Who works out 5 days a week?



  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    I do. I do fun classes every evening. I also do the 30 day shred every morning, walk / run on my breaks, just for the stress relief, and I do about 20 minutes of ab exercises every morning. I do it because if I don't, I will get out of my routine, and I cannot mindlessly eat if I am doing something physical.
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    I do too

    Monday - workout dvd at home in the morning.

    Tuesday - Workout dvd at home, walk with the double buggy

    Wednesday - Workout dvd at home, school run x2 (on foot pushing double buggy), running club at night.

    Thursday - Zumba class, step class, spin class

    Friday - Gym

    Saturday - day off might have a gentle walk with the kids.

    Sunday - morning swim. .
  • slayerdan
    slayerdan Posts: 193
    6 most weeks---with two a days on days off. Our bodies are way more durable than people give them credit for.
  • This varies, but for the most part...
    Mon - spinning (1 hour) or step class
    Tuesday - strength training (class at gym) 1 hour
    Wed. - 3-5 miles
    Thurs - pilates (1 hr) and 30 minutes on the elliptical
    Sat and/or Sun - some type of cardio - kickboxing, running, elliptical - for at least 45 minutes

    When I'm training for half marathon, I do 3 days of running - 1 slow and light run for 3-5 miles, 1 interval run of 3-5 miles, and 1 long run. I then have a day for dedicated to each of the following: strength training, stretching (pilates/yoga) and an extra day (or 2) of cardio other than running.
  • I lift weights three times a week. The other two days I take a class at the gym - spinning or HIIT usually. I'm following the "New Rules of Lifting for Women" regime.
  • preacher_lady
    preacher_lady Posts: 39 Member
    I am a SilverSneakers Group Instructor and I have six classes that I teach every week. I also do Total Body and Zumba at least once a week. In addition I workout in the gym with weights and strength training and elliptical and also work on changes to my classes at home, step exercises, etc., so I get quite a bit of extra exercise. I am passionate about diet and exercise and trying to get the older generation to be healthier.

    Monday AM: Total Body and SilverSneakers MSROM (Muscular Strength, Range of Movement - includes cardio, strength training, balance, range of movement - a Total Body Class for Seniors)
    PM: Zumba (when I'm not ministering in prison)
    Tuesday AM: SilverSneakers CardioFit
    Wed. AM: SilverSneakers MSROM
    Thursday AM: SilverSneakers YogaStretch and CardioFit (2 classes)
    PM: Zumba
    Friday AM: SilverSneakers Cardio Circuit
    I also go to a Zumba class on Saturday morning most weeks.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    For the next 5 weeks this is what my schedule looks like

    Sun - P90X<2 Chest, Back and Balance / X2 Ab Ripper
    Mon - P90X<2 Plyocide
    Tues - BootCamp360 - 1 hr kick *kitten* bootcamp session. Various Muscle Groups each week with intense cardio
    Wed - P90X<2 Shoulders and Arm / X2 Ab Ripper
    Thurs - BootCamp360 - 1 hr kick *kitten* bootcamp session. Various Muscle Groups each week with intense cardio
    Fri - P90X<2 Base and Back / X2 Ab Ripper
    Sat - P90X<2 X2 Core

    Then I go into phase 3-
    I have no planned rest days because life has a way of throwing you a reset day anyway.
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 350 Member
    I work out at least five, sometimes six days a week.
    I attend WVU and we have an AMAZING student recreational center, complete with swimming pool, rock climbing walls, tons of machines, an indoor track, basketball courts, etc.
    I just go to the Rec every day and kill at least an hour doing anything & everything I can. My favorite = the elliptical machines. <3

    Go Mountaineers! Woo!
  • Monday, Wednesday, & Saturday: AquaFit for 60 minutes
    Tuesdays and Fridays: Personal Trainer for Strength Training 30 minutes
    plus I don't drive so I walk to and from the bus

    Seems to be working...81 pounds so far!
  • slmclellan
    slmclellan Posts: 6 Member
    On a good week this is what my schedule looks like:

    Sunday - 60 minBody Pump (barbell) class and soccer game at night
    Monday - 45 min deep water running
    Wednesday - 60 min Kickboxing class
    Thursday - 30 minute pump class and 30 minute ab class
    Saturday - 60 minute pump class

    On a really good week I can add in a class on Tuesday
  • I work out 7 days a week. my routine usually varies, i dont have a set schedule, but i do it everyday. generally i run, walk and do jillian michaels 30ds. soon i will be starting zumba and then on to shaun t's rockin body. :)
  • Yeah, currently doing the 30 day shred on mondays, wednesdays and thursdays and body combat on tuesday and wednesday, As well as walking a mile to the train station and back everyday
  • run4yourlife
    run4yourlife Posts: 379 Member
    I'm currently training for a 30K and here's what my schedule looks like:

    Monday - Strength Training, 50-60 min TM run (speed, intervals)
    Tuesday - rest
    Wednesday - Strength Training, 50-60 min hill run
    Thursday - rest
    Friday - Strength Training, 40 min stair climber
    Saturday - long run increasing throughout my training
    Sunday - Spinning

    I prefer to include Spinning and stairs as opposed to all running even when training for a race because it gives me variety and hopefully decreases the likelihood of injury.
  • lripson28
    lripson28 Posts: 213 Member
    Monday, Tuesday and Thursday- 1 hour- 1 1/2 hour- ellitpical, treadmill and bike
    Wednesday- hour of Pilates
    Friday- hour of Zumba
    Saturday and Sunday- either a Jillian Michaels DVD or Zumba DVD at home if I'm not busy
  • supergr33n
    supergr33n Posts: 69 Member
    Cardio: Kickboxing M/W/F, Zumba T/Th
    Strength: bodyrock.tv routine each day.

    Though while I'm doing physical therapy these 2 weeks, it's been mostly water aerobics/ calisthenics, or some yoga.
  • hkulbacki
    hkulbacki Posts: 187 Member
    Let's preface this by saying I'm a Marathoner (4th one coming up in May) and a wanna-be Duathloner (did my first 3 last summer and loved it!!)

    5:30 am - Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30, followed by 6 Week 6 Pack
    5:30-ish pm - bike - trainer or rollers this time of year

    5:30 am - Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30, followed by Killer Buns and Thighs
    5:30-ish pm - run - currently at 7 miles with the marathon training

    5:30 am - Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30
    lunchtime - run - speed day - either hill sprints or intervals

    5:30 am - Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30, followed by 6 Week 6 Pack
    lunchtime - run - easy 5 miles
    5:30-ish pm - bike - trainer or rollers

    5:30 am - Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30, followed by Killer Buns and Thighs
    lunchtime - run - easy 4 miles

    Run - distance varies with event training, yesterday was 14 miles

    Bike or rest - would prefer biking but I'm a wimp in the cold, today I walked to the grocery store for a few things - 1.5 miles

    I'm considering the Jillian Michaels workouts my base strength training, currently using 8 lb weights, once I get through all 4 weeks of Ripped in 30 I'll drop back to week 1 and bump up to 12 lb weights.
    4 weeks with the 12 lb weights should time out nicely to warmer weather, then the morning strength will be replaced by running, the lunchtime runs will be replaced with a couple times per week with Jillian Michaels just to maintain the muscle I've built and I'll be so excited to add more outdoor biking back in after work about 4 days/week with a long ride on the weekend.
  • Sixalicious
    Sixalicious Posts: 283 Member
    Monday: Body Pump (1 hr) followed by Cardio (30-60 minutes depending on my mood.
    Tuesday: Off - Sometimes I do cardio for up to an hour
    Wednesday: Body Flow (1 hr) followed by Cardio (30-60 minutes depending on my mood)
    Thursday: Off - Sometimes I do cardio for up to an hour.
    Friday: Morning workout: Body Pump (1 hr) followed by Body Flow (45 minutes)
    Evening workout: Cardio (30-45 minutes)
    Saturday: Cardio (60 minutes) and Circuit (30 minutes)
    Sunday: Cardio (60 minutes)

    My real deal workouts are M/W/F. Those are my group sessions and alone time workouts that allow me to go at a more intense pace. If I work out on Tuesday or Thursday it's because I'm trying to keep others motivated. I exercise at a slower pace. On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I workout with my thirteen year old, my husband and a couple of friends. My husband works out with my friends husband and I workout with my friend to help her reach her goals. If it's just me and my daughter working out then the intensity depends on my mood or her challenge. If I work out with my friend, I go at a slower pace because I have to keep her engaged to make sure she doesn't give up.
  • I usually do between 5 & 6 days a weekfor 60 mins of cardio.
    Weights 4-5 days a week for 20-30 mins.
    At home yoga once or twice a week between 30-60 mins.

    I love working out. :-D
  • stefanieanne14
    stefanieanne14 Posts: 119 Member
    Monday - Step class
    Tuesday - eliptical + bike for a 500ish calorie burn
    Wednesday - eliptical for 30 min and body pump class
    Thursday - step class
    Friday - zumba
    Saturday - Step class + body pump class
    Sunday - step class

    All the classes are at 24 hour fitness and last 55 minutes.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    If you workout 5 days a week you're amazing and keep it up. Let me know what your routine looks like, Im a personal trainer so im interested in getting a lot of viewpoints on how and why people do what they do at the gym. Feel free to add me.

    It might not be what some folks consider a workout, but I do qigong every day. I think it's a very effective and fun exercise and it's recommended you do it daily. I do miss a day now and then if something is going on in my life that prevents me from it. But generally I get it in.

    Of course, if you're lifting weights and that sort of thing, you probably wouldn't want to do that every day. I used to do that every other day and sometimes less if I did HIT.