Chicken Nugget Diet



  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I'm so glad that all of the moms here are perfect. No one ever made mistakes. With this many perfect moms, the world should be a safe place.

    There's quite a difference between making little mistakes and feeding your child chicken nuggets every day for 15 years. No one here is claiming to be a "perfect" mom so your sarcasm is a bit misplaced. Just saying.
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    "Stacey’s mother, Evonne, is exasperated by her daughter’s refusal to eat a healthy and varied diet and wants her to see a specialist. ‘She’s been told in no uncertain terms that she will die if she carries on like this,’ the 39-year-old explained.
    ‘But Stacey says she can’t eat anything else. It breaks my heart to see her eating those damned nuggets. ‘I am at my wit’s end. I’m praying she can be helped before it’s too late.’

    The beauty therapist – who says her two other children Leo, five, and Ava, three, both eat healthily – has even tried depriving Stacey of food in a bid to get her to eat something other than nuggets."

    This sounds like a mother who has been trying her hardest to help her daughter. The doctors described it as a severe food addiction, I think placing all the blame on the mother is a cop out.

    I absolutely agree... Anyone who automatically blames the mother OBVIOUSLY doesn't have children!!!! I am lucky to have a child that prefers veggies, salad and sushi over crap food, but not every child is like that... Poor girl... and her poor mother!!
  • I'm so glad that all of the moms here are perfect. No one ever made mistakes. With this many perfect moms, the world should be a safe place.

    There's quite a difference between making little mistakes and feeding your child chicken nuggets every day for 15 years. No one here is claiming to be a "perfect" mom so your sarcasm is a bit misplaced. Just saying.
    My comment is not about letting your child eat chicken nuggets everyday for 15 years... It's about the "better than all of you other moms" attitudes that come with a post like this. Just sayin'
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I'm so glad that all of the moms here are perfect. No one ever made mistakes. With this many perfect moms, the world should be a safe place.

    There's quite a difference between making little mistakes and feeding your child chicken nuggets every day for 15 years. No one here is claiming to be a "perfect" mom so your sarcasm is a bit misplaced. Just saying.
    My comment is not about letting your child eat chicken nuggets everyday for 15 years... It's about the "better than all of you other moms" attitudes that come with a post like this. Just sayin'

    Hmmm. It must just be because it's the internet that it's coming off that way.. I just thought that it was them talking about how they don't feed their children chicken nuggets every day and disagree with a mom doing so.
  • smk402
    smk402 Posts: 4
    I'm more creeped out that the mother thought it was okay to feed a 2 year old fast food. WTF?

    A lot of 2 year olds eat chicken nuggets and other fast foods. Chicken nuggets and french fries are easy for small children to hold and easy for them to eat without much help.

    Is it the best option? No. But it's extremely common. Most people think it's okay to feed a two year old fast food.
  • breeanreyes
    breeanreyes Posts: 228 Member
    sure is funny, toddlers can only eat what their parents give them... STOP FEEDING KIDS FAST FOOD! the whole clean-plate-club is part of why adults are so overweight now, and now the whole fast-food craze is why kids are so fat.. WE are responsibly for our children's eating habits, if they never eat a chicken nugget then they never have the option to do this to themselves... Please be more conscious of what you feed your kids!
  • I'm so glad that all of the moms here are perfect. No one ever made mistakes. With this many perfect moms, the world should be a safe place.

    There's quite a difference between making little mistakes and feeding your child chicken nuggets every day for 15 years. No one here is claiming to be a "perfect" mom so your sarcasm is a bit misplaced. Just saying.
    My comment is not about letting your child eat chicken nuggets everyday for 15 years... It's about the "better than all of you other moms" attitudes that come with a post like this. Just sayin'

    Hmmm. It must just be because it's the internet that it's coming off that way.. I just thought that it was them talking about how they don't feed their children chicken nuggets every day and disagree with a mom doing so.
    Oh, I get it! And, they don't do anything else "wrong" either. A rare and extreme circumstance that is making everyone feel like "Super Mom!" No, it's not just the's people with holier than thou attitudes.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I'm so glad that all of the moms here are perfect. No one ever made mistakes. With this many perfect moms, the world should be a safe place.

    There's quite a difference between making little mistakes and feeding your child chicken nuggets every day for 15 years. No one here is claiming to be a "perfect" mom so your sarcasm is a bit misplaced. Just saying.
    My comment is not about letting your child eat chicken nuggets everyday for 15 years... It's about the "better than all of you other moms" attitudes that come with a post like this. Just sayin'

    Hmmm. It must just be because it's the internet that it's coming off that way.. I just thought that it was them talking about how they don't feed their children chicken nuggets every day and disagree with a mom doing so.
    Oh, I get it! And, they don't do anything else "wrong" either. A rare and extreme circumstance that is making everyone feel like "Super Mom!" No, it's not just the's people with holier than thou attitudes.

    The rare & extreme case is the only one this topic was referring to. No one is talking about anything but a mom feeding her child chicken nuggets every day for 15 years. That girl is now in the hospital. Sorry you apparently don't see anything wrong with that but you do see something wrong with moms saying that they see something wrong with it. You're judging moms for being proud of the fact that they feed their children healthy food. Talk about a holier than thou attitude....
  • hyenagirl
    hyenagirl Posts: 206 Member
    It may seem like a joke but I had a sorority sister that ate nothing but Chicken Fingers(had to be Tyson) French Fries(must be Orida Crinkle cut or she freaked) Pizza and Desert.

    Never once did I see her eat fruit, veggies or anything with actual substance.... made me sick to see her eat because I was like do you realize what you are doing to your body?

    I knew a girl who similar and that was all she would eat: grilled cheese sandwich, cheese pizza, french fries and ice cream. She was a pretty decent size. Also pained me to watch her eat.
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    Maybe I just wasn't a difficult child but I enjoyed and loved eating vegetables (especially brocolli) mainly because my mom made it fun and she put some cheese on it. I think if parents make the food fun and interesting and also involve children they can get the children to at least try it. I did see on Nightline some time ago about chidlren who have extreme cases where they only eat one type of thing (usually something that isn't healthy) and its some type of mental disorder. They showed how they can get a doctor (I think it was a psychiatrist) involved to help the child get over their fears about the other foods. I dont really know how someone could let their kid go so loooong eating nuggets. I wonder if she tried some deep fried veggies and putting them into the shape of nuggets...a place I used to go to a lot had these fried veggies (broccoli, button mushrooms, cauliflower, zucchini). I was in love with those when I was little. Probably not the healthiest thing on the planet but its something. I hope this bout with death will help that girl try to branch out and eat other foods besides nuggets 24/7.
  • I'm so glad that all of the moms here are perfect. No one ever made mistakes. With this many perfect moms, the world should be a safe place.

    There's quite a difference between making little mistakes and feeding your child chicken nuggets every day for 15 years. No one here is claiming to be a "perfect" mom so your sarcasm is a bit misplaced. Just saying.
    My comment is not about letting your child eat chicken nuggets everyday for 15 years... It's about the "better than all of you other moms" attitudes that come with a post like this. Just sayin'

    Hmmm. It must just be because it's the internet that it's coming off that way.. I just thought that it was them talking about how they don't feed their children chicken nuggets every day and disagree with a mom doing so.
    Oh, I get it! And, they don't do anything else "wrong" either. A rare and extreme circumstance that is making everyone feel like "Super Mom!" No, it's not just the's people with holier than thou attitudes.

    The rare & extreme case is the only one this topic was referring to. No one is talking about anything but a mom feeding her child chicken nuggets every day for 15 years. That girl is now in the hospital. Sorry you apparently don't see anything wrong with that but you do see something wrong with moms saying that they see something wrong with it. You're judging moms for being proud of the fact that they feed their children healthy food. Talk about a holier than thou attitude....
  • VodkaSalad37
    VodkaSalad37 Posts: 66 Member
    Its disgusting.

    I drove past a McDonalds-- Did you know that you can now get a 50 piece mc nuggets for $9.99???

    That's how much it costs for a salad where I live.
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    Its disgusting.

    I drove past a McDonalds-- Did you know that you can now get a 50 piece mc nuggets for $9.99???

    That's how much it costs for a salad where I live.

    Yeah... that's sad AND disgusting, huh? I hate it!!!
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    I'm so glad that all of the moms here are perfect. No one ever made mistakes. With this many perfect moms, the world should be a safe place.

    There's quite a difference between making little mistakes and feeding your child chicken nuggets every day for 15 years. No one here is claiming to be a "perfect" mom so your sarcasm is a bit misplaced. Just saying.
    My comment is not about letting your child eat chicken nuggets everyday for 15 years... It's about the "better than all of you other moms" attitudes that come with a post like this. Just sayin'

    Hmmm. It must just be because it's the internet that it's coming off that way.. I just thought that it was them talking about how they don't feed their children chicken nuggets every day and disagree with a mom doing so.
    Oh, I get it! And, they don't do anything else "wrong" either. A rare and extreme circumstance that is making everyone feel like "Super Mom!" No, it's not just the's people with holier than thou attitudes.

    The rare & extreme case is the only one this topic was referring to. No one is talking about anything but a mom feeding her child chicken nuggets every day for 15 years. That girl is now in the hospital. Sorry you apparently don't see anything wrong with that but you do see something wrong with moms saying that they see something wrong with it. You're judging moms for being proud of the fact that they feed their children healthy food. Talk about a holier than thou attitude....

    Will you be my new best friend?
  • I'm more creeped out that the mother thought it was okay to feed a 2 year old fast food. WTF?

  • BUMP
  • Look, I was underweight and unhealthy for years growing up. the only thing i would eat was jalapeno cheddar dip (yes, starting before 1 year old), chips, candy and junk. My mother put a stop to that. All it takes is consistency. I wasn't allowed to get up from the table until I ate my vegetables. There were nights that i actually had to sleep at the table because I flat out refused. Needless to say it didnt take long for me to start eating right.
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    Unless the mother has been seeking medical attention for the past 15 years then, yes, this is her fault. You stop buying the nuggets and serve other things. If the girl truly has issues to the point where she WOULD starve herself at the age of two and refuse to eat, then you get her medical help.

    This^ exactly.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    FYI, a lot of autistic children do things like this so be careful who you insult.

    I don't know what's your point. They never said Stacey is autistic.

    THE POINT is that when you judge SOME parents for making less than good decisions, other parents who struggle with the same issues, feel JUDGED.

    Wow! It stroked a nerve!
    It's still not the point. Autism has NOTHING to do with this case, NOTHING.
    And you said your twins only eat carbs. Who's fault is it?
    If parents make ''less good decisions'', then they don't have the right to be pissed off at everyone who judge them.
    They should only be mad at themselves.
  • FloraLyons
    FloraLyons Posts: 47 Member
    i'm lost... what did she eat all during school? If she wasnt home schooled, how was she able to eat nuggets everyday?