Who works out 5 days a week?



  • daryls
    daryls Posts: 260
    Monday - Spinning Class (1 hr)
    Tuesday - Spinning Class (1 hr)
    Wednesday - Circuit Training (1 hr)
    Thursday - Step Aerobics (1 hr)
    Friday - rest
    Saturday - Circuit Training (1 hr)
    Sunday - rest or hike/run (3-5 miles)
  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 618 Member
    Monday: Body Attack and Zumba
    Tuesday: Teach Zumba and light run
    Wednesday: Body Step and Body Combat
    Thursday: Teach Zumbatomic, Teach Zumba and light run
    Friday: Body Step and Body Balance
    Saturday: Long run
    Sunday: Body Attack and Body Balance

    I've been told I have to plan in a rest day so I will move my long run to Sunday, cancel Sunday classes and hav a Saturday rest day.
  • rosebayer
    rosebayer Posts: 27 Member
    Monday - Friday: Military Fitness with a retired Sgt.
    Monday, Wednesday: Beginning Swimming
    Saturday: Yoga + my own gym time depending on how many calories I consume that day.
  • nette_65
    nette_65 Posts: 22 Member
    I don't exactly work out but I do more exercise a week than I ever used to.
    I have to take the bus to work and after getting off the bus, I walk for 25-30 minutes to my work place, same again going home but in reverse.
    I try to do a couple of 30 minute walks at the weekend too. I don't power walk or anything but even going at a slow/dog walking pace is still burning calories.

    But oh dear, maybe I should've read all the other posts before I admitted to my 'exercise' regime lol
    Hey ho, every little help!
  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    I work out five days a week and my rest day depends on what day I have to go to work. But usually:

    Monday-Stairmaster, Crossramp, Elliptical or Treadmill

    Tues-Circuit Training

    Wed-Spin class

    Thursday-Same as Monday

    Friday-Circuit Training

    Saturday-Step class
  • kcgslp
    kcgslp Posts: 212
    I do 6-7 days a week

    Monday- Les Mills Group Fitness Class- BODYATTACK (High Intensity Intervals Training)
    & Pilates Group Fitness
    Tuesday- BODYATTACK class
    Wednesday- 3-5 mile run
    Thursday- 3-5 mile run
    Friday- BODY ATTACK
    Saturday- Les Mills Group Fitness (either Spin or Dance) or Rest
    Sunday- Long Run 6-8 miles

    The classes keep me at the gym. I hate to miss a class and I know I have to get my runs in so I end up with a pretty full workout schedule. But when life gets in the way and I need to miss a day, I have no guilt because I know I've got a plan.
  • ifucsam
    ifucsam Posts: 40
    I usually do 5 or 6 but never less than 4 unless I'm really busy. I try and do at least 20 minutes of good cardio. I do Zumba, the Just Dance games and hula hooping! When it's warmer I bike but it's not so warm here right now!
  • ChRiStA_1983
    ChRiStA_1983 Posts: 380 Member
    I actually work out six...I'm a runner, so running comprises most of my training regimen...

    Mondays - Body Attack (an intense 60 minute cardio and strength class) at the gym.
    Tuesdays - Easy Run OR Tempo Run (if Wednesday is a hill workout)
    Wednesdays - Speed or Hill work (alternating weeks)
    Thursdays - Body Attack (45 minute format, plus a few minutes on the treadmill, usually)
    Fridays - Easy Run
    Saturdays - Rest OR Long Run
    Sundays - Rest OR Long Run (depending upon whether I ran or rested on the Saturday)...

    That's pretty much my typical routine. Occasionally I'll take an extra day off, but usually it's 6 days a week. I love it! :)

    * Edited for a spelling error. I can't stand making spelling mistakes! :)
  • Dickersondiva
    Dickersondiva Posts: 97 Member
    M-rest or Cross Train
    T- Run 3 miles plus weights
    W- 5 miles (or more depending on what week of training calls for) run
    Th- 3-4 miles run, weights
    F - rest (or cross train)
    Sat - Long run (anything from 6-20 miles depending on what week of training I am in)
    Sun - rest or Cross Train (depends on how week goes and if long run is on Sat or Sun)

    I do anything from BodyPump or Spin classes to ARC Trainer and CrossFit workouts for my Cross training days.

    How did you get to the point where you run 20 miles? OMG...Couch 2 5K?
  • daisy5454
    I work shift work so I fit in workouts on whichever day suits. I generally do 3 gym sessions of 40 mins crosstrainer/threadmill/erg combo then 2 days of swimming 40 lengths and some weights.
  • kruggsy
    kruggsy Posts: 23 Member
    My schedule looks a bit like this;
    Mon-Gym mixture of cardio and weights 1hr
    Wed-as Mon
    Thurs-Zumba 1hr
    Fri-Zumba or rest if knackered
    Sat-Gym cardio and weights 1 hr.
    So please tell me trainer why I still can't lose weight?
  • SerenityRabit
    Generally 5 days a week, unless something happens
    monday, tues,thurs,fri:20 minutes ellipitical, level 10. Gotta work them thigh and butt muscles!20 minutes strength, 10 stretch. Sometimes more or less of everything.
    wensday:30-hour of dance, 30 minutes pilates.
    all in all...Its the same pretty much, uping or lowering intensity and amount...
  • Dustinryan24
    Dustinryan24 Posts: 233 Member
    i recently changed my strength training, and im gettting better lifts already..
    MONDAY- chest, triceps, shoulders
    cardio: either a 1 mile run, or 22 minute interval
    TUESDaY- back, and biceps
    WEDNESDAY- legs, and abs
    some cardio after
    THURSEDAY-same as monday, but no cardio
    FRIDAY- same as tuesday, but i run around 3 or 4 miles hard
    SATURDAY-same as wednesday
    SUNDAY- rest day
  • Carrin817
    Carrin817 Posts: 21 Member
    Couch 2 5k 3x week
    Walk at least 60 minutes on Nordic Track 3-4 days
    Jillian Michael's 6 Week 6 Pack 2x week

    I juat started the Jillian DVD this week. I'm on week 4 of the Couch 2 5K (not getting any easier)! I try not to take any days off because I know I would feel bad about myself if I did. Its weird to go from a "sit on thecouch everynight & watch TV" kind of gal to a "I've gotta get some kind of burn in everyday" kind of person!
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    I try to be active everyday but I work out about 5 days a week.
    Mondays- 60 Min Body Pump Class 60 Min Gym (Cardio+Strength)
    Tuesdays-Gym 60 Min, Rec Volleyball 90 Min
    Wednesdays- 60 Min Body Pump Class 60 Min Gym (Cardio+Strength)
    Thursdays-Volleyball 90 Min (Sometimes I do gym as well, depends)
    Fridays-I usually do a run or hit the gym for 60 mins
    Saturdays-I usually take them off!
    Sundays-Sometimes I do a run, especially if I didn't Friday.

    This is rough because I don't have a set schedule at work. It changes every week but I try to work out least 5 times, even if its just a session of volleyball - gotta keep moving. :)
  • Wottie72
    Wottie72 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm mum to 3 young boys so I work out at home when they've gone to bed using the wii.

    Mon & Tues Wii Active personal trainer 2 (I do a six week programe)

    Wed - Zumba 2

    Thurs & Frin Wii Active personal trainer

    Weekends off although I do try to some walking at least.
  • kcgslp
    kcgslp Posts: 212
    Monday: Body Attack and Zumba
    Tuesday: Teach Zumba and light run
    Wednesday: Body Step and Body Combat
    Thursday: Teach Zumbatomic, Teach Zumba and light run
    Friday: Body Step and Body Balance
    Saturday: Long run
    Sunday: Body Attack and Body Balance

    I've been told I have to plan in a rest day so I will move my long run to Sunday, cancel Sunday classes and hav a Saturday rest day.

    Body Attack is my most favorite class!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    4 days for me:

    Sat - Chest/Tri's/Core
    Sun - Legs
    Tues - Shoulders/Traps/Core
    Thurs - Back/Bi's/Calves

    When I switch from bulk to cut I'll throw a couple of cardio days in on the off days.

  • missym357
    missym357 Posts: 210 Member
    I do a zumba toning class on mondays, 25minutes of cardio (stairmill or similar) + weight training (upper body or lower body))on Tuesday, 25 minutes of cardio + weight training on Wed., Zumba on Thursday, zumba or 25 min. cardio on Friday, Body pump on Saturday, Sunday either zumba, downhill skiing, or another class.

    I will have days here or there once a week where I skip my workout. It depends on how I'm feeling or what is going on in my life. I just took an athletic conditioning class and that may become a regular sunday morning thing if I don't go skiing. It involved circuits,strength sets, cardio exercises, etc. It was a full body workout with both strength and cardio components.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    6 days a week doing Turbo Fire here. :)

    Sunday: Lower body class (20 minutes) Abs class (10 minutes) Stretch class (10 minutes)
    Monday: Core class (20 minutes) Upper body class (20 minutes) Stretch class (10 minutes)
    Tuesday: Cardio class (60 minutes) Abs class (10 minutes) Stretch class (10 minutes)
    Wednesday: Tone class (30 minutes) Long stretch class (40 minutes)
    Thursday: HIIT class (30 minutes) Abs (10 minutes) Stretch (10 minutes)
    Friday: Sculpt class (30 minutes) Stretch class (10 minutes)
    Saturday: Rest day (Though sometimes I do Wii Fit stuff for fun and during the summer I'll be swimming / biking / running.)