New PCOS Buddies

Mandypt Posts: 173 Member
Hi everyone, I'm Amanda. I got diagnosed with PCOS a few weeks back and I've been a member since mid December. I would like to add a few more friends that have PCOS as well because I feel they can relate to me. Anyone out there?


  • newlaura30
    hi amanda i have pcos have been diagnosed for a few years have really struggled with my weight. not all to do with the pcos though. i struggled to get pregnant with my daughter and now seven yrs later am thinking of anothern. i know we will need some medical help but the first thing they'll say is loose weight so my plan is to loose the weight then go see them. i'm 16st12lbs and i know they'll want me at least twelve before they can look at treatment. so i have that as a huge goal but i'm taking it slowly and seven lbs at a time feel free to add me as a friend x
  • mstankowski
    mstankowski Posts: 32 Member
    HI, You can add me! I also have PCOS. I was diagnosed almost 10 years ago. Weight has always been a struggle for me. I know I need to reduce my carbs and workout on a regular basi, I am getting there. Sometimes I get upset when I see friends just workout and loose so much weight yet I have to make more of an effort then they do. It's frustrating some times but we can do it.
  • FruityLoops
    FruityLoops Posts: 138 Member
    Hi Amanda, I'd love to a MFP buddy with you or anyone else, feel free to friend request me :-)

    I was diagnosed with PCOS going on 15 years ago now, struggled with my weight though for as long as I can remember :-/ Was on meds for my PCOS originally which helped me to lose a bit, but they gave me stomach troubles so had to stop them. Did manage to lose about 7 stone after reading the PCOS diet book and getting really motivated, but unfortunately gained it back again as I neglected to keep an eye on things once I'd reached my goal :-( Back on the wagon again now, and on different meds, not quite so motivated though so need all the help I can get!! :-)
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Im 42 found out I have pcos at aged 19 please ask anything you want to know I had infertility treatment weight problems lots of stuff x
  • Mandypt
    Mandypt Posts: 173 Member
    hi amanda i have pcos have been diagnosed for a few years have really struggled with my weight. not all to do with the pcos though. i struggled to get pregnant with my daughter and now seven yrs later am thinking of anothern. i know we will need some medical help but the first thing they'll say is loose weight so my plan is to loose the weight then go see them. i'm 16st12lbs and i know they'll want me at least twelve before they can look at treatment. so i have that as a huge goal but i'm taking it slowly and seven lbs at a time feel free to add me as a friend x

    my doctor told me it wasnt because of my weight.. i read books about it and just went to a nutritionist, should i get another obgyn since he didn't want to tell me the truth?
  • Mandypt
    Mandypt Posts: 173 Member
    I got my cycle on my own yesterday since December 5th, I'm wondering if it started because I lost alittle weight. The doctor said he couldn't tell me if I had PCOS because of my weight or not but I am heavy, I weigh 278 and im only 5'5 so its a given after I read my two books and went to a nutritionist. He recommended that I take a hormone treatment to get pregnant. Did any of you all take a treatment and got pregnant on it?
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    I got my cycle on my own yesterday since December 5th, I'm wondering if it started because I lost alittle weight. The doctor said he couldn't tell me if I had PCOS because of my weight or not but I am heavy, I weigh 278 and im only 5'5 so its a given after I read my two books and went to a nutritionist. He recommended that I take a hormone treatment to get pregnant. Did any of you all take a treatment and got pregnant on it?

    a simple blood test will tell you pcos have insulin problems thats why some of us have weight problems but Ive lost lots of weight in the past sadly regained but I lose slow and know pcos doesnt help x
  • Jaynerajcoomar
    Hi Amanda

    I'm Jayne and I also was diagnosed with PCOS late last year.
  • FruityLoops
    FruityLoops Posts: 138 Member
    I got my cycle on my own yesterday since December 5th, I'm wondering if it started because I lost alittle weight. The doctor said he couldn't tell me if I had PCOS because of my weight or not but I am heavy, I weigh 278 and im only 5'5 so its a given after I read my two books and went to a nutritionist. He recommended that I take a hormone treatment to get pregnant. Did any of you all take a treatment and got pregnant on it?

    My doctor did a blood test to check for PCOS, though admittedly it's not conclusive (or wasn't 15 years ago anyways!) as there's no one thing that they can look for to say you do/don't have it, they just have to look at your hormone and blood sugar levels and such like that. They also of course go on any symptoms you have, like central weight gain, hair gain, hair loss, etc etc, and I was also sent for an ultrasound though that came back inconclusive for me.

    It's quite probable your cycle did start because of the kickstart from the weight loss, I only usually get a few periods a year (if that), but when I lost weight before (lost 7 stone about 5-6 years ago) I had one almost immediately after losing my first few pounds, albeit then I didn't have any more until I'd lost a stone or so but then it was pretty regular for the first time ever!!
  • newlaura30
    hi amanda i have pcos have been diagnosed for a few years have really struggled with my weight. not all to do with the pcos though. i struggled to get pregnant with my daughter and now seven yrs later am thinking of anothern. i know we will need some medical help but the first thing they'll say is loose weight so my plan is to loose the weight then go see them. i'm 16st12lbs and i know they'll want me at least twelve before they can look at treatment. so i have that as a huge goal but i'm taking it slowly and seven lbs at a time feel free to add me as a friend x

    my doctor told me it wasnt because of my weight.. i read books about it and just went to a nutritionist, should i get another obgyn since he didn't want to tell me the truth?
    thinnk weight can be a side effect and its usually round your middle and it is harder to loose also i've been told when you loose some symptoms should get a little better i.e the dreaded facial hair x but i am no expert there is lots of help online and your dietician usually is helpful, my beautician actually suggested i had pcos before my docs fiqured it out..
  • newlaura30
    it took my consultants along time to diagnos me i had other gynae problems as well. but i had my daughter before hand kinda complicated not sure if you'll want the whole story? x
  • DeeBee2012
    Hi you can add me i :) I have only just recently joined this website but I got diagnosed with PCOS when i was 13, I am now 21 and really struggled to find ways to tackle my weight.
  • janehen12
    janehen12 Posts: 162 Member
    Has everyone been diagnosed through blood tests?
    I've had a badly messed up cycle for years, hair where it shouldnt be, and struglged with my weight for as long as i can remmember.
    I've seen a doctor countless times, and they've just fobbed me off, and all blood tests have been normal.

    Ended up being so fed up I went on the implant to stop them totally, didnt help the other symptoms though!
    My plan now is lose weight, get the implant out then not drop it at all!
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    I have pcos too. There is a group on here as well that you could join, its for women with pcos!
  • thekacks
    thekacks Posts: 146 Member
    I had bloodwork done and an ultrasound to confirm my pcos. I also deal with the hair problems, weight probs, crazy cycle... They say the best treatment is weight loss... but weight gain is a side effect... so you really have to kick it in gear to get the weight off because it is harder to get it off.
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    thinnk weight can be a side effect and its usually round your middle and it is harder to loose also i've been told when you loose some symptoms should get a little better i.e the dreaded facial hair x but i am no expert there is lots of help online and your dietician usually is helpful, my beautician actually suggested i had pcos before my docs fiqured it out..

    I feel like people have varying degrees / levels of PCOS. My doctor told me some were more acute; that is, the symptoms might suddenly appear, but after some weight loss, etc., those symptoms would go away. On the other hand, I can date symptoms/signs of my PCOS going back to when I was 5 years old, and my doctor told me I was NOT one of those who had the "type" of PCOS where it would go away or even abate with weight loss, etc. She likened it to the difference between Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes.

    So it would depend for each person.
  • mdulanto9177
    what does pcos stand for? cause I was diagnosed with poly ovarian syndrome...I'm also isulin resistance and have hypothyriodism....I'm taking Chlomid for POS, metformin for insulin and synthriod for thyriod...
  • sreichen
    Hi all...I just joined and was searching through the forums when I noticed this subject. My daughter has PCOS and I was not happy with the idea of her going on diabetes medicines for something that the doctors are not completely sure how to treat with any type of success. I did a little research and found a sight called This was a very informative site. Many members were talking about something called D-Chiro-Inositol. I researched that a bit on, the national library of medicines, mayoclinic, etc. What I found through the clinical trial site is that D-Chiro-Inositol is a natural substance inside our bodies that people with PCOS seem to be lacking. After several months of researching this, I decided to let my daughter try it. The only site that sells it is and it is somewhat pricey (60.00 for a months supply), unless you want to try something called "buckwheat farinetta", which is a flour like substance that you can make muffins out of to obtain the same amount of D-Chirol-Inositol as the pills. Anyway, my daughter lost 36 pounds within the first 6 weeks and got her "cycle" from that point on -on a monthly basis, something she hadn't done in years (only 4 x per year normally). She was on Synthroid, but has since stopped without any diminishing effects from her thyroid. Yes, she is also insulin resistant which just means that her bodies insulin receptors do not open to accept the glucose for her cells, but instead her body calls for more insulin to carry the glucose. All the extra insulin can only be absorbed through the abdominal wall which is what creates the "belly fat". So before you make a treatment choice, research all that I have written about, and check out the site.
  • thekacks
    thekacks Posts: 146 Member
    what does pcos stand for? cause I was diagnosed with poly ovarian syndrome...I'm also isulin resistance and have hypothyriodism....I'm taking Chlomid for POS, metformin for insulin and synthriod for thyriod...

    Polycystic Ovarian Disorder & Syndrome are the same thing. Some call it one, some the other.
  • mander1621

    I have PCOS as well. I was diagnosed when I was 16 (I'm 30 now). I have one daughter (8yrs) and my husband & I have been trying to conceive for the past 6 years. My doctor keeps stressing to lose weight but, it's an uphill battle for me. Currently, I'm 5'3" & 220lbs. I haven't even had a period in about 3 years (and even then the doctor brought those on with meds). We were trying Metformin & Clomid but, after several failed attempts, we've put the whole thing on the back burner til I can lose some of this weight.

    Anyone have any tips?