Anyone Doing This Without Their Spouse/SO?



  • MY hubby was all LETS DO IT!!!! on 1/3/ I am facing 1/25/12...........WITHOUT HIM and his promises. I started Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. I eat right, I get up at 5 am to workout..........alllllllllll the while wanting to sucker punch him! BUT, to give credit, he admitted tonight he aint doing nothing without me leading the way!!!!!!!!!!!.WFH?
  • dbratton87
    dbratton87 Posts: 55 Member
    She can definitely eat healthy, whole foods along with you. That would be great for her and the baby. She may get to have more than you but there's no reason she can't get on board and eat a super healthy diet with you. Now would be a great time for her to do that and be supportive of you at the same time. Also, if she is in the habit of eating clean, losing the baby weight after delivery will be a snap. Just adjust her portion size. If she nurses the weight will be super easy to get off but even if not it will be easier. Pregnancy doesn't mean you have to eat bad. If anything it's the opposite.
  • fatgirlzrule2
    fatgirlzrule2 Posts: 162 Member
    My huband and I are both losing together. I guess since we gained a lot of it together, we should lose it together. LOL. I am going "clean", though, and he doesn't want to go that "extreme". He does 95% of the cooking in our house, so it makes it REALLY nice to have him eating healthy, too!!
  • I'm doing this solo as well - my husband has no desire to join me. Sometimes, it's hard, however, I try to surround myself with positive people and the kids I coach help motivate me as well as everyone on this site. Good Luck to everyone!!!
  • nikkilou1978
    nikkilou1978 Posts: 146 Member
    My hubby keeps saying he should and wants to lose weight. But the chocolate and triple cheese burgers he shoves in his mouth says otherwise. It is very hard and takes a lot of dedication to keep myself on track.
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Yea I am, but not because my hubby is stubern he is natrully very very lean, and should not lose any weight he is at a very healthy weight, but he supports me, at least I think cuz he has been buying a lot of treats recently he never did that before, and also he never eats sweets, hhhhmmmm? and he looked at me all concerned tonight and asked if my mom was pressuring me to lose weight, hahahaha, I said no that I was encouraging her, then he looked at me with more concern and said that he doesn't want me to feel like he wants me to lose weight or feel pressure to do so, I said no, then he said I just want you to be happy, Gosh I love him, so in a sense I am not alone =)
  • My girlfriend and I are both doing this.
  • mab33
    mab33 Posts: 242 Member
    Same boat. Hubby works manual labor, has quite the gut and could lose 20, but his arms and legs are super skinny. His idea of weight loss is not having that extra snack right before bed. He already eats three times what I do.

    He's the reason I got so big in the first place - he loves me with the extra handles. Says women should be soft and cuddly. Gag!
  • kbw414
    kbw414 Posts: 194
    My husband doesn't need to diet because he's always been very lean. He's been 100% supportive though, and eats the healthy meals I cook with nothing but gratitude. We don't keep any unhealthy snacks in the house, and he's ok with that because he wants to eat healthy too. He just knows to sneak snacks when I'm not around :) When it warms up, I hope he'll join me for some outdoor exercise!

    I should add that when I eat my goal weight of 140 and conquer my health issues, he's taking me on a trip overseas to a destination of my choice! If that isn't motivation, I don't know what is! :)
  • ratellcm
    ratellcm Posts: 164 Member
    I'm a healthy weight, but I don't think he is. He eats what I cook, and it's typically healthy, but I'm afraid he doesn't eat enough during the day. Sometimes I don't think he gets enough calories, or sometimes I notice that a bag of Skittles has gone missing.

    I pack my lunch (and dinner if I'm working) the night before, but he doesn't, and then he wakes up too late and just stuffs his pockets with Nutrigrain bars.

    He hasn't been sleeping well, and I think it's because he hasn't been exercising. I haven't been working out as much as I'd like, but I do walk between 3 and 7 km every day. I work at a gym, so sometimes he says he's going to come and exercise but then find something else he has to do instead. :(

    I'm going to start lifting weights this week though, and hopefully I'll get strong enough to kick his butt and maybe he'll feel like he has to keep up! :)

    It's tough, but I'm going to keep trying and see if any gradual changes happen!
  • my hubby and daughter were getting annoyed when i first started because i was counting calories in everything, they are coming along ok now and even asking me who many calories in this or that! In general we are eating better as a whole! All the best to you and your family!
  • Yes, I am doing this on my own as well. It is hard enough to do by yourself, but I believe it is even harder when others are not concerned about it.:frown:
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    My husband doesn't need to diet because he's always been very lean. He's been 100% supportive though, and eats the healthy meals I cook with nothing but gratitude. We don't keep any unhealthy snacks in the house, and he's ok with that because he wants to eat healthy too. He just knows to sneak snacks when I'm not around :) When it warms up, I hope he'll join me for some outdoor exercise!

    I should add that when I eat my goal weight of 140 and conquer my health issues, he's taking me on a trip overseas to a destination of my choice! If that isn't motivation, I don't know what is! :)

    your hubby sounds really supportive, how neat he sneaks snacks and is going to reward you with a trip =) I just wanted to comment cuz that is really sweet =) (I think mine is a secrete chubby chaser lol, I swear he is trying to get me to not lose weight lol)
  • mab33
    mab33 Posts: 242 Member
    Yes, I am doing this on my own as well. It is hard enough to do by yourself, but I believe it is even harder when others are not concerned about it.:frown:

    If you need any help or support I'd be glad to encourage you. Feel free to add me. I have no support structure in my life right now so I know how it feels.
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    Same here but opposite sex.:tongue:
    Yep, on my own. Well, at least as SO is concerned. He's never really ever had a weight issue. He is talking about toning up now so that's nice :smile:
  • I would like for my husband to do this along with me. He's got a bit of a belly but I don't think he's overweight. He's pretty active with work during the day, and he also eats what he wants - that drives me nuts! He will eat chocolate bars til he can't eat anymore and doesn't gain a pound. I look at them and my hips expand. It's no fair lol. I would like to see him tone up, but it's always the same excuse - he works all day and he comes home tired so he wants to relax. He doesn't complain with meals though, so I'm grateful for that. He doesn't mind healthy stuff.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I did it without my hubby.
    He eats healthier now because that's all we have in the house, but outside of that he hasn't really changed his habits - he eats junk when he gets the chance and rarely exercises.
    I am hoping that changes because I want him to be healthy, although I love him no matter what weight/size he is.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    ME! Well, I wouldn't say overweight but he's gained about 40 lbs since we got together. He refuses to eat healthy (except what I make him - and even then, doesn't eat any veggies), doesn't work out, works a TON, and eats like crap. Yayyy me. :happy: But it works out okay because he mostly eats out so there's not a lot of junk food in the house for me to binge on. Only what I buy and some random items that get eaten up real fast by him.
  • I am new to this, and in fact have only just weighed in for my original starting week. I'm disgusted to say that I weigh 255, at 5'5". :o( I am a 33 year old breast cancer survivor and mom of two boys (7 & 6 year olds). I was recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol...AND, I have Sleep Apnea. My BMI is 43. My husband wants me to have Weight Loss Surgery, and acts as if he wants it for my health and so that I can live longer for my kids...BUT, I told him that I would like to try to lose weight by myself first, and told him I was going to bust my hump until the summer and see if I can do it first. I've made dietary and activity level changes since then, and he is NOT supportive at all. I am disappointed because every time I want to talk about calories and carbs, or menus and exercise, he does not engage in the conversation. I feel like for him, he wants me to have the surgery for my appearance, and not for my actual health. Anyway, I'm tracking everything and am eating better than I have in years, and I'm proud of myself. My husband is very active. He rides his bicycle 8 miles to and 8 miles from work, even now in the Minnesota Winter snow and ice. Maybe he's not interested because what I'm doing is so little compared to him? I'm not sure. Anyway, I am going it alone, and going strong!
  • I am new to this, and in fact have only just weighed in for my original starting week. I'm disgusted to say that I weigh 255, at 5'5". :o( I am a 33 year old breast cancer survivor and mom of two boys (7 & 6 year olds). I was recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol...AND, I have Sleep Apnea. My BMI is 43. My husband wants me to have Weight Loss Surgery, and acts as if he wants it for my health and so that I can live longer for my kids...BUT, I told him that I would like to try to lose weight by myself first, and told him I was going to bust my hump until the summer and see if I can do it first. I've made dietary and activity level changes since then, and he is NOT supportive at all. I am disappointed because every time I want to talk about calories and carbs, or menus and exercise, he does not engage in the conversation. I feel like for him, he wants me to have the surgery for my appearance, and not for my actual health. Anyway, I'm tracking everything and am eating better than I have in years, and I'm proud of myself. My husband is very active. He rides his bicycle 8 miles to and 8 miles from work, even now in the Minnesota Winter snow and ice. Maybe he's not interested because what I'm doing is so little compared to him? I'm not sure. Anyway, I am going it alone, and going strong!