So confused by a lot of people on here...



  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    If no one ever spoke up to offer advice or even criticism about things that are unhealthy, how would many of us ever know any better?

    Surely most of these things are obvious, though, and if they're working for them why worry? If eating McDonalds once a week IS affecting someone, they'll come on asking for help. If they simply want to discuss what people choose when they go, I don't see why people come in giving their opinion about how 'McDonalds is poison'.

    Nobody goes to McDonalds from the age of about three years onwards convinced it's healthy. Nobody needs people coming in and going 'Ugh...McDs is disgusting...think of all that grease and the chemicals". It's obvious stuff.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Welcome to the human race.
    Even the so called "experts" are equally contentious on various issues.
    Just play it safe, and do everything I say :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    ...but not all that I do
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Welcome to the human race.
    Even the so called "experts" are equally contentious on various issues.
    Just play it safe, and do everything I say :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    ...but not all that I do

    Hm...only if you don't say tennis is a good activity... :tongue:

    I have terrible co-ordination...think of the bruises!
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    There are some complete idiots in the forums sometimes that think they know everything about health. It gets easier to ignore. :)
  • GoreWhore72
    GoreWhore72 Posts: 190 Member
    I'm fairly new to MFP, and I KNOW this has probably come up many times before, but I'm SO confused by people on this forum.

    As far as I see it, every single one of us is different. I've been doing this for 15 months, I know what works for me, and I'm sure many others can say the same.

    Yet, on almost every thread if someone mentions something that might not be 100% healthy, you get people coming in and..."giving their opinion".

    I've seen it so many times since I joined under a month ago, and I just don't get it. Can people explain their reasoning?

    The latest example that's led me to do this is the 'McDonalds' thread. The person posted asking everyone whether or not they liked McDonalds. A few people talked about how often they had it and what they liked best, and before long people were posting criticism, telling people how disgusting and unhealthy the food is and giving people better alternatives, when they weren't asked for. Fair enough, some people ask for advice and alternatives, but some people are just posting to discuss foods, not to be told what to do.

    It's not just in threads. I've had private messages about things I've posted on the forums about the way I eat, and comments on some of my statuses, and I wonder what makes people think they should be giving these suggestions as though the people they're giving them to are stupid and actually want/need this information? I realise I'm ranting, but I'd just like to understand what makes people do that, when people aren't asking for advice? A few of the comments I've received are likely people thinking they're being helpful, but sometimes it seems like people just want to push their way of doing things on everyone else, everywhere they can?

    Rant over.

    I was bought breakfast the other morning, and it was McDonald's. I don't turn down free food. I've had to live off soup and apples, the healthiest alternative, to my income at the time. When food is not abundant, you make do. I just made sure I worked it off, hard. We are only human.
  • You are so right! we are all here because we need help losing weight or need support.. not to be bashed for what we eat.. constructive criticism is ok but be respectful about it.. but I agree sometimes people can be too judge-mental about certain things. Luckily I haven't had that problem but I am just returning to MFP..
    I'm fairly new to MFP, and I KNOW this has probably come up many times before, but I'm SO confused by people on this forum.

    As far as I see it, every single one of us is different. I've been doing this for 15 months, I know what works for me, and I'm sure many others can say the same.

    Yet, on almost every thread if someone mentions something that might not be 100% healthy, you get people coming in and..."giving their opinion".

    I've seen it so many times since I joined under a month ago, and I just don't get it. Can people explain their reasoning?

    The latest example that's led me to do this is the 'McDonalds' thread. The person posted asking everyone whether or not they liked McDonalds. A few people talked about how often they had it and what they liked best, and before long people were posting criticism, telling people how disgusting and unhealthy the food is and giving people better alternatives, when they weren't asked for. Fair enough, some people ask for advice and alternatives, but some people are just posting to discuss foods, not to be told what to do.

    It's not just in threads. I've had private messages about things I've posted on the forums about the way I eat, and comments on some of my statuses, and I wonder what makes people think they should be giving these suggestions as though the people they're giving them to are stupid and actually want/need this information? I realise I'm ranting, but I'd just like to understand what makes people do that, when people aren't asking for advice? A few of the comments I've received are likely people thinking they're being helpful, but sometimes it seems like people just want to push their way of doing things on everyone else, everywhere they can?

    Rant over.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    If no one ever spoke up to offer advice or even criticism about things that are unhealthy, how would many of us ever know any better?

    Surely most of these things are obvious, though, and if they're working for them why worry? If eating McDonalds once a week IS affecting someone, they'll come on asking for help. If they simply want to discuss what people choose when they go, I don't see why people come in giving their opinion about how 'McDonalds is poison'.

    Nobody goes to McDonalds from the age of about three years onwards convinced it's healthy. Nobody needs people coming in and going 'Ugh...McDs is disgusting...think of all that grease and the chemicals". It's obvious stuff.
    You are right about McD - people suddenly become food Nazi's when they get on their diet kicks - lol
    "Thy lady doth protest too much" - best to avoid those to seem so miserable about all the fun things in life.
    I am not losing weight to join that gloomy lot of killjoys.
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Just TRY and have a diet coke on here.... go ahead... I DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hahaha..I prefer diet pepsi!
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    Just TRY and have a diet coke on here.... go ahead... I DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you drink Diet Coke you will fall pregnant and DIE.

    I'll give advice when it's asked for. If it's a post about food (such as the Maccas one) I won't go in and give my opinion. It drives me up the wall to see all the 'ewww, gross I would never put that in my body' posts. Vast majority of the time it's the people who are just starting their weight loss.

    If I get pregnant kill me
  • Tiffa0909
    Tiffa0909 Posts: 191 Member
    There's a different between a statement and a question , I could say" I hate vegetables" and that's my opinion and does not need any explanation or is seeking for any advice.

    And then there's "I hate vegetables , can someone offer me some alternatives?" , I want peoples advice and opinions .

    It seems people here sometimes confuse them.
  • sco8462
    sco8462 Posts: 34
    I think that people who are on their own journey doing well want everyone on their bandwagon. It's like people in relationships, they want everyone to be in love and in a relationship. Their way is obviously better. Right?

    Having said that....

    I like to see the feedback and alternative, not-asked-for opinions people leave on the posts. Not the ranting "you're an idiot" parts, but the alternative ideas. When someone provides their opinion, it either causes me to research and change my own habits (if I agree) or it solidifies my own habits (when I disagree). I think its constructive and sometimes even motivational. But, then, that's my opinion. I can see why unsolicited advice would be annoying. I just look at it differently, maybe.
  • adamtall
    adamtall Posts: 275 Member
    I'm fairly new to MFP, and I KNOW this has probably come up many times before, but I'm SO confused by people on this forum.

    As far as I see it, every single one of us is different. I've been doing this for 15 months, I know what works for me, and I'm sure many others can say the same.

    Yet, on almost every thread if someone mentions something that might not be 100% healthy, you get people coming in and..."giving their opinion".

    I've seen it so many times since I joined under a month ago, and I just don't get it. Can people explain their reasoning?

    The latest example that's led me to do this is the 'McDonalds' thread. The person posted asking everyone whether or not they liked McDonalds. A few people talked about how often they had it and what they liked best, and before long people were posting criticism, telling people how disgusting and unhealthy the food is and giving people better alternatives, when they weren't asked for. Fair enough, some people ask for advice and alternatives, but some people are just posting to discuss foods, not to be told what to do.

    It's not just in threads. I've had private messages about things I've posted on the forums about the way I eat, and comments on some of my statuses, and I wonder what makes people think they should be giving these suggestions as though the people they're giving them to are stupid and actually want/need this information? I realise I'm ranting, but I'd just like to understand what makes people do that, when people aren't asking for advice? A few of the comments I've received are likely people thinking they're being helpful, but sometimes it seems like people just want to push their way of doing things on everyone else, everywhere they can?

    Rant over.

    thats the reason i stay out of the forums for the most part, im part of a few groups with people who are into the same thing or doing the same things (gaming, running, work in fast food ect) and thats where alot of my friends on here have come from. I do run though the forums once in awhile but after reading a few topics i get the same vibe you do and leave.

    As for people making coments on your status if its a once in awhile thing and they are truely trying to help i dont mind but ive actually had to delete some friends because the advise they posted was unwanted and/or unhealthy. On here and for my weightloss/healthier eating i need to be surounded by people that are going to suport me and give advise that will help me change my lifestyle for good not just let me get down to a weight i want to be

    thats my 2 cents :)
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I agree with you, for the most part. A lot of people, unfortunately, think that any post on the forum is an open invitation for advice. Yes, if you are asking for advice, sure. But at least make the advice on topic. It shouldn't be "What's the healthiest thing I can get at a pizza place?" and get "You shouldn't put those toxins in your body! You're gonna gain all your weight back!" That's not helpful, nor is it answering the question. There are a lot of well-meaning people who just seem to lack in the tact department. They have good thoughts behind it, but as they say, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I completely agree. I see so much "This is the ONLY way to do it" on here, and most of it is a load of bull. Just do what works for you. If it isn't working then perhaps is the time to look at the way other people are succeeding where you aren't, but until then, why fix something that isn't broken?
  • I think this is more about people in general than MFP. The Diet Coke comment above reminded me of a time IRL when a very well-intentioned friend went on a good 5 minute rant about how Diet Coke would "sabotage" my diet, ruin my teeth (which it does, but hey), etc. No matter how often I said that it was something I wanted as a part of my diet, she wouldn't relent. People just like to tell you how to diet, *especially* those blessed folks who've never had to!

    As has been said, there's lots of great advice on here, and lots of bull. When someone new is posting "OMG I'm eating four carrots a day and not losing", they need to get linked to the good starvation mode threads. When someone says that every once in a while they still want McD's....well, seems like a waste of calories to me, but more power to them if they can budget around it xD

    Yes!! My dear friend is vegetarian and I am not. One day she criticized the fact that I choose dairy cheese over soy cheese. I just dismissed it with a shrug and said I liked it better but as soon as she left the kitchen I checked the ingredients in the veggie cheese and the first was "casein". Which is dairy. From cows. LOL.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I completely agree. I see so much "This is the ONLY way to do it" on here, and most of it is a load of bull. Just do what works for you. If it isn't working then perhaps is the time to look at the way other people are succeeding where you aren't, but until then, why fix something that isn't broken?

    ^^THIS. Every method works, if you work it.
  • yentess
    yentess Posts: 167 Member
    I think (hopefully) most people who comment on threads are just trying to help. When you find something that works you just want to share it with everyone. Some people can come off very preachy and gung ho about their opinions. I think if you post something on the discussion boards you have to be prepared that not everyone is going to agree with you. If someone just wants to eat McDonald's once a week and not be told it's unhealthy, they probably shouldn't create a post about it. On the other hand I'm sure most of us see plenty of messages we don't agree with and just stick with the old saying. "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."
    And BTW I meant none of this to sound preachy :happy:
  • joyw37
    joyw37 Posts: 38
    i view this site kind of like high school. there are a lot of people i wouldn't want to hang out with personally, but just have to make the best of it and try to surround myself with people who aren't mean spirited or rude. there are always going to be mean people. i just choose to avoid them as much as possible and not take it personally if they say anything.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    The way I see it is
    MFP Forums make me irritated
    My heart rate goes up
    My metabolism increases

    All the experts and crazies are making me thin :bigsmile:
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    The way I see it is
    MFP Forums make me irritated
    My heart rate goes up
    My metabolism increases

    All the experts and crazies are making me thin :bigsmile:
    That is the kindest compliment I have received all day.:flowerforyou:
    I am glad to have been able to help you.