.... a burned out Weight Watchers member!!



  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    This part should have been out of the quote.

    You can't become a lifetime member if you are an on line member because they have no way of verifying your weight, so they say, but they also have no way of keeping your money if you are lifetime member ;-)]
  • kittyneutron
    kittyneutron Posts: 160 Member
    Be sure to start right!

    Google Fat to Fit Radio Tools.
    Do the body fat calculator then BMR tool.
    Eat EXACTLY the amount of calories given per your activity factor and you will lose fat.
    Eat too low and you will lose muscle!
    Custom set MFP to 30% protein 40% carbs.
    Enjoy losing inches babe!

    Hey Dan thanks for the tips. I went to the site and used the BMR tool. My BMR was 1891 calories per day. Are you saying I should eat that?

    Also, one of the calculators was really weird. It calculated my current BF at 27.9%. I went to the "Calculate your Goal Weight" and it said my BF was in the healthy range. I don't understand?!?! It also said my Goal Weight should be 220 lbs? That cannot be right? Could you help explain to me what that is all about? At the end it says my goal weight which seems to be correct. But I don't understand the 220 lbs?

    Okay, here is clip and pasted:

    You currently weigh 242 pounds with a body fat percentage of 27.9%. You would like to have a body fat percentage of 21%.

    Based on this information, your goal body weight should be:

    220 pounds

    How did we calculate this goal body weight?

    We took you current weight and your current body fat percentage and multiplied them together. (Weight X Current Body Fat %/100) to get how many pounds of you is actually just fat. In this case you are currently carrying around 68 pounds of fat. To get your goal body weight we work backwards and divide your lean body mass by one minus your goal body fat percentage. (Lean Body Mass / (1 - Goal Body Fat %/100). This calculation yields your goal body weight.

    When you reach your goal, hopefully you have maintained your current lean body mass of 174 pounds.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    Hi I am new to MFP as of Tuesday. I am really enjoying so far. I was wondering if there is anyone out there that has a thyroid condition because I have an under active thyroid and have difficulty losing weight.

    I have Hashimoto's disease (Hashimoto's Thyroiditis)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Be sure to start right!

    Google Fat to Fit Radio Tools.
    Do the body fat calculator then BMR tool.
    Eat EXACTLY the amount of calories given per your activity factor and you will lose fat.
    Eat too low and you will lose muscle!
    Custom set MFP to 30% protein 40% carbs.
    Enjoy losing inches babe!

    Hey Dan thanks for the tips. I went to the site and used the BMR tool. My BMR was 1891 calories per day. Are you saying I should eat that?

    Also, one of the calculators was really weird. It calculated my current BF at 27.9%. I went to the "Calculate your Goal Weight" and it said my BF was in the healthy range. I don't understand?!?! It also said my Goal Weight should be 220 lbs? That cannot be right? Could you help explain to me what that is all about? At the end it says my goal weight which seems to be correct. But I don't understand the 220 lbs?

    Okay, here is clip and pasted:

    You currently weigh 242 pounds with a body fat percentage of 27.9%. You would like to have a body fat percentage of 21%.

    Based on this information, your goal body weight should be:

    220 pounds

    How did we calculate this goal body weight?

    We took you current weight and your current body fat percentage and multiplied them together. (Weight X Current Body Fat %/100) to get how many pounds of you is actually just fat. In this case you are currently carrying around 68 pounds of fat. To get your goal body weight we work backwards and divide your lean body mass by one minus your goal body fat percentage. (Lean Body Mass / (1 - Goal Body Fat %/100). This calculation yields your goal body weight.

    When you reach your goal, hopefully you have maintained your current lean body mass of 174 pounds.

    Your BMR is at the top of the page, probably about 1400-1500.
    The calories given next to the activity is what you eat daily.
    You can choose to eat back anything as long as you stay above your BMR.
    Double check that Katch Mcartle number.
  • PennyJoy
    PennyJoy Posts: 5 Member
    Sometimes our bodies need a change ... congrats on the weight loss, and good luck!
  • formersec
    formersec Posts: 233 Member
    I hear that! I have been on weight watchers for a month and lost 9 pds., but the meetings are terribly unproductive and lame. I wait in line for an hour to get weighed, all so I can get some retarded star passed out to me and have people clap if I lose 5 pds. I am also diabetic and I am really disappointed by the fact that they don't take diabetes into consideration with their plan. For instance, with the power foods, you can supposedly eat as much as you want-- but if I ate all of the bananas or grapes I wanted, my sugar would be sky high. Weight watchers is highly over rated, over priced, and they don't offer anything that one can't already do on their own accord by buying a scale, tracking with this site, and purchasing a few workout dvds.

    I am diabetic and a former Weight Watcher. The program was actually fairly close to what had been prescribed for ne by the diabetes nutritionist. But I think WW ran into trouble when it declared fruit to be "free". Members started to gorge themselves on fruit, then wonder why they were gaining weight. One banana a day is fine. Six bananas aren't. In doing MFP, you have to count calories for everything, and I think this program gives you a better handle on what and how much you're eating.
  • bfl2010
    bfl2010 Posts: 33 Member
    I agree. I've been in and out of WW. WW was effective only when I remember to track. I can't always remember to calculate my food to points value. And I eat out a lot, so it is difficult to find the points value. MFP is so much easier, much user friendly and I can access it on my phone anytime of the day. The food data base is 100% much better and WW's. There's no conversion to points, just plain calories, fat, etc.. Calculation the old school way and still works.

    I'm not really a new MFP since I've been playing between WW & MFP for the past year or so. This past week, I finally stopped WW and focused on MFP. And what what do you know, I lost 3 lbs just this week alone!
  • kittyneutron
    kittyneutron Posts: 160 Member
    Be sure to start right!

    Google Fat to Fit Radio Tools.
    Do the body fat calculator then BMR tool.
    Eat EXACTLY the amount of calories given per your activity factor and you will lose fat.
    Eat too low and you will lose muscle!
    Custom set MFP to 30% protein 40% carbs.
    Enjoy losing inches babe!

    Your BMR is at the top of the page, probably about 1400-1500.
    The calories given next to the activity is what you eat daily.
    You can choose to eat back anything as long as you stay above your BMR.
    Double check that Katch Mcartle number.

    Sorry, I feel so dumb here lol! I did as you said, I cannot see anywhere on the page where it says 1400-1500. The Katch McCartle number is 2078 calories. I will copy and paste the page:

    Entered information: 35 year old female, 69 inches tall, weighing 242 pounds.

    From the information that you entered, you'd like to weigh 175 lbs.

    Harris-Benedict Formula

    There are a few different methods to calculating yourbasal metabolic rate (BMR). One of the most popular, developed in the early 1900's is called the Harris-Benedict formula. Based on this formula, your current BMR is 1868 calories.

    Katch-McArdle Forumla

    The numbers above are fairly accurate, however they don't take into account your lean body mass. A more accurate formula that does take your lean body mass into account is the Katch-McArdle formula. Since many of us have scales that will tell us our current body fat, this formula may yield more accurate results. Based on the information you provided, body fat percentage of 27.9%, you have a lean body mass of 174 lbs., and your BMR is 2078 calories.
  • Gordie580
    Gordie580 Posts: 154 Member
    I was also on weight watcher, and still am until the end of the month. This program fits me alot better because I can scan in the items I eat and it is faster. Also when i work out weight watchers doesn't give you any I dea of how many points you add for work our time or calories. And then they go an endorse Mc Donalds chicken nuggets saying they are weight watchers approved.
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    Be sure to start right!

    Google Fat to Fit Radio Tools.
    Do the body fat calculator then BMR tool.
    Eat EXACTLY the amount of calories given per your activity factor and you will lose fat.
    Eat too low and you will lose muscle!
    Custom set MFP to 30% protein 40% carbs.
    Enjoy losing inches babe!

    also it took me a while to notice, but if you are logging via smartphone, there's a super-handy barcode reader next to the space for entering the name of the food. click there, let it focus & voila! your item is entered!
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    I will let you decide if you want me as a friend or not

    Hi, I'm Barbra (my friends call me Barbi)

    I believe in eating all or most of your calories burnt by exercise to keep your weight loss steady and fuel your body for the exercise you are doing.

    I believe you have to eat the calories MFP tells you too which is on your diary as "my goal"

    I believe your "net" should never go under 1200

    I will not tell you your doing a good job on your diary if you're under your "net" calories

    I will also not comment if your diary is not public

    I WILL be a great support if you are eating right, exercising, and doing it RIGHT without going hungry.

    because it works

    Welcome. :flowerforyou:
  • bellstalker
    bellstalker Posts: 30 Member
    I tried WW and found I was obsessed with points. Infact, as long as I stayed within my points I thought I was doing great. Sometimes it meant foregoing a good meal to eat crackers cheese & drink wine.
  • PaulaP22
    Hello! I'm Paula. I had some success on WW a few years ago, but ended up gaining that weight and then some more back with it. So, I'm here and loving MFP. Please feel free to add me. I'm a very positive encouraging member.

    I love all the ideas, but how do you custom set carbs and protein etc? Perhaps I'm just technologically challenged?
  • InnerPinup79
    I had huge success with ww ten years ago and lost almost 50#. I've of course gained it all back plus some. Although I had good success they weren't good at pushing exercise ten years ago at my meetings. I rejoined about 6 more times in the last ten years whenever they changed their program because each one wasn't working for me like winning points did. The last time I rejoined about 3 years ago I was really turned off that my meetings turned more into their product pushing and the fact that they thought their high sugar processed low point crap snacks was a good choice to have. I do miss the red velvet cake bars but I'd rather have a cupcake.
  • ssflbelle2012
    ssflbelle2012 Posts: 322 Member
    I have to say WW had it's advantages. But the Point system just seemed a lot more complicated then before. I was on my second time through when my friend who was struggling so much was not getting any help. They just gave her a hard time when she tried to make HERSELF feel more comfortable with her losing (she explains it earlier in this thread) SO I just told her we didn't have to go back. I was losing fine for the most part but I was content with 2-3 pounds a week or even 1 pound as long as I was losing.

    I am so glad that I found MFP and that I was able to get my friend on with me and that it is working for her! That is the best support I think we can share.

    Yes it is my dear friend it is the best support. I am very grateful you told me about this site and I have joined you on our journey. You did great this month. I just started Tuesday so look out as I will be following in your footsteps. Next month you will see that I will be down 20 pounds too. :flowerforyou:
  • ssflbelle2012
    ssflbelle2012 Posts: 322 Member
    I did WW fairly successfully for about 3 years back in the 1990s, and still have loads of their magazines and recipe books. It worked fairly well, but restarted in 2001, and again in 2002, and then dropped out altogether, and put all the weight back on plus some. I feel much more in control here on MFP, and am learning so much more about the metabolism and need for water, that I never learned at WW. And like all you others, I resented paying - initially I thought paying out good money would keep me at it, but in practice I would rather save that money for treats like theatre or pampering days!
    And the support here on MFP is fantastic - only downside is that I am spending too much time online!

    OMGosh I have a twin as this could have been my posting as well. I have material and recipe books and programs dating all the way back to 1974. I also agree I'd rather save my money for the rewards and I am spending far too much time here on line as well. :wink:
  • Dickersondiva
    Dickersondiva Posts: 97 Member
    I just quit WW... and will be doing MFP instead.
    I think WW could work, but I find their online food database scarce compared to this one.

    Also, why pay if I could do this on my own. I was only doing the online version anyway. I did not get the group support. You folks look awesome :)
    It is a lifestyle change, I am in no hurry and this feels right.

    Honestly, this was the initial thing that impressed me most about MFP. The database is sooooooo complete. WW has some type of partnership with Smart Ones....so guess what....Lean Cuisine meals aren't in their database! Retarded! Also, what can beat free? Nothing! And if I see another Jennifer Hudson endorsement, I'm gonna :explode: :explode: And another thing....points don't save me from water retention and hypertension from all those sodium soaked frozen dinners I was eating...I lost 15 lbs on WW, but I gained it all back because I still didn't learn everything I needed to know about HOW to eat. MFP forces you to take a look at individual nutrients, as well as rewards you just for logging your food in.

    And how about that cool barcode scanner on your phone with the MFP app? Coolness.

    What reward do we get for logging food and what is the barcode scanner app? I'm still relatively new to the site and don't know much about all of it's perks.

    It's the little things for me...such as on your newsfeed (kinda like facebook, where you view what your friends here have to say, how many calories they burned today,e tc) after I log my food for the day, I get to share with my friends that I completed my diary. For many trying to eat better and lose weight, journaling is half the battle, and I have problems with consistency in this regard. So when my friends see that I haven't logged on for 3 days (yes, it tells them), this holds me accountable because then they start reaching out for me to come back. If you have an Android cell phone, the app has a barcode scanner that allows you to scan barcodes on your foods to quickly track the in your diary. I dont know about iPhones.
  • mwmyers80
    Be sure to start right!

    Google Fat to Fit Radio Tools.
    Do the body fat calculator then BMR tool.
    Eat EXACTLY the amount of calories given per your activity factor and you will lose fat.
    Eat too low and you will lose muscle!
    Custom set MFP to 30% protein 40% carbs.
    Enjoy losing inches babe!

    Not to hijack someone else's thread, but how do you make these adjustments? Looking in the settings, but I'm not seeing it. Is it just done by order of what you're tracking?
  • rnang99
    yeah..ww has become so complicated with this points plus system. i was having a hard time eating all the points on the old system. then when they added more points its adding more food. they say that a point was equal to about 50 calories. so now i get a lot of calories looking at it that way. no wonder im not losing anything!!! essentially taking in over 2000 a day. i did like the older points system better. My trainer said to try this program and i joined last week on thursday. Can't wait to see what i will weigh when i weigh in. I find this so much easier!!
    I'm looking forward to using this program and hoping to becoming healthier in the long run!!
  • JBennis1013
    JBennis1013 Posts: 377 Member
    Be sure to start right!

    Google Fat to Fit Radio Tools.
    Do the body fat calculator then BMR tool.
    Eat EXACTLY the amount of calories given per your activity factor and you will lose fat.
    Eat too low and you will lose muscle!
    Custom set MFP to 30% protein 40% carbs.
    Enjoy losing inches babe!

    How do you custom set MFP?