can you keep "bad" stuff in your house?

Honestly, I've always thought I was weak and SHOULD be able to keep "bad" stuff in the house (like cakes, cookies, donuts, ice cream, chips, etc) and just not eat them. Which are all things I love. So I continued to buy them, telling myself I wouldn't eat them, go a day or two trying to ignore the cookies in the pantry and then eat the entire package. All to feel like, ugh, I'm so weak!

But I've talked to friends and seen posts here and it seems like a lot of people just can't have this stuff around..

I have small children and they don't need the junk anyway, this week I bought all healthy/nutritious stuff, the only "sweets" I bought were cinnamon graham crackers. Let me just say it's been sooo much easier! There have been times I've went to the pantry wanting something "bad" and ended up with a light cheese stick or a graham cracker instead, I can't believe I didn't start this long ago!

What about you? Are you able to have the willpower to ignore? What if your spouse or children want the junk, do you still buy it? Keep it out of sight? What is your strategy??


  • jennarandhayes
    jennarandhayes Posts: 456 Member
    Generally I don't keep things around that might trigger a binge or derailment, but with a husband and daughter who aren't calorie counting it happens. In addition, I try to live by "everything in moderation" and I really want to be able to eat 1 cookie without eating an entire box. For me it was a learning curve. There are things that I cannot have around or I will binge, there are things that I can keep around and enjoy as an occasional treat, and there are some treats that I don't generally even want. Figure out what your specific trigger foods are and get rid of them, then buy other treats for your family that don't cause you too much temptation. The other thing that I do is to freeze treats so that they have to defrost in order to be eaten. If I want one, or if I am going to give one to my daughter, we have to wait, and there isn't the temptation of too many at once. Also, you can buy mini packs of things or pre-portion them at home so even when you do have one, they are within an acceptable calorie range.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    No, I thought I could but I really can't. If it's inaccessable, I'm not going to eat it. If it's easily accessable, hell yes I'm going to eat it. My willpower is nill.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I never thought I'd get to this point, but yes, you can learn to avoid them. My OH brought home two bars of chocolate a month ago and put them in the fridge. I ignored them for a week or so then one evening when I had a craving I ate one (just one!) finger of Twix and put it back. I ate the other half a week later and the other bar's still there.

    I know, I would never have believed it either!

    There will always be temptations, you have to learn to live with them and also accept that there is such as thing as moderation!
  • shellan_1
    Certain things I can. But I can't have potato chips or coke in the house or I'm done for
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Depends on my mood:wink: I have gone through a tough 8 months and am just now getting settled in. I sat last month and ate a bunch of chips, something I would not have done before.

    I guess I wonder why I need chips in my house? Nothing good for my body, the salt bloats me, also makes me want sugar. So let's not get into the oreos (literaly:laugh: )

    Now I don't have much junk, because I don't eat it. Not worth it when I worked a video or walked at lunch. :drinker:
  • JulsDiane
    JulsDiane Posts: 349 Member
    I still do buy some things for my hubby but i try to buy things i won't eat mostly or single servings of the things that tempt me. all of it gets put away as soon as i get home and cannot stay out on a counter ever.

    good luck!
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Definitely depends on my mood / stress level. lol. I baked about 100 sugar cookies last week and I was fine when they weren't sitting out on the counter, but after I set them out there on the plate I just kept taking one every so often until I'd eaten 8 of them... so yeah. I think that saying "out of sight, out of mind" really applies here. I can have "junk" food in the house and have no issues with not eating it. Portion control isn't an issue either, it's when there's a giant pile sitting in plain view that I see multiple times a day that I have issues. LOL
  • rsmithy89
    rsmithy89 Posts: 174 Member
    Sure can.

    I have a tub of macadamia and caramel ice cream in my freezer. It has been there for about 6 months and it is gathering dust. Dont get me wrong, I love the stuff and if it had 0 calories, it would be gone in a blink of an eye.

    That said, I was tempted to throw it out the other day because I am not going to eat it and I wanted to make room in the freezer for more meat :D
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    I have no choice my partner eats it and my children have treats no ones overweight except me thats years of yoyoing I think its part of life its in so many shops you come across it all the time so it helps learning to live with it
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    I have gotten to the point of being able to have the bad stuff around, but it doesn't always last, so I'm better off to not keep it around. I am so lucky my husband is totally supportive and doesn't complain about not having junk around.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I buy junk food I don't like and that way I'm not tempted to eat it, however if I really want junk I'll buy a single serving package and eat the whole thing. I had my fix, it was a small amount and I'm done!
  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    It is a lot easier for me to avoid eating multiple servings of junk food now that I'm logging my food.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Generally I don't keep things around that might trigger a binge or derailment, but with a husband and daughter who aren't calorie counting it happens. In addition, I try to live by "everything in moderation" and I really want to be able to eat 1 cookie without eating an entire box. For me it was a learning curve. There are things that I cannot have around or I will binge, there are things that I can keep around and enjoy as an occasional treat, and there are some treats that I don't generally even want. Figure out what your specific trigger foods are and get rid of them, then buy other treats for your family that don't cause you too much temptation. The other thing that I do is to freeze treats so that they have to defrost in order to be eaten. If I want one, or if I am going to give one to my daughter, we have to wait, and there isn't the temptation of too many at once. Also, you can buy mini packs of things or pre-portion them at home so even when you do have one, they are within an acceptable calorie range.

    I'm the same way.
  • shine_
    shine_ Posts: 150 Member
    I can definitely have sweets and things around without a problem, especially if the bag/box/tub (haha whatever it is) hasn't been opened by anyone. Even if it has though it's usually not a problem. I make sure I have my healthy alternatives though. I always have fruit at home, and not just a few old dusty apples (not that they're lying around for long enough to get to that stage haha) but really colourful fruit and berries I know I love! I also always have dark chocolate at home for when I get sweet cravings. That way I feel like I can go and have a really nice snack too without actually having a snickers bar or ice cream or whatever it is. I can imagine that it would be a lot harder if you had kids though! Almonds, soy beans, cashews... always have other things around to snack on. It means I can even bake for my flatmates (made them a chocolate cake yesterday) and not eat any of it myself haha.

    For me as well one of my flatmates eats so much unhealthy stuff that I can barely be in the same room as him when he eats. Not because I crave what he's eating but because it grosses me out to think about how he's treating his body so when he's sitting around eating dominoes pepperoni pizza, ben and jerry's, fried banana with syrup and chocolate swallowing it down with coke - all in about 3 hours I don't exactly feel like having any of those things myself, even though they're in the house.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    i'm actually surprisingly strong.

    We still have leftover Red velvet cake in the freezer, and around 37 or 38 unbaked Croissants, imported from France (also in the freezer, just waiting to be baked)

    The croissants are fantastic but they were something i would have every once in awhie, because the butter they use is 82% fat ... they have like 12 grams of saturated fat.

    But yes, I haven't touched any of it. I'm hungry and i just grabbed a banana.
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    Im on the start of my new lifestyle and finding it realy hard to get rid of things becasue I have 3 children that eat these things like crisps and choc ice cream, and at the moment im finding it soo hard but I know each day I dont have will get better and when I mess up its a learning curve and tomorrow is a new day.
  • Zoe2901
    Zoe2901 Posts: 73 Member
    I dont keep anything bad in the house, there are some chrisps and small chocolate biscuit things that hubby takes to work for lunch but i dont bother with them because they are his and id have to go and buy more if i eat them.
    But if i do buy bad stuff it jsut haunts me till ie eaten it so i dont bother anymore.
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    Everything bad has progressively been removed since I'm not interested anymore by bad food.
    Though, dry raisins, peanut butter, veggies or honey binges occur sometimes :laugh:
  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member
    I can ignore the chips - I've made Dan start taking his chocolate snack cakes to work and keep them there, so they aren't tempting to me. For the kids, I've been buying mostly fruit and goldfish - I don't like goldfish, so that's easy.
  • Verbalcody
    Verbalcody Posts: 24 Member
    i will absolutely demolish bad foods I want to eat if they are in the house. Or beer if its in the fridge. So I dont keep much. Im bad,