Does You Spouse Motivate Or Complicate Your Weight Loss?



  • Sixalicious
    Sixalicious Posts: 283 Member
    My husbnd is great when it comes to getting me to move around when I'm trying to skip a day. Like, last week, I didn't go to my other gym for Body Pump so we went to our original gym that evening. As much as I didn't want to do weights, he convinced me to at least do the circuit with him. I really appreciated it. However, when it comes to the kitchen...grrrrrr. He likes to bake pies with the sweet potatoes I buy for my lunch and marinade the chicken. Noooooo!!!! I need him to stop cooking like that because I get weak for the foods he cooks. Sometimes, I think he is afraid of me losing too much weight so he cooks to keep me fat. lol
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    He's in the middle. He's more supportive now than when I first started. When I first started running in the mornings in the summer of '10, he would get annoyed and hug me tight to keep me from getting out of bed. Now, when I get out of bed to work out, he just rolls over and says "okay". lol He still buys his junk food (but eats it so fast, that it's not a problem for me - and sometimes I'll eat a couple chips but I can keep my hand out of the bag better than a couple years ago when I first gained the weight).

    If we eat out or order in and I agree to something, he'll ask if I'm sure, and usually he's good when I say no, that he can order, and I'll cook my dinner, or ask for a place where I can have a healthier option.

    He doesn't work out, but sometimes he'll suggest we take the dog for a walk - granted, a walk to him is 5 minutes; a walk to me is 30-45! lol
  • CrazyAdventure
    CrazyAdventure Posts: 113 Member
    My husband has been great lately, once he started in on the mission. Before he would push for things like pizza and chipotle (mmm Chipotle...), but now he realizes how hard it is to lose weight with those types of things around. He was never unsupportive on purpose by any means. It is still hard to watch him be able to eat double what I do because he of course needs more calories.

    Now he works out and encourages me to work out. It's almost a competition because we have money jars that we add to every time we work out (just $1 per workout) and we tease when one of us is up by a dollar or two.

    Anyway, great topic and it's been nice to read others' journeys with their SOs.
  • SweetProgression
    SweetProgression Posts: 65 Member
    he complicates... See he'll bring yogurt one week and cupcakes the next... I wanna scream lll
  • Burgergrl
    total saboteur.
  • britts09
    I have been with my boyfriend for 10 years. He complicates....he is 6'4" and 320 pounds whereas I am 5'3" and about 115 pounds. Every time I try to eat better he tries to play the guilt trip on me and says, "But I don't want you to lose your curves!". He eats enough for 3 people to say the least.......
  • Cris725
    Cris725 Posts: 81
    Thats easy to answer. He complicates things. He loves anything with sugar in it. Candy, brownies, ice cream......Its an issue. And even though he's drinking more water, he wont stop with the soda. Luckily I havent been craving it. Though the other day I got upset with him because we went to the store and he asked me if I wanted a soda. I asked him why he would ask me that. I havent had any soda in nearly a month!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    He used to be a hindrance. He had a very negative approach to motivation that just made me feel bad. Now, he is nothing but encouraging. the more seriously I take it, the more seriously he takes it. He even bought a polar HRM to use at the gym. He kicks me out of the house to go to the gym. It's a good thing because I'll procrastinate or find something to do. I have to say it's a lot easier with his encouragement than without it.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    My Dear Hubby, JavaJunki, is also on MFP -

    He is the best friend and support I've ever had.

    He gets up in the morning, makes my breakfast smoothie, packs my lunch, and encourages me to drink water.

    We exercise together often.

    He weighs my foods and calls out the grams while I'm posting them to my diary.

    He tells me I'm beautiful, all the time.

    He's lost ... um, 30+ lbs already, too.

    He's a great friend! :flowerforyou:
  • jlong7774
    jlong7774 Posts: 64 Member
    My wife has been very supportive in MFP. She understands what MFP is doing to help me lose weight. She encourages me to use my phone when entering my phone diary at a restaurant. Recently she got an iPhone for Christmas since her phone was on it's last leg and we got the iPhone so she could use MFP.
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    My husband is very supportive in the complimenting me and it seems he desires me a little more than when I was 70 lbs more and he understands when I make things for me and not the rest of the family, however like many of the others he does require his snacks, the good thing he keeps them in his man cave room as he calls it so they are out of my sight. When I make some meals he also dont mind if I replace things with like ground turkey or whole wheat pasta so he is supportive in that area as well, so he is great and reaping benefits from my weight loss as well
  • McMeggers
    McMeggers Posts: 22 Member
    :cry: i hate to say it but my boyfriend is a bit of hindrance we are on the oppisate ends of the diet /weight scale he is 5'11 146 lbs and he has the metabolism that we would pretty much all kill for. He is supportive of my weight loss he will tell me good job, occasiaonaly i can drag him to the gym and he will lift weights while i do my cardio. the issue is when i ask him to help me by not eating bad food he says " youre the one trying to lose wight not me " and all he eats is burgerking, hot dogs, pizza , cake etc and he dosent gain an inch! its maddening his whole family is like that im the fat girl in a sea of people with perfect bodies. It gives my already six feet under self esteem another kick
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    My wife and I took this journey together. We both lost a large amount of weight.
  • Victoriav99
    Victoriav99 Posts: 260 Member
    I would say he is supportive. If we have something that is not so healthy I'll eat half of it and give the rest to him so it doesn't tempt me. He's lucky enough to be thin and not worry too much about weight gain. He always tells me how much hotter I am and I've only lost 10 lbs. .
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    He is good at keeping me moderate, we are seperated right now but when he was local it was the same way, since we would eat one meal a day together and sometimes not even that the majority of my diet was out of sight, but if we are eating together he doesnt want to hear a word about a diet, we mostly eat out together so it would shock him if I ordered something obviously unhealthy of a side like mac n cheese, but if he takes me to a burger joint Ill get a burger, if we go for pizza Ill get a pizza,sometimes if Im a but untsable a salad, but if I eat more of a portion than I should he usually will point out to me in that gentle way he does that if I eat anymore I will feel guilty later and its best if I dont. And hes so right, there is a certain amount of calories im ok consuming and after that I feel terribly guilty and will skip a few meals to make up for it. Its different losing weight being legitimitly over weight after having struggled with anorexia, I think he approves of me losing about 20 more pounds but not much more than that, he would be unhappy if I gained weight for sure, but he is also ok with me being at this weight forever, hes no ok with me acting strangely to lose weight or over eating in a glutiny sort of way. He always points out if hes noticed Ive lsot weight or if a part of me is firmer, but he has never called me fat, hes commented that my tummy is rounded, which it is, but again it was in a loving way, his belly is rounded and hes very thin. When i eat I look pregnant, it gets all swollen and rounded.

    Id say hes good for my sanity over all and good for a gradual loss
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    I guess I am the only one who has a completely NON supportive husband. That is why I joined MFP. I have found many freinds on here to give me the support I need because I know I will not get it from him. I cannot wait for the day I am to my goal weight with a smoking hot body, then maybe he will actually be supportive OR at least acknowledge that I was successful this time. AND that I did it without his support and help.

    I hear ya, i loathe being fat it makes me depressed, but he doesn't realize that my weight is causing it, plus he is like 5'7" and 200 lbs and thinks he is fine, he constantly wants to eat out and i have no will power so i cave some times as long as he doesn't mention eating out or putting the idea in my head then i am fine but once it is there it nags. This year he said his resolution, but yesterday he told me that when i mention the word "calories" he stops listening... so much for that resolution
  • loripop666
    well my partner is quite supportive. he love doing his weights etc and i join him doing excersise. i wouldnt do as much as i do without him. but then sometimes its hard, because he (like all of us) likes chocolate cakes etc and so do my sons. i find that if i bake cakes just after my lunch im not tempted to have any of them. :flowerforyou:
  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member
    I'm lucky to have the most supportive husband. We own our own business, so he works very long irregular hours sometimes, but he makes every effort to be home to watch the kids so I can go to the gym. He doesn't complain about the changes I have made in our meals. I could go on and on...
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    I have a wonderful husband, on one hand he supports me cheers me on, but he will say things like you can lose all the weight you want but don't lose your booty.....and wants fried potatoes for sausage and eggs for breakfast. sometime i have the will power to not eat it other times i have a bite of each and then im satisfied.
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    Mine is fantastic. He listens to me moan & whinge.
    He does think though that I'm fine as I am and that everyone should eat & enjoy life rather than diet & be miserable, however he understands that I'm not happy like this and does everything I need him to to help me get where I want to be.
    I would not be out exercising (for the first time in almost forever) without him coming along for the ride (literally) - I find it far easier (& less embarrassing) with company.