So confused by a lot of people on here...



  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    When you give your opinions in a public place you open yourself up to hearing other peoples opinions,ignore them or tell them to *kitten* off, if your are not interested in their opinions

    Totally this! Take nothing personally, take everything with a pinch of salt.

    A whole pinch?! I thought it was a grain! Awh, man, I'm gonna retain water! :sad:
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    Frankly if I were to hit a buffet for lunch and McD's for dinner or something, I would hope one of my friends on here would rip me a new one for doing it... make me think twice about doing it again! That's one of the pros of keeping your food journal public... to be held accountable. I say all the more guilt you can make me feel, the better. The less chance it will happen again.

    That being said, yes I do agree that people know what works best for them. However, we are all here for similar purposes, and the point of this site is SUPPORT. If someone can't take some well intentioned criticism, they have more problems than just their weight/fitness/health.

    What really burns my *kitten* is when I see someone go way over their caloric goal, don't log any exercise, hit up the fast food, and then whine "I'm so frustrated... I'm not losing any weight... this is too hard"... HELLO... WAKE UP... It's called EFFORT. I haven't lost much but I am determined... and I know the effort it will take. Complain all you want if you are putting in the effort, but if you aren't... maybe I'm just a (insert nasty word here) but I say put up or shut up!

    There's my rant. And yes, I was deleted from someone's friend list just the other day because I commented on their lack of effort. Oh well I feel I need to surround myself with people who really WANT to change their life. Not just talk about it.

    Been there! I've tossed many a "ED kid who doesnt want help" because of my comments on their diaries and the idiots who support them. You want to survive here you stick with winners! Surround yourself with like minded healthy folk!

    On the opposite side of things i've turned many an ED person into eating healthy and losing inches through educating them on the right way to eat!

    Stick with the winners!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Unfortunately we have people who jump feet first into weight loss and end up harming themselves in the long run. Yea we run into douche bags on here but 90% of the time its people trying to help.

    I often get called "blunt" or "Mean" when on the forums but I can honestly say that the people that I did educate are now losing weight with high calorie diets.

    BTW I'll eat anything that fits into my macros and lose weight.
    I may gain some water weight due to sodium but screw it! I know it goes away after a day!

    sometimes we need to have thicker skin and really read and compare the thoughts and ideas of others.
    A lot of it is bull****.
    Some of it is true!

    Never take advice from someone with 0 weight loss and 1 forum post.

    Frankly if I were to hit a buffet for lunch and McD's for dinner or something, I would hope one of my friends on here would rip me a new one for doing it... make me think twice about doing it again! That's one of the pros of keeping your food journal public... to be held accountable. I say all the more guilt you can make me feel, the better. The less chance it will happen again.

    That being said, yes I do agree that people know what works best for them. However, we are all here for similar purposes, and the point of this site is SUPPORT. If someone can't take some well intentioned criticism, they have more problems than just their weight/fitness/health.

    What really burns my *kitten* is when I see someone go way over their caloric goal, don't log any exercise, hit up the fast food, and then whine "I'm so frustrated... I'm not losing any weight... this is too hard"... HELLO... WAKE UP... It's called EFFORT. I haven't lost much but I am determined... and I know the effort it will take. Complain all you want if you are putting in the effort, but if you aren't... maybe I'm just a (insert nasty word here) but I say put up or shut up!

    There's my rant. And yes, I was deleted from someone's friend list just the other day because I commented on their lack of effort. Oh well I feel I need to surround myself with people who really WANT to change their life. Not just talk about it.

    You're an adult and if you make the choice to eat at a buffet or even McDonald's, why should you be "ripped apart"? This isn't a diet, it is a lifestyle change. There's nothing written somewhere that says "Thou shall not eat at buffets or at McDonald's". While some people follow an "all or nothing" approach, many people find that they are unsuccessful at that type of lifestyle and prefer to practice "everything in moderation".

    I personally would be pissed if someone "ripped into me" because I ate something THEY didn't agree with me eating.
  • breeanreyes
    breeanreyes Posts: 228 Member
    The only time anyone should give advice is when it's asked for, we all have vices and should be free to talk about them without judgement
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    People are very emotionally invested in food, especially their own food choices. It has to do with personal history, family dynamics, judgement, body image, so many things. So people can get very defensive about their own choices.
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    What are we supposed to talk about if we don't offer our opinions? Take what you like and leave what you don't. Do not, ever, ever take anything anyone on the internet says personally. Most people mean well, and those who don't are just insecure.

    Also, I'm sorry but McDonald's is poison.

  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    When I get advice that makes me feel offended, it's usually because it's the exact advice I need in order to make a positive change.

    Also, going to McDonald's for a salad is like going to a crack house for vitamins--you're probably not going to get what you really want and you're financially supporting drug dealers.
  • shellybean826
    Unfortunately we have people who jump feet first into weight loss and end up harming themselves in the long run. Yea we run into douche bags on here but 90% of the time its people trying to help.

    I often get called "blunt" or "Mean" when on the forums but I can honestly say that the people that I did educate are now losing weight with high calorie diets.

    BTW I'll eat anything that fits into my macros and lose weight.
    I may gain some water weight due to sodium but screw it! I know it goes away after a day!

    sometimes we need to have thicker skin and really read and compare the thoughts and ideas of others.
    A lot of it is bull****.
    Some of it is true!

    Never take advice from someone with 0 weight loss and 1 forum post.

    Frankly if I were to hit a buffet for lunch and McD's for dinner or something, I would hope one of my friends on here would rip me a new one for doing it... make me think twice about doing it again! That's one of the pros of keeping your food journal public... to be held accountable. I say all the more guilt you can make me feel, the better. The less chance it will happen again.

    That being said, yes I do agree that people know what works best for them. However, we are all here for similar purposes, and the point of this site is SUPPORT. If someone can't take some well intentioned criticism, they have more problems than just their weight/fitness/health.

    What really burns my *kitten* is when I see someone go way over their caloric goal, don't log any exercise, hit up the fast food, and then whine "I'm so frustrated... I'm not losing any weight... this is too hard"... HELLO... WAKE UP... It's called EFFORT. I haven't lost much but I am determined... and I know the effort it will take. Complain all you want if you are putting in the effort, but if you aren't... maybe I'm just a (insert nasty word here) but I say put up or shut up!

    There's my rant. And yes, I was deleted from someone's friend list just the other day because I commented on their lack of effort. Oh well I feel I need to surround myself with people who really WANT to change their life. Not just talk about it.

    You're an adult and if you make the choice to eat at a buffet or even McDonald's, why should you be "ripped apart"? This isn't a diet, it is a lifestyle change. There's nothing written somewhere that says "Thou shall not eat at buffets or at McDonald's". While some people follow an "all or nothing" approach, many people find that they are unsuccessful at that type of lifestyle and prefer to practice "everything in moderation".

    I personally would be pissed if someone "ripped into me" because I ate something THEY didn't agree with me eating.

    i posted on a thread the other day ...about eating less then 1000 calories a day and after doing the vlcd diet where i drank all liquid protein ...because i had a doctor that told me too ..i was attacked by several people and even had SOMEONE tell me they wished they had a slap button for me my dairy is private as is my profile ....and i dont expect much from the threads to be honest ...
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    People just think they know it all LOL. Me included! I keep my food journal open and honestly from all the backlash I've seen on the boards I've never been ripped a new one for my food choices, even if I had eaten fast food twice that day. I keep my food journal open because I'm not ashamed of my choices. It's not a source of embarrassment to me. The only thing that's ever even somewhat came up is someone told me I stink after my workout because of my diet, although I'm pretty sure it's the sweat that pours off of me. I could be wrong though :D

    Just ignore the know it alls. They're never going to change and it makes them feel better to spout their advice off.
  • shellybean826

    Just ignore the know it alls. They're never going to change and it makes them feel better to spout their advice off.

    ^^^ THIS