when did you wake up and realise....



  • cherryb75
    cherryb75 Posts: 8 Member
    I've been overweight since my second child, but nothing really motivated me until we went on our first vacation in years last summer and I could hardly even take a walk on the beach w/my hubby. I want to be in better shape by this summer. I've been hitting my stationary bike more regularly for a few months, but didn't really adjust my eating habits so it's been slow coming off. Now I'm ready to buckle down. :)
  • Lrt4uk
    Lrt4uk Posts: 174
    When I saw myself thru my kids eyes and heard myself telling them over and over that Mommy's tired right now. Then finally looking at myself and realizing, I've never been fit, not in my whole life. That's no one's fault but my own. Truth is, my kids are likely to get into the same pattern of "unfitness" as I have been just because of the example I have set.

    Not any more.
  • krnlcsf
    krnlcsf Posts: 310
    OK.. I just signed up to this website a few days ago but I have been losing and gaining forever. I know I need to lose weight for good this time. But... I'm afraid to get on the scale! HELP! I know around (at least I hope and pray I do) about how much I weigh and I know I need to step on the scale so that I will know how much I'm losing but.... EEEK! The scale scares the you-know-what outta me. And I know it might be slightly ridiculous. But someone, anyone, give me the little push I need to bite the bullet and face the cold, hard truth! xoxo

    It could be a huge motivator!!! I recommend just biting the bullet! You have this wonderful (FREE) tool called MFP just sitting here waiting/wanting to help you... but it needs to know EXACTLY how much you way in order to help you in the best way possible.

    JUST DO IT!!! Believe me, we've all been there... but that's also why we're all here. And truly you'll find any kind of support you need on this site. :flowerforyou:
  • Taryn1627
    Taryn1627 Posts: 118 Member
    mine wasnt a wake up moment, i been fat my whole life. One day i said enuff is a enuff and try to change it.

    That's me too!
  • VelvetKey
    VelvetKey Posts: 193 Member
    When I saw pictures of myself from our family reunion in July, 2011. Others have said it before, but I almost didn't recognize myself. Add to that the numbness I was getting in my feet sometimes, and I knew that I had to change something. At 27, I'm on high blood pressure medication that I have vowed I will NOT be on forever. Also, blood sugar problems run in the family (diabetes, hypoglycemia) and I didn't need any of those, either!

    So I changed it--no more Sonic except when I can count it, no more ice cream (then I became lactose intolerant, which made that easy), no more snacking mindlessly.

    I'm NOT going back!
  • Mine wasn't a 'wake up' moment either. I got fed up with people giving me dirty looks and how I didn't fit into any of my clothes. I stopped feeling sorry for myself and started working out.
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    This may sound backwards but when I saw my ex for the first time in a year he actually made an excuse about my weight gain. He said that I was busy and dedicated to my job and it was ok if I gained a little weight, that I was still beautiful. He too has gained weight and I'm sure he meant what he said as a way to comfort me BUT...

    I'm not ok w/ anyone making excuses for me and at that moment I realized that I had to stop making excuse for myself.
  • december 31, 2007 i had bronchitis and went to the doctor and stepped on the scale and she had to move the thing into the 200s and the lil thing almost to 30. that very day i decided whoa- time to change.
  • Survivor1997
    Survivor1997 Posts: 59 Member
    When my knees started making excuses not to go upstairs. They still do, but it's getting better.
  • Mine was when I was just outside working with my coworkers and I noticed my shirt was wet in my stomach area. It was wet from sweat between my fat rolls. When I looked around, I was the only one sweating in that area and was the only one who's stomach hung over their belt. I was so embarrassed.
  • I have woke up almost everyday for the last 9 years realizing I have been putting on weight and seemed to always make myself empty promises that "this is gonna be my time, my year" but as each day then year went by, I didn't lose any weight, I gained more! I am now at my heaviest weight and I'm going to be 40 this year. I want to start this new decade of my life in a good direction. My 30's had alot of sadness and heartache. I am ready to make my 40's the beginning of my new happy me!
  • When I kept seeing my reflection and would not accept that it was ME... "I don't look like that" I told myself. Then sometime in December I had to face that fact that it WAS me, and I'd done that to myself! I woke up and started to care again. Then I joined some challenges in January to keep me motivated. Thank God I didn't pretend I was skinny too much longer, or I might have gone off the deep end!
  • I kept buying new clothes to accomodate my new size...but until I stepped on the scale and saw that number I hadn't realized JUST how much weight....

  • tiptoeketo
    tiptoeketo Posts: 271 Member
    My ah ha moment was when i saw a pic of me sitting next to santa on 12-18-11 and i was BIGGER than Santa WTF.

  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    when the scale legitimately said 160 :(
  • When I couldn't bend over and paint my own toe nails.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    When the scale went up to 181 lbs and my size 18 pants were getting tight. I said Oh Hell No!
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    The first time was when my husband and I lived in Atlanta and I was uncomfortable sleeping being the way my stomach rolled. I dropped weight not long after and maintained that for a while. Then when the jeans were not getting looser and I felt uncomfortable in shorts while living in Florida and I got engaged.

    Most recently, when I put on my 'comfy jeans' and my legs were rubbing together in the jeans because they wouldn't come up all the way.
  • scotslass
    scotslass Posts: 317
    Mines was when my little boy was taking pics of me at xmas...i was disgusted!! and thought how can my man even be near me when i look like that. After my son was born 3 years ago my heaviest was 13.8, I got down to 12 after 3 months and dont know how i ended up at 14.12!! definately wont be going there again I tell ye! My goal is 10.7 for June :-)
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    It happened to me several different times before I finally got my act together enough to do something about it. But pretty much every time it was because someone tagged me in a photo on facebook. Those little moments of reality, of seeing what I *really* looked like and not what I was trying to fool myself into thinking, were hard to take.