when did you wake up and realise....



  • DallasLeann
    I was reading a blog. The writer was a friend in my church whose 5 year old daughter was diagnosed with severe brain cancer. At a time when her faith was shaken she wrote "I did not choose this, my daughter did not choose this," but her family was having to suffer anyway. At that point I thought I am choosing my health problems by my diet and lack of exercise, and my family is suffering because of my decision. I had accepted the fact that I was hurting myself for years, but hurting my family is NOT okay with me. I knew then that nothing would stop me from getting healthy.
  • mksaffold
    When my four year old told me I embarassed her and that I used to be so pretty and she pointed to a picture of me from a few years back. She told me that I shouldn't be fat anymore and just said it so matter of fact.
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    When I over heard the guy I had a crush on pretending to vomit when another friend was teasing him about sleeping with me....

  • mandiemma
    mandiemma Posts: 128 Member
    When I saw a picture of myself standing next to someone i thought was of a similar weight and realized i was much much bigger than her...
  • kurtdjohnson1965
    for me it was getting the results back from my physical. seeing the cold hard numbers was a wake up call to get off the couch.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    It happened July 2010 when I was having a pre-employment medical exam. At that time I was already type 2 diabetic but still in my highest weight. Then came the results, I discovered that I have hypertension & so because of that, the company that supposed to hire me had rejected me because of my condition. One of the recommendations mentioned is to exercise 5-6 times a week & proper balanced diet. So as much as I hated to do it at first, I still gave it a try because I can't afford to be jobless for a long time only because of a certain condition that could have been prevented in the first place.
  • It was when I looked back at my birthday resolutions and journal and realized that it still is all about me losing weight and finally reaching my goal weight. It was about 5 years worth of me whining and complaining about not fitting into the clothes that I want to wear, but still not doing anything about it.
  • jessicak0614
    jessicak0614 Posts: 42 Member
    I've known for a while and just did nothing about it. Actually, back in 2008, I was down to 140lbs but since I didn't make it a lifestyle change, the weight came back.
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    I woke up one morning and looked in the mirror and said "whoa!!! Whose legs are these?", "These are not my legs!!"

    I swear to god not too long ago I sat down on the toilet looked down and said exactly that!.....
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    My young daughter said I was a "fat Mummy" and then when I stood on the scales and realised they read 197 lbs, that was just it! Too close to 200 for comfort!
  • mimaduck83
    mimaduck83 Posts: 175 Member
    Had a couple of them but only last year did I do something positive about it...

    The first one was about 2 years ago...in the Gap and none of the jeans fit, not even the biggest size they do. I got angry and blamed the jeans...went home and panicked about my size. The went to the Lighter Life people, paid money I didn't have and spent a week with a migraine after just ONE of the meal replacement soup things. Never went back to them...I honestly think they are dangerous.

    The second was last year - an old friend came to stay as she was going to a wedding and asked if I wanted to be her plus one. I then realised I had nothing to wear except a dress I bought in a panic the year before...and that dress (at a UK size 18) was only just fitting me. As I walked to the reception I caught sight of myself in a plate glass window and had to stop to look properly. I looked pregnant, my face was so round I looked swollen and my feet barely fit in my shoes. I spent the evening looking after a little girl and her sister who took a shine to to me because I was too ashamed of how I looked to talk to anyone properly.

    The next day I signed up to MFP, got my gait checked and made myself think about what I eat. I started running the day after that and have never looked back.
  • sfburdett
    sfburdett Posts: 83 Member
    When I saw my Dad lying in a hospital bed with various weight related issues, and thinking to myself this could be my future if I don't do somthing about it. I dont want my daughters to be in that position in 25 years time.
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    when I noticed myself becoming very uncomfortable in my own skin, whether it's in the shower, in jeans, or during sex.
  • Single_Ma
    Mine was more gradual. I hit a low period in my life after an injury. I was eating crappy and felt crappy. I knew what I was doing to myself, but I avoided the scale. When I finally decided to shake the funk and crawl out of the dark hole, I faced reality and said "this is it!"
  • newme201213
    newme201213 Posts: 116 Member
    Few months after marriage...when the scale suddenly gave me a shock...put on 10 lbs after marriage and looked bad
    in all the dresses I have....soo bloated up...
  • Acherona
    Acherona Posts: 134 Member
    When i got on my wii, after 11months i had gained 2st 2 lbs and i cried my heart out as i didnt know it got that bad however i was in a new relationship and was happy and content so at the time i didnt think about it and carried on getting more lazy and eating rubbish, But now both me and my partner are both on a healthier journey together x
  • tfancey
    tfancey Posts: 96 Member
    When I realized I'd worn high-waisted Lululemon Yoga pants for seven days in a row.
  • jwhitaker7
    jwhitaker7 Posts: 2 Member
    When I caught my reflection from the side in a store window and wondered "how did this happen"

    I usaully only see from the shoulders up in the little cabinet mirror in my bathroom....it's been 6 months since having my son and i looked like i was 3-4 months pregnant again!!!! oh my word!!
  • MeMeJZ
    MeMeJZ Posts: 2 Member
    Several years ago I woke up to see what i had let happen to my body. i weighed 118 when i was married. We have 5 grown children, but I can not blame them. I did not gain the weigh till I was in my 30's and I had my last babies (twins) at 27 years old. I eventually packed on a little over 100 lbs. I went on low-carb, was walking 3-4 times a week and drinking water like a fish. I wa down close to 50 lbs in 8 months.
    Our world came crashing down around us when a family crisis happened and I lost track, focus, and drive to do anything. I gained that weight and more back and anyone who has been on this down-ward spiral will agree it is much harder to get started again. But the last 2-3 years I have had several bad falls, several injuries to legs and feet an I KNOW if I were not as heavy, I would feel better and be able to get healthier again.
    I have a neurological disease called Neurofibromatosis and it causes tumors on nerve endings/skin all over my body. A tumor came up and the top came off and would not heal. It was on the under side of a toe and very painful. I was on several antibiotic treatments to se if it would heal and it didn't. So a few weeks ago I had it surgically removed and my foot is healing well. THEN a couple of weeks ago, I fell again in my home and broke 2 toes on the other foot. Those are also healing well. BUT...all that to say is I just do not heal well/easy. I was tested for diabetes and am pre-diabetic and sho signs of neuropathy in my feet. They are so painful and tender. That along with 3 other immune related health things have made me realize I HAVE to do something NOW.
    I am going back on a modified low-carb and when my feet heal more and it gets warmer I will be walking again. I am going to do it this time.