So confused by a lot of people on here...

I'm fairly new to MFP, and I KNOW this has probably come up many times before, but I'm SO confused by people on this forum.

As far as I see it, every single one of us is different. I've been doing this for 15 months, I know what works for me, and I'm sure many others can say the same.

Yet, on almost every thread if someone mentions something that might not be 100% healthy, you get people coming in and..."giving their opinion".

I've seen it so many times since I joined under a month ago, and I just don't get it. Can people explain their reasoning?

The latest example that's led me to do this is the 'McDonalds' thread. The person posted asking everyone whether or not they liked McDonalds. A few people talked about how often they had it and what they liked best, and before long people were posting criticism, telling people how disgusting and unhealthy the food is and giving people better alternatives, when they weren't asked for. Fair enough, some people ask for advice and alternatives, but some people are just posting to discuss foods, not to be told what to do.

It's not just in threads. I've had private messages about things I've posted on the forums about the way I eat, and comments on some of my statuses, and I wonder what makes people think they should be giving these suggestions as though the people they're giving them to are stupid and actually want/need this information? I realise I'm ranting, but I'd just like to understand what makes people do that, when people aren't asking for advice? A few of the comments I've received are likely people thinking they're being helpful, but sometimes it seems like people just want to push their way of doing things on everyone else, everywhere they can?

Rant over.


  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i totally agree with what you are saying. i find it ALOT on here too..i mean if you wan to eat mc d's, go ahead it's your choice but for one to put it down isn't right. everyone likes different things and does things different and if it works for them great! if they are asking for support and suggestions to fix it, then great but if not then keep it to yourself. if it's just a q's, just answer the q and not put in your 2 cents if you don't agree with it.if you can't answer the q without putting in "your opinion if you don't agree with it" then don't... simple!
  • racs80
    racs80 Posts: 42 Member
    i agree with both of you its up to eveyone what they eat an aslong as there happy an still loosing weight whats the problem x
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Unfortunately we have people who jump feet first into weight loss and end up harming themselves in the long run. Yea we run into douche bags on here but 90% of the time its people trying to help.

    I often get called "blunt" or "Mean" when on the forums but I can honestly say that the people that I did educate are now losing weight with high calorie diets.

    BTW I'll eat anything that fits into my macros and lose weight.
    I may gain some water weight due to sodium but screw it! I know it goes away after a day!

    sometimes we need to have thicker skin and really read and compare the thoughts and ideas of others.
    A lot of it is bull****.
    Some of it is true!

    Never take advice from someone with 0 weight loss and 1 forum post.
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    i agree with both of you its up to eveyone what they eat an aslong as there happy an still loosing weight whats the problem x

    I agree! !!!
  • DanielleWatson83
    DanielleWatson83 Posts: 139 Member
    for some its mcdonalds for me its subway.. mmmmmm subway.... extra mayo
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    I think many people on here think they are an expert and their way is the only right way.
  • Shua456
    Shua456 Posts: 211
    This is the reason that I made my food diary private a long time ago, and then left the site for a long time. Now I'm back (after regaining what I had lost) but I'm going to be much more careful about what I post and who I'm friends with.
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    Take it all with a grain of salt. Most of them mean well. Some just like to get a reaction. Either way, you know your body and what your needs are. Don't worry about what a bunch of strangers say. Focus on the positive. Now get out there and have a great Saturday!
  • littlemsmuffet
    I've posted a lot about my diet and had mixed reviews. Most people just love giving suggestions! People are funny that way, dangle a carrot (puzzle) and everyone jumps on it. I probably come across as preachy sometimes but I don't mean to be rude or make others feel inferior. I completely see where you are coming from! I have had a lot of science classes, but when I took organic chemistry the most profound thing I learned was that - ultimately - everything is broken down into its constituent parts and oftentimes the chemical structure of one food differs only by the presence of a carbon or extra bond. It made me wonder just how bad processing really is. I have heard horror stories of bleaching and adding and, yes, it does sound terrible. But I have also isolated chemicals in a lab and you would be amazed at how much acid or sulfur (nastiness) is involved in obtaining a pure product! The physical properties that give food and "chemicals" their properties are extremely useful and often not as dangerous as many people are led to believe. Aspirin is a great example! It would be toxic in its natural form but the processing makes it useful. Same principle with hormones and enzymes. Everyone has different levels so everyone will use food differently.

    I like my meals to be safe. Some chemicals are not good for you, so I'm not dissing natural options, but there is a limit to how far the truth goes on this one. I mean, sugar is natural right?
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    Just TRY and have a diet coke on here.... go ahead... I DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You can only do what works for you. :drinker:
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Take it all with a grain of salt. Most of them mean well. Some just like to get a reaction. Either way, you know your body and what your needs are. Don't worry about what a bunch of strangers say. Focus on the positive. Now get out there and have a great Saturday!

    Well, I do absolutely agree with this, but I did the first year of my healthy lifestyle on my own - I had that time to figure things out and get on the right track. I guess I just wonder what it'd be like for someone totally new to the experience to come here on MFP and see those kinds of comments before they've had the change to realise it's all about the individual. That's worrying. If I'd have joined MFP at the start of my journey I don't like to think what this forum could have done!
  • StargazerHuck
    StargazerHuck Posts: 20 Member
    I have noticed this as well and honestly it will turn me off of a discussion thread completely. When people feel the need to start criticizing other posters choices without being asked I just move on to another post. I am here to give/receive support. Not be lectured unnecessarily.
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    I agree that there are too many people that jump on these forums just to criticize. If someone enjoys eating at McDonald's on occasion and it fits into their macros, then go right ahead.

    I do think it is necessary to tell people when they are doing something that could be damaging to their health. And, when that happens you get too many people that come in with the "well, if it works for them then leave them alone". I don't agree with that attitude. If it is proven to be dangerous in the long run, then I'm not going to tell someone that it's a good idea.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Yeah, those posts tend to blow up. That's fine...more McDonald's for me... ;)
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    I think many people on here think they are an expert and their way is the only right way.

    I think people are so eager to convince OTHER people that they know the "good and proper" way because they think that if they can prove they know what they are talking about it will somehow magically morph into personal weight loss.....

    I only know what works for me.....

    eat healthier not less.... and move more....... and I"M RIGHT DAMMIT :explode:

    Diet Coke Dissolves Calories .... proven fact... .ask my cat
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    Unfortunately we have people who jump feet first into weight loss and end up harming themselves in the long run. Yea we run into douche bags on here but 90% of the time its people trying to help.

    I often get called "blunt" or "Mean" when on the forums but I can honestly say that the people that I did educate are now losing weight with high calorie diets.

    BTW I'll eat anything that fits into my macros and lose weight.
    I may gain some water weight due to sodium but screw it! I know it goes away after a day!

    sometimes we need to have thicker skin and really read and compare the thoughts and ideas of others.
    A lot of it is bull****.
    Some of it is true!

    Never take advice from someone with 0 weight loss and 1 forum post.
  • gettheledout3372
    gettheledout3372 Posts: 13 Member
    I think this is more about people in general than MFP. The Diet Coke comment above reminded me of a time IRL when a very well-intentioned friend went on a good 5 minute rant about how Diet Coke would "sabotage" my diet, ruin my teeth (which it does, but hey), etc. No matter how often I said that it was something I wanted as a part of my diet, she wouldn't relent. People just like to tell you how to diet, *especially* those blessed folks who've never had to!

    As has been said, there's lots of great advice on here, and lots of bull. When someone new is posting "OMG I'm eating four carrots a day and not losing", they need to get linked to the good starvation mode threads. When someone says that every once in a while they still want McD's....well, seems like a waste of calories to me, but more power to them if they can budget around it xD
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Just TRY and have a diet coke on here.... go ahead... I DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you drink Diet Coke you will fall pregnant and DIE.

    I'll give advice when it's asked for. If it's a post about food (such as the Maccas one) I won't go in and give my opinion. It drives me up the wall to see all the 'ewww, gross I would never put that in my body' posts. Vast majority of the time it's the people who are just starting their weight loss.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    If no one ever spoke up to offer advice or even criticism about things that are unhealthy, how would many of us ever know any better?