

  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    I dated the drummer from Dinosaur Jr (he's no longer their drummer). They were on David Letterman one night and my dad said "Well, he looks the least likely of the group to be on drugs." Well, not really, but OK.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    George Gervin (Ice Man)
    And Larry Kennon (Dr. Dunkinstien)

    Old school basketball player in the NBA. My aunt was dating Larry Kennon when I was 13.
  • Mr_Motivator42
    Mr_Motivator42 Posts: 42 Member
    Muhammad Ali in London 1993
  • AmyMK
    AmyMK Posts: 164
    There is a minor league hockey team in my hometown so I have met several (now) NHL players...I used to work at the arena in the private suites and served pizza to Pamela Anderson when she was married to tommy lee and motley Crüe was in town. I also almost hit Bryan Adams with a popcorn cart when I was 15. When I was very young (7 I think), I gave a bouquet of flowers to queen Elizabeth when she was touring the country for some sort of celebration (maybe the countries centennial or commonwealth games I don't remember)
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    I met jonathan Taylor Thomas my freshman year of college.

    I have met many great track and field athletes.....sprinters, throwers and jumpers...

    Steve young came to my high school twice.
  • AmyMK
    AmyMK Posts: 164
    I met jonathan Taylor Thomas my freshman year of college.

    I have met many great track and field athletes.....sprinters, throwers and jumpers...

    Steve young came to my high school twice.

    Bahahaha I had the biggest crush on johnathan Taylor Thomas when I was 10 and 11...I bought every tiger beat he was on the cover of!
  • david581c
    david581c Posts: 337
    Lemme think...

    When i was 10, i met Mr Bellding from Saved By The Bell @ Venice Beach over here in socal.

    When King's of Leon were still country rock, "holy roller novacane" era, i was 13 and they threw my shoe back to me in the pit.

    While in Hollywood, near the pink's, i met Beck @ Amoeba records.

    In west hollywood, i told James Caan that his best role was in "Bottle Rocket", he had a dalmation, it was gigantic.

    Recently? Im 21 now...oh!
    I went to local wrestle promo w/ my friend who's dad is a legendary road manager/scout in wrestling...long story short, i met Mick Folley. Coolest dude. Ever. For cereal.
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    my autograph from The Rock arrived this week if that counts n im in England
  • hsk1019
    hsk1019 Posts: 235 Member
    During the last season of LOST he visited with his niece!
    I threatened to kick people out if they asked him 1 question about the show!

    That's awesome!!
  • MaureenCreates
    MaureenCreates Posts: 97 Member
    I met BB King when I was 12 haha
    He was a super nice guy
  • scadoodles
    scadoodles Posts: 110 Member
    I sat next to jamie Lynn Spears once at a bar&grill in Destin Beach FL on spring break 09'. And yes she had her baby with her LOL
  • Cr8tive_Ingenuity
    Im so awesome I met Chuck Norris and he was wearing a shirt with my picture on it :)

    Since I live in Tampa I met Terry (Hulk Hogan) and Randy Savage at the gym I work out at...too bad Randy passed away
  • Devlyn_P
    Devlyn_P Posts: 294 Member
    As a bartender in a San Francisco night club I met alot professional athletes and music moguls. The most memorable was Blake Griffin and Tom Brady, those guys are hilarious.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    I met jonathan Taylor Thomas my freshman year of college.

    I have met many great track and field athletes.....sprinters, throwers and jumpers...

    Steve young came to my high school twice.

    JEALOUS! I used to love JTT!
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    I met jonathan Taylor Thomas my freshman year of college.

    I have met many great track and field athletes.....sprinters, throwers and jumpers...

    Steve young came to my high school twice.

    Bahahaha I had the biggest crush on johnathan Taylor Thomas when I was 10 and 11...I bought every tiger beat he was on the cover of!

    Me too! I forgot I met Jonathan Brandis before he killed himself. I think I was 14ish...
  • CanDurkin
    I met Steve from Blue's Clues. :smile:

    OMG! I'm such a dork, but I would love to meet Steve! LOL!

    I had an uncle that was good friends with Mel Gibson (and his parents) back when he was still married to first wife and hadn't gone bat-*kitten* crazy. Anyway, he made an appearance at my uncle's church for Mass and I got to meet him and one of his older daughters. Who by the way was kind of a *****, but I think she was just being guarded. I assume that's something you have to do when you're the offspring of someone that famous.

    I grew up in a really small town in TX so not really a lot of chances to meet famous people.
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    I met NKOTB, though I pretty much only talked to Donnie since I have loved him since I was 10 lol. I also met Jared Padalecki (Gilmore Girls/Supernatural) and a bunch of supporting actors from Supernatural - Richard Speight Jr and Chad Lindberg (Jesse in Fast and the Furious) were my favorite of those.
  • NotOnMyOwnagain
    NotOnMyOwnagain Posts: 4 Member
    I'm just curious...a lot of people from California. I'm from the Midwest...pretty boring out here. Ive met a couple people. Bobby Lashley..the wrestler and Ive cut the hair of a couple professional athletes, but no movie
    Living where there is a major world famous Shakespearean festival I see famous people on the street and in the stores all the time. Paul Gross winked at me in the grocery store one day. Have seen Christopher Plummer, Janet Wright, William Hut, William Shatner, Al Waxman to name a few. Very common here.
  • 84jeepster
    84jeepster Posts: 198 Member
    We just danced it out at a club in Atlantic City with Carson Kressley.
  • blissfuldrake
    blissfuldrake Posts: 128 Member
    I was a little girl (7 or 8?)with my parents at the airport in Indianapolis when I met Kareem Abdul Jabar. I got to compare hand size with him...LOL...I remember my head fit IN his hand. I was really, really impressed that he could look straight on at the highest shelves in the gift shop. (Famous Basketball Player, btw)

    Although I grew up on a farm, the closest town for shopping was Shelbyville, IN. That's where Sandy Allen, the tallest woman in the world, lived. I went to church with her once. And, once again, hand sizes were compared...wowza! BIG difference. I was about 11 or so at the time. I think she lives in Canada now, and works at Ripley's Believe it or not museum.

    Selena Fox, founder of Circle Sanctuary, officiated my hand-fasting with my partner. That's really big in Pagan circles.

    My girlfriend and I swam in the same pool with football great Joe Namath. LOL...actually, we were swimming when he came down, and his bodyguard told us to stay at our end and not to bother 'Broadway Joe'. This happened in Las Vegas.

    I have met many famous (or infamous, as the case may be) authors, etc.

    I met Sally Ride, the first woman in space when I belonged to NOW (National Orginazation of Women). I got her autograph on a table napkin 'for my daughter'. I still have it, framed...LOL

    My partner played Bass (on a one time emergency basis) for Reba McIntyre at a concert in Oklahoma City.