you lose so much money you won't be able to afford eating and then you'll lose weight.
  • slayerdan
    slayerdan Posts: 193
    The intention of the post is good, but it was useless. The masses are in general not educated enough on themselves and their bodies and the ways to lose weight. And most people are fully Kardashianized and if its on tv or a good ad campaign, theyll buy it.

    Most people are sheep. And livestock people love fat sheep.

    Sad but true.
  • nicolereuer
    My sister and mom both did Ideal Protein and it worked great while they were on it but as soon as they went off and started re-introducing carbs it all came back plus some. I think at times they laugh at my weight loss journey, seems slow but I'd prefer making a lifestyle change than boucing back and forth.

    I agree that it's all about food and exercise, it's what you put in, at the gym and in your mouth.
  • CinJay
    CinJay Posts: 157 Member
    George Carlin said it best. "Some people are just f****** stupid!" :laugh:

    Seriously, people love the quick fix. It's all instant gratification, and now now now. Nobody wants to put in the work, they just want it handed to them.

    Couldn't have said it better myself!!
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    Society is bombarded with food, food food, and at the same time we are bombarded with images of the perfect body. It is called a neo-liberal contradiction. We are being fed food that is highly addictive and our brains love it. Then people offer you things that can help with this. All for money. It isn't a mistake it is pure capitalism.
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    Lazy + stupid = nothing good.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    So true!
    There are no secrets...
    Except maybe the highly touted acai berry juice!:laugh:
    Other than that, it's all about hard work: diet and exercise.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    The intention of the post is good, but it was useless. The masses are in general not educated enough on themselves and their bodies and the ways to lose weight. And most people are fully Kardashianized and if its on tv or a good ad campaign, theyll buy it.

    Most people are sheep. And livestock people love fat sheep.

    Sad but true.

    the thing is.... the people who seek the magic pill will take a quick look at this post...and quickly move on without reading. they may know this post is true but dont want to hear it. then they will go buy some lottery tickets
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Let's not forget the other stupid fads

    1. Xocai Chocolate
    2. MonaVie

    I'm guessing they hope you lose so much money you won't be able to afford eating and then you'll lose weight.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    OMG - THIS!
  • armywife26
    armywife26 Posts: 92 Member
    someone tried to talk me into getting a pill. They said it does wonders they had been on it andlost 9lbs. Well guess what that is all they lost why you ask because you have to eat right and workout for the pill to work. SO WHY TAKE THE PILL???????????
  • dustinlsullivan
    Three Reasons:

    1. It puts the blame for being overweight not on themselves, but on not having previous access to some special secret.

    2. People are hard wired to prioritize short term happiness over long term happiness. In the long term eating well and taking care of themselves leads to greater happiness, but requires short term sacrifice. Therefore, it gets put to the wayside most of the time.

    3. (extension of 2), most people want to lose weight not for long term happiness, but for a short term goal, i.e. "I want to wear a bikini on July 4", when it is June 4. Therefore people seek a short term solution for a short term goal.
  • pitbullmom87
    When I was 18 and fresh out of my parents house, i lived in a trailor with my grandparents out in the middle of nowhere.. I was pretty thin then, but wanted to be even thinner and i thought anna nicole smith was so pretty and perfect (she was also skinny). so i started using her weight loss pill and noticed i was losing weight..here's the catch, there were no groceries whatsoever in my grandparents house. so i was basically starving myself and taking weight loss pills. boy was i young and naive lol. but i looked good. now im happy im doin it the right way. no pills,no shakes,no starving myself. im doing my calorie deficit,eating right and exercising. such a great topic. thank you :)
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    Uninformed, lazy and impatient

    I read "impotent"

    and thought Well they shouldn't be taking WEIGHT LOSS pills then. :laugh:
  • jessashcher
    I hear you all very well on this matter and it is so true, people want quick fixes, I did too, I tried hcg drops for 2 days, and I'm like this isn't going to make me lose the weight, it's starving myself on only 500 calories that is what's going to do it, I tried diet pills but all they did was make me hyper and hungry, so last September I decided that I would do it the only real way of working it, I joined on here, I watch what I eat and I exercise, yes it has taken me 4 monthes to lose 30 lbs, and honestly I think that's pretty darn good and I'm learning to eat better, I exercise more now then I ever had and I'm sure with learning how to lose the weight the healthy way I will have a better chance of keeping it off. So no companies are going to get anymore of my money for these so called quick fixes.
  • cassidygrooms
    Body by Vi is really growing i think :P

    I'm not sure why so many fall for it. Like the shakes and such are going to make you lose more weight.. even when you have the same about of calories? I don't get it.

    I use body by vi! I don't think it is going to make me "magically" lose weight, but I think the shakes taste VERY good and I love drinking them in the mornings and before I work out. If you use it along with diet and exercise, there is nothing wrong. If you think you are going to lose weight just by drinking the shakes, then you are wrong.
  • scott1080
    scott1080 Posts: 109 Member
    yeah been down that road with everything under the sun. so glad i went to a dr and got put on a great program which changed my ways. yeah i have a girl at work like that she goes on the newest pill out there then sits at her desk all day snacks on chips and such and wonders why she cant lose weight