women who had babies



  • I don't care who replies, he could have a wife/girlfriend/partner who has had a baby, hell he could be GYNO and know something!
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    FYI: fat on the stomach is not the same as prostates

    You're missing the point entirely. Post-pregnancy issues do not apply to men. Prostate issues do not apply to women.

    Also, I think most ladies here will agree that the post-pregnancy fat we've experienced is entirely different than other fat we've accumulated.
  • Bio Oil takes away the red angry ones and Mederma Stretch Marks therapy smooths them out. Mine we terrible, and all over my stomach, and it looks pretty acceptable now.
  • lws78
    lws78 Posts: 3
    Cardio and crunches....lots of crunches!!
  • I agree it is different, but there is no need to be rude because someone feels they have a comment that might help someone :)
  • I just joined this tracker...and got my calorie intake recommendation...however, there was not a box to click for "currently breastfeeding". I know I require more calories than this because of that...anyone have some insight?
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    it's all to do with your Genetics, i swear that is the only way you know if you will lose it after a baby or not, is to look at the family history! my son is 5 and i still have a pooch! * sigh*.... i don't think i will ever have strong muscles like i had before after my terrible delivery and emergency c section.... and i doubt i will ever look the same as before no matter how hard i work at it. it's just not ment to be. i have to accept how i look now and just try to make myself feel better...
  • I actually got a exercise program called "Mama Wants Her Body Back", which comes with "Mama Wants Her Abs Back" exercises. It focuses on the areas that get stretched during pregnancy.
    It took me 3 years to lose the weight with my daughter...just in time to get pregnant again. Now, it is 6 months after my son was born and I am almost back to my prepregnancy weight. I do those exercises, cardio, and MFP. You might want to give them a shot. Another thing I like about them is that they are only 20 minutes. I know moms have trouble fitting exercise into their schedule...at least I do. :)
  • for the BF, just add that as an exercise and it will give you those calories to eat. Many people eat back their exercise calories, some don't. :)
  • 4 kids later (2 of them c-sections) and I'm dying to know the answer to this question myself!!!!!!!!!!! I have a kangaroo pouch under my belly button and it's soooo frustrtaing! lol :) I feel the same way though. Like there is no getting rid of it without surgery. We, however, are done and hubby has offered that if I get to goal weight to use his bonus for a Mommy makeover. Loose the loose skin, even out the boobs. I can't wait!! as a side note I know muscle burns fat quicker so maybe some light weights with the cardio? still figuring this one out though!

    You have the best husband ever!!!
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    I just joined this tracker...and got my calorie intake recommendation...however, there was not a box to click for "currently breastfeeding". I know I require more calories than this because of that...anyone have some insight?

    There are many breastfeeding entries under diet including exclusive breastfeeding. It gives me 500 extra calories a day.
  • hselby87
    hselby87 Posts: 49 Member
    I realize this is not going to be the answer anyone is looking for, but this is what is helping me (so far). I have lost 15 pounds so far, and noticed my stomach was beginning to sag. I have a friend who swears by itworks wraps, so I tried one. *I* can tell a difference. My lower tummy is tighter.

    That being said, I know that it does not work for some people, so I would recommend drinking a lot of water and wearing a girdle (dreaded word). The girdle will hold your tummy up at least and prevent further sagging, and the added water will help add elasticity.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I had my son when I was 20 and had no problem getting the flat stomach back. I had the triplets in my early 30's and it was harder. I do cardio and sit-ups and planks. It will go away, just takes time and some work.

    I was springy and snapped back okay after #1. Small baby and young skin with just one pregnancy. It was after #1 that did it the most.
  • Strivectin! It's expensive, but it works.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    I just joined this tracker...and got my calorie intake recommendation...however, there was not a box to click for "currently breastfeeding". I know I require more calories than this because of that...anyone have some insight?

    Eat no less than your BMR + 500 for as long as you're exclusively breastfeeding, 300 once baby starts other food or if you're partly formula-feeding. Apparently you can add it in on the food or exercise here on MFP, but I would find it easier to just adjust the daily calorie goal and leave it set. Baby's nutrition is more important than rapid weight loss... but I found that nursing was a really good way to lose weight all on its own. I was tempted to keep pumping just for the calorie burn. LOL
  • Hubbafer
    Hubbafer Posts: 81 Member
    Ive had two C-Sections. I am basically commited to the pooch.

    Same boat.... the incisions were tight... and I now have a permanent pooch... hard to get my stomach muscles to work properly.
  • SkinnyLilly2B
    SkinnyLilly2B Posts: 9 Member
    I think i have accepted my pooch!!

    My tummy itself is flat, but its all the loose skin that gives me a pooch! And no amount of cardio or eating clean is going to make my skin spring back into place!! If there was a miracle non surgical solution i would take it on!

    I also have separated abs and will now need an op to bring them back together. My youngest child is 9 months old.

    I will keep a watch to see what others suggest :)
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    I just joined this tracker...and got my calorie intake recommendation...however, there was not a box to click for "currently breastfeeding". I know I require more calories than this because of that...anyone have some insight?

    Eat no less than your BMR + 500 for as long as you're exclusively breastfeeding, 300 once baby starts other food or if you're partly formula-feeding. Apparently you can add it in on the food or exercise here on MFP, but I would find it easier to just adjust the daily calorie goal and leave it set. Baby's nutrition is more important than rapid weight loss... but I found that nursing was a really good way to lose weight all on its own. I was tempted to keep pumping just for the calorie burn. LOL

    Agreed. I actually recommitted to tracking after the baby in order to make sure I was eating enough to protect my supply. Yes I want to be healthy, but the baby's nutrition comes first.

    And I'm tempted to pump once she weans for the same reason! :D
  • wendyw8
    wendyw8 Posts: 86 Member
    I know for me after I had kids I got pretty skinny prob like 105. but my stomach was so yucky! I had alot of loose skin. I really hated it! That was a couple years ago and I have gained about 30 pounds since then and have been trying to get it off, but doing it a healthier way this time by weight lifting and lots of crunches and my belly looks alot better this time around!
  • britneyrene
    britneyrene Posts: 12 Member
    I hate to tell you this, but the "pooch" is probably because of a diastasis recti. What happens is there is a seperation between the muscles in your abdomen. There are exercises that can improve, but it is not the typcial abdominal routine. Regualr abdominal exercises can acutally seperate the muscles farther. As far as the skin goes, it will shrink quite a bit up to two years after pregnancy. However, there might be some skin that was stretched past it elasticity that will never shrink back. I know a lot of people are against plastic surgery, but after 2 babies and a lot of exercise, I am opting for a mini tummy tuck to remove excess skin and correct my diastasis. It can cause stomach and back problems. My internal organs bulge out of the center of the diastasis. You can check to see if you have one by laying flat and pushing you fingers between your abs. Then do a crunch. The number of finger widths you can fit between your abs will tell you how wide the diastasis is. It kind of freaked me out the first time I did it. Look up the Tupler Techinque for more information. It was reccommended to me by a PT.