when did you wake up and realise....



  • I also was basically heavy all my life and really put on the weight after having my kids {got lazy} Then in July of 2011 I had my yearly physical and my doc told me I had gained 17 pounds in a yr! That was it for me! I joined MFP in Sept and am now down 43.6 pounds *big cheesy grin* And loving it!
  • clairification
    clairification Posts: 71 Member
    When my "baggy" sweatpants started to fit more like leggings...:embarassed:
  • sco8462
    sco8462 Posts: 34
    For me, I thought my OH NO moment was seeing pictures of myself at a friends wedding. In hindsight, I kept ignoring it because I was embarrassed to admit how bad my problem is/was. Then, I thought my OH NO moment was when I got on the scale and realized I was closer to 300 than 200. That scared me, but still too embarrassed to get help.

    It was when my doctor told me my blood work showed I was 6 pts away from early stages diabetes and my blood pressure was getting high at 42! That got me thinking about how I was going to afford meds and all the other problems that come with age. That was my real wake up call. Realizing that in 10 years I could either be healthy and happy or on daily meds and have serious health issues in an economy that doesn't look like its going to get better any time soon. And how worse it would be and harder it would be at 62.
  • Tiffa0909
    Tiffa0909 Posts: 191 Member
    When I was looking at some old pictures and I said " Oh she looks really pretty" , the picture was mine and I had stopped feeling good about my appearance years ago.

    But now I want to feel as confidence about my body as I feel about my personality and capabilities . They don't match , the way I was treating my body is holding me back from realizing my full potential .
  • ReniaL
    ReniaL Posts: 86 Member
    For me it was this past December when I could not find a dress for my office work party. Everything I tried on in 'my' size was absolutely too small. Got the biggest downer on myself ever. But I am not moaning any more thank got I found MyFitnessPal!
  • pidnit
    pidnit Posts: 11
    When my grandson(7) told my husband that he (my husband) wouldn't be able to carry me . . . it was then I realized that none of my grandchildren had ever seen me at a healthy weight! The oldest is 18. Been way tooo long!
  • heidi2004
    heidi2004 Posts: 35 Member
    Mine final straw was I'm standing in a wedding this june and we were getting fitted for our dresses and the size totally repaulsed me!!! then i went home got on a scale and almost died!!! That why i'm back!!!
  • I never really had an aha moment. I've been big pretty much most of my adult life. But I decided it was time to lose weight because it was hard for me to do up my shoes without almost passing out. lol. Not to mention shaving is extremely difficult. Also my two boys are getting older, and they're activity level will increase and I would really love to be able to keep up with them. So I decided enough was enough. Time to get my s!%$ back together and get down to healthier weight. For myself and for my family. I;m not going to do them much good if I end up dying from a heart attack.
  • Runningirl7284
    Runningirl7284 Posts: 274 Member
    When I got asked if I was pregnant!!!!
  • OK.. I just signed up to this website a few days ago but I have been losing and gaining forever. I know I need to lose weight for good this time. But... I'm afraid to get on the scale! HELP! I know around (at least I hope and pray I do) about how much I weigh and I know I need to step on the scale so that I will know how much I'm losing but.... EEEK! The scale scares the you-know-what outta me. And I know it might be slightly ridiculous. But someone, anyone, give me the little push I need to bite the bullet and face the cold, hard truth! xoxo
  • When I got asked if I was pregnant!!!!

    Oh... that is the worst!

    For me it was when somebody took a picture at NYE's party of me from behind and posted it on Facebook. All I could think was "When did my a** get this big?" and "So THIS is what people see when I am walking away?!?"
  • gleechick609
    gleechick609 Posts: 544 Member
    When my boyfriends ex girlfriend (whom we are still friends with) gave me all of her fat clothes after losing 40 lbs. That moment of trying on all of her size 16's, 18's, 1x shirts was the moment of truth...
  • vmbourg
    vmbourg Posts: 125 Member
    When I caught my reflection from the side in a store window and wondered "how did this happen"

    Kind of like that, but I went to visit home for Christmas and saw the pictures of myself. Then I finally stepped on a scale an read 205!!!! How the hell did I get there!
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    I plateaued a lot in the last few years (and before MFP) but recently I realized it when I went to the doctors office and stepped on the scale. Also when 2 different doctors told me I needed to start putting regular exercise into my lifestyle plan.
  • mauigyrl
    mauigyrl Posts: 86 Member
    Looking at pictures of when I dropped the weight in 2009 before I got pregnant. Knowing that being diabetic will only get worse if I don't control mysel if in eating and taking care of myself. Also being the biggest person in my circle of girlfriends.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    I always knew...... the other kids in school made sure of that. but when my doctor told me that I would be diabetic by 30 if I didnt fix it, It really hit me. Nobody should be winded tying a shoe.
  • liroez29
    liroez29 Posts: 221
    When I got a cramp trying to wipe myself! <;7/

    This one is very honest! I have to admit, I have been there! Got a cramp in my stomach while wiping, felt like my stomach flipped, very painful!
  • krnlcsf
    krnlcsf Posts: 310
    I got on the scale one day and it said 186, and that just seemed WAY too close to 200 for my liking! It had been creeping up and creeping up, but i just brushed it off, because my clothes still fit (sort of... not well, but I was wearing them anyway).... but 186 was the magical number that made me stop and think!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Getting out of breath putting my shoes on, and a photo where I didn't recognise the chubby middle-aged woman as myself :embarassed:
  • LHSweeney
    LHSweeney Posts: 87 Member
    When I worked out 3x in a week and didnt instantly lose 5 pounds :noway: .... Oh ... or maybe the first time I went out and no 25 year olds hit on me ....:indifferent: but I'm good now