What's your NSG (non scale goal)?



  • alfpalmer
    alfpalmer Posts: 150 Member
    to enjoy clothes shopping again.
  • AZnewme
    AZnewme Posts: 228 Member
    I'll be happy to be able to shop in a regular size store again, instead of always seeking out the plus sizes. It annoys me that plus sized clothes are so often shaped like boxes or tents...hey, I still have a nice waist, ok? :(

    I'd love to be more comfortable wearing the tops that are in right now, but in reality I'll probably just have to wait for the fashions to change. Right now clothes for women have these tiny little skinny sleeves for people with stick arms. Even when I was 125 pounds I had some meat on my arms, and significant muscles for a woman. That's just never going to look good on me. Long live dolman sleeves!

    This! That is sooooo annoying! I want to be strong enough to water ski and wake board with my kids this summer - I was SOOOO good at it when I was younger (and fit!).
  • To be able to wear my bellydance costume from 10 years ago. (It's not completely unrealistic, I'm 34.)

    Well, maybe not the bra, I'd be OK with still being too big for the bra. ;)
  • -run a Half Marathon and finish under my own power.

    -finish a 5K in under 30 minutes without collapsing.

    -fit into trendy running outfits.
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    To fit into a size 2 jeans and a size 6 dress (I'm a 4 in jeans and a 10/12 in a dress now and it is a healthy goal for me, seeing as I'm only 4'11"), to look AMAZING on my wedding day in September, and to be able to wear a bikini or a belly dance outfit with CONFIDENCE this summer/fall. :)
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    To wear little running bras and shorts and look good in them and to have ripped arms.... I desire pipes more than I desire abs lol
  • Raiderxx
    Raiderxx Posts: 105 Member
    Be below a 36 waist.
    Finish a 5K
    Finish a 5K in under 30 minutes
    Feel comfortable shirtless
    Make permanent changes with my fitness/diet
  • tbrewst
    tbrewst Posts: 93 Member
    For my "fat jeans" to go back to "fat jeans" and not just "regular jeans."

    THIS! And to lose 8% body fat.
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    mine is to be able to do a full run non stop . right now when i run i can run for only like 20 minutes with a stop and a water break and then i continue but i want to be able to run for like hours non stop and be able to fit in a size 3 again
  • A whole new wardrobe
  • empolo
    empolo Posts: 1 Member
    My husband is sending me to Hawaii with a friend in March. Leaving Central Illinois winter to bare it on a Hawaiian beach!!? My goal is to look better and feel more comfortable in a swimsuit and sundresses.
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    To exclusively wear single digit clothing.......so close!
  • To not have to purchase a size 17 1/2" saddle that fits both me and my horse.

    To be able to move as quickly as I need to so I can get the perfect shot when on photoshoots.

    Having my breasts be blocking my view to my feet, not my tummy ;D
  • it's gonna sound silly...my NSC is to be able to cross my legs while sitting...
  • letobot
    letobot Posts: 205
    -to finish the Tough Mudder in Dec.
    -to have an under 30" waist....3" to go!
  • a6ftdiva
    a6ftdiva Posts: 88 Member
    I would love to be in a size 12 again - I am tall and wide framed, at my very lightest (age 23, 170lbs and size 10) i looked a little too skinny

    Ive had 3 kids all csections since then so Id be happy with a 12/14

    Id love to see my collar bone

    Id love to be comfortable in a baithing suit, shorts and a tank top

    and I WILL!!!
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    to be thin enough to wear a midriff tank and show off my victory reward of a belly button ring :)
    :) I will get there :)
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    A size 10-12 and to be comfortable tucking in my shirt
  • Lose love handles and get visible abs. Basically just drop my bf%, dont care how much my weight is as long as my bf is lower.
  • MissBettyBoop2
    MissBettyBoop2 Posts: 32 Member
    To get to my goal and not have anymore rheumatoid arthritis flares, ever ever again. And that this one will stop!