January-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN TO ALL!!!



  • May63
    May63 Posts: 162
    been away a bit from MFP i'm back


    1. walk 20 min need good burn
    2, control myself at panera tonight
    3.30 minutes exercise before bed.
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Thursday..

    Wow...I can't believe Thursday is already here.

    Journal honestly done
    Drink my water and green tea done
    Get some exercise in did not do
    Pick up my mail did not do
    Get my trash out before the trash men come. just barely got it out in time

    Hoping to feel better......

    I am starting to feel better. One good thing about a head cold, you lose your appetite and you sleep alot. Going to bed early again tonight.
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    Friday..... Happy Friday !!!

    My goals for Friday

    journal my food honestly
    drink my green tea and water
    get my mail
    attend girls movie night at my church and only eat fresh veggie snacks...no junk food
    write my food shopping list for Saturday.

    Hope everyone is doing well !!
  • newlaura30
    This daily goal setting really worked for me yesterday great for body and mind: so today my goals are....
    1. go to gym am and try to burn at least 500 cals.
    2. do 30 mins wii dance and 30 mins wii boxing this evening.
    3. try to not eat all my exercise cals as i am going out on sun and will prob not be recording everything.

    I am super looking forward to my girls afternoon with friend on sun but after lunch yesterday i'm gonna make good choices i will keep a record of what i eat and drink but might not get it all recorded on here.
  • newlaura30
    This daily goal setting really worked for me yesterday great for body and mind: so today my goals are....
    1. go to gym am and try to burn at least 500 cals.
    2. do 30 mins wii dance and 30 mins wii boxing this evening.
    3. try to not eat all my exercise cals as i am going out on sun and will prob not be recording everything.

    I am super looking forward to my girls afternoon with friend on sun but after lunch yesterday i'm gonna make good choices i will keep a record of what i eat and drink but might not get it all recorded on here.
    Enjoyed the gym this am and really had to push for those last five mins to burn that last 50 cals but felt great to reach it.

    goal 1 achieved.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for January 26:
    1. HEALTHY CHOICES!!! and stay in my calorie range.--No.
    2. 4 mile walk--inside and/or out!--Yes.
    3. Drink water!--Yes.

    I am SO mad at myself--I totally screwed up on my food yesterday AND have started today badly. Luckily, there's still time to salvage today so--here I go!

    lstnlondry--I do hope your purse is found. What an awful thing to have happen!

    Goals for January 27:
    1. HEALTHY CHOICES!!! and stay in my calorie range.
    2. 5 mile walk--inside and/or out!
    3. Drink water!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,630 Member
    Thursday, January 26
    1. Water (10-12) Only 9
    2. Get in an extra 250 calories burned today!- Nope short
    3. Finish up paperwork at work (again)- Nope

    Not a productive day yesterday....:frown: Started today with road checks, no salting, but interrupted sleep. Eyes were checked. Contacts on order ( I really hate wearing glasses!) Dilated, so everything is blurry.

    Friday January 27
    1. Water 10-12 glasses
    2. Extra 250 calories
    3. Working on paperwork- need to finish it!

    Wishing for sunshine!
  • DelightITL
    DelightITL Posts: 11 Member
    Hi all, Marcia here. My goal is to drink 8 glasses of water today, and to do 30 additional minutes of exercises tonight. I have a step at home, so I pledge to watch a show will going up and down the step. This should help with the munches. I would be interested in othr tips that you may have to keep you from raiding the fridge. Thanks.
  • digitalmayhap
    digitalmayhap Posts: 141 Member
    Friday January 27
    1. Stay under the calorie limit (harder for me on my off days from work)
    2. Bake a new type of 80~ calorie cookie
    3. Rearrange the kitchen to make it easier to cook
  • newlaura30
    This daily goal setting really worked for me yesterday great for body and mind: so today my goals are....
    1. go to gym am and try to burn at least 500 cals.
    2. do 30 mins wii dance and 30 mins wii boxing this evening.
    3. try to not eat all my exercise cals as i am going out on sun and will prob not be recording everything.

    I am super looking forward to my girls afternoon with friend on sun but after lunch yesterday i'm gonna make good choices i will keep a record of what i eat and drink but might not get it all recorded on here.
    Enjoyed the gym this am and really had to push for those last five mins to burn that last 50 cals but felt great to reach it.

    goal 1 achieved.
    goals achieved today did the gym this am and the wii for an hour tonight and haven't had any of my exercise calories....and i'm even keeping at yesterdays water goal ..hope everyone achieved their goals and had a great day. I will def be on here tommorrow.
  • May63
    May63 Posts: 162
    been away a bit from MFP i'm back


    1. walk 20 min need good burn
    2, control myself at panera tonight
    3.30 minutes exercise before bed.

    no walk

    no panera lean cuisine instead

    90 minutes of cleaning
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    OMG! where have I been? Off the deep end :cry:

    1) Must start back counting calories/ stick to 1200 calories a day
    2) Drink water
    3) WALK / Exercise before coming online
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    Friday..... Happy Friday !!!

    My goals for Friday

    journal my food honestly done
    drink my green tea and water done
    get my mail done, cant believe the amount of mail I got in 5 days
    attend girls movie night at my church and only eat fresh veggie snacks...no junk food.... done, I brought a wawa garden salade
    write my food shopping list for Saturday. will do this in the morning

    Hope everyone is doing well !!

    Today was a good day. I had some good news, the films I dropped off in December to get converted to DVD were ready for pickup. I only got to see a few minutes of one....It was of my baby baptism....saw my mom, dad and grandparents and me as a little adorable baby. I started crying in the store.
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    Saturday goals

    chiropractor appointment
    meeting with my personal trainer about my meal plan....hoping for good results
    journal my food honestly
    drink water and green tea
    watch the 5 DVD's of my childhood (with a big box of tissues)

    If I had only known that my sister had the films before my mom passed away....she would have loved to see them.
  • newlaura30
    Good morning everyone, i am off to work.. but first here are todays goals...
    1. not be tempted by the canteen in work i.e sausage rolls.
    2. drink my water .
    3.take daughter for walk after work unless pouring with rain.
    4. burn 700 cals on the wii as i can't get to the gym today.

    might brush some of the dust off the old exercise equipment. goodluck to everyone with there daily goals!!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,630 Member
    Friday January 27
    1. Water 10-12 glasses- YEah
    2. Extra 250 calories- Done
    3. Working on paperwork- need to finish it!- Done!

    Good Saturday Morning everyone! I hope you have wonderful weekend plans and plan accordingly. considering the late start I got yesterday because of eye appt, it turned out to be rather productive. Didn't get out to dinner with friends, but did curl up early in bed with husband. :smile:

    May63- I think the 90 minutes of cleaning constitutes the walk and exercise. Well done!

    Laura- I hope you get that walk in with daughter. Parent time is so precious

    Rosey- What a wonderful idea about the movies. Enjoy! I hope your day goes well!

    Goals, Saturday January 28
    1. Water (10-12 glasses)
    2. An extra 300 calories in exercise
    3. Finish up pricing stuff for husband
    4. Store for husband's birthday!

    Have a great day!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for Thirsday & Friday were:
    1. take my dog for a walk
    2. clean house as my purse was stolen & I don't even have money to shop!! (Don't need anything)
    3. take a lazy day since I worked buy butt off yesterday.

    Goals for Today are:
    1. to have an enjoyable time with my family at my cousin's house.
    2.take my dog for a quick walk
    3. sit and breathe at my daughter's game.

    Happy Saturday challengers! I went to a funeral yesterday and I would like to extend a reminder to you that life is short, make the most of these days and thank you for letting me share this part of my journey with you!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for January 27:
    1. HEALTHY CHOICES!!! and stay in my calorie range.--No.
    2. 5 mile walk--inside and/or out!--3 miles
    3. Drink water!--Yes.

    Started the day badly yesterday but it did improve. Still no call on a job and I am SO sick and tired of being at home! I want a job--even a part-time one!

    I WILL do better today!

    Goals for January 28:
    1. HEALTHY CHOICES!!! and stay in my calorie range.
    2. 5 mile walk--inside and/or out!
    3. Drink water!
  • newlaura30
    Good morning everyone, i am off to work.. but first here are todays goals...
    1. not be tempted by the canteen in work i.e sausage rolls.
    2. drink my water .
    3.take daughter for walk after work unless pouring with rain.
    4. burn 700 cals on the wii as i can't get to the gym today.

    might brush some of the dust off the old exercise equipment. goodluck to everyone with there daily goals!!
    1. really wanted the apple crumble and custard wanted it so bad so i had a small portion maybe 2 mouthfuls and added it to my diary that taste was plenty, sometimes its just the thought of something. so half achieved...
    2. achieved about to take last two glasses to bed with me.
    3. decided to walk my daughter to the pool and brave my costume and we had a great time.
    4. only burned 220 on the wii but did burn cals with my walk and my swimming time...

    hope everyone did well today see you all tommorrow x
  • newlaura30
    good morning all. it is 7am here and i'm getting ready for the gym. having a girls day out today so prob won't be logging diet etc but i have been saving my excercise cals for a few days so that will hopefully help. to goals...
    1. to get a really good burn in at the gym and burn some in the pool.
    2. to not go totally overboard when out with friends today.